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{13} Has Patch (2110 matches)

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Results (2101 - 2110 of 2110)

Next Release (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#60597 Script Modules API: Allow list of enqueued module data to be exposed Script Loader normal normal 6.8 enhancement has-patch 01/01/2025
#62711 `external-http` test failures in 4.1-4.5 branches Security normal normal 6.8 defect (bug) has-patch 01/16/2025
#58765 the_block_template_skip_link() - XSS vulnerability - Apply FIX Security normal normal 6.8 enhancement has-patch 11/19/2024
#62101 Add a filter to customize the URL for page caching check in Site Health Site Health normal normal 6.8 enhancement has-patch 01/22/2025
#61892 Enqueue `classic-theme-styles` earlier in editor styles Themes normal normal 6.8 defect (bug) has-patch 10/22/2024
#62378 Allow patterns files to be divided into sub folders inside the main "patterns" folder Themes normal normal 6.8 enhancement has-patch 01/22/2025
#62261 Theme JSON: cached resolved URIs Themes normal normal 6.8 enhancement has-patch 10/21/2024
#62368 Edit site, Ambiguity and inconsistency of the admin bar link to the site editor Toolbar normal normal 6.8 enhancement changes-requested 01/31/2025
#62029 Do not bloat Debug Log with Scraping home page… when auto upgrade is OK Upgrade/Install normal normal 6.8 defect (bug) has-patch 11/15/2024
#43318 New filter suggestion for manage_users-network_custom_column Users normal normal 6.8 enhancement has-patch 02/07/2025
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