Live Theme Previews

Try on New Themes

Gone are the days of rushing to update your header, background, and the like as soon as you activate a new theme. You can now customize these options before activating a new theme. Note: This feature is available for installed themes only.

Customize Current Theme

Satisfy your curiosity and try on a fresh coat of paint --- you can also use the live preview mode to customize your current theme. Look for the Customize button on the Themes screen.

Custom Headers

Flexible Sizes

You can decide for yourself how tall or wide your custom header image should be. From now on, themes will provide a recommended image size for custom headers rather than a fixed requirement. Note: this feature requires theme support.

Choose from Media Library

Tired of re-uploading the same custom header image every time you check out a new theme? Now you can choose header images from your media library for easier customization.

Image Captions

HTML Support

Basic HTML support has been added to the caption field in the image uploader. This allows you to add links --- great for photo credits or licensing details --- and basic formatting such as bold and italicized text.