Make WordPress Core

{15} Has Patch and Needs Testing (538 matches)

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  • Accepted tickets have an '*' appended to their owner's name

Results (401 - 500 of 538)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Future Releases (99 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#45035 allow register_post_type() arg to control whether a CPT's counts are added to the "At a Glance" Dashboard widget Posts, Post Types normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 08/16/2019
#7231 wp_link_pages: option next_and_number sorich87* Posts, Post Types normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 03/15/2019
#43923 Add a step to the Data Removal/Erasure UX for deleting a user account Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 07/06/2020
#43880 Add functionality to add an anonymous user an get its ID for anonymization of data related to a WordPress user. tz-media Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 07/09/2018
#43809 Add personal data from posts to personal data export tz-media Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 12/18/2019
#43879 Add tools for anonymizing of post authors tz-media Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/07/2020
#43437 Add way for registered users to request deletion or anonymization of their private data Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 10/17/2020
#43738 Make the personal data Export/Delete functionality available in network-wide for super admins Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/07/2020
#44500 Mark data requests failed when an expired link is clicked Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/06/2018
#49602 New design for Privacy settings page and hooks Privacy normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 12/16/2020
#44267 Privacy Request List Table: A way to show the time of request when it's older than 24 hours. Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 01/27/2019
#44179 Use wp_update_comment instead of $wpdb->update $wpdb->comments when anonymizing comments Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/16/2020
#57416 Do not split query if requesting one post spacedmonkey Query normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 07/12/2024
#48193 Improve the WordPress loop Query normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 01/20/2024
#40434 Optimize SQL in Admin - In the Post/CPT List `wp-admin/edit.php` > the function get_posts() Query normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 01/17/2018
#56689 Use WP_Query in get_page_by_path spacedmonkey Query normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 02/07/2023
#53450 [WP_Meta_Query] Add faster LIKE based 'STARTSWITH' and 'ENDSWITH' compare modes for value query Query normal trivial Future Release enhancement needs-docs 09/20/2022
#17019 add hooks for Media Library attachment counts SergeyBiryukov Query normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/21/2024
#43842 get_children() function enhancement. Query normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 01/16/2019
#40525 apply_filters_deprecated() in WP_Rewrite SergeyBiryukov Rewrite Rules normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 06/01/2021
#42404 Introduce singular capabilities for managing individual plugins Role/Capability normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/18/2018
#22249 Add ability to set or remove attributes on enqueued scripts and styles. Script Loader normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 06/02/2022
#48880 Using JSON.parse instead of an actual object literal when localizing scripts Script Loader normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 12/06/2019
#38474 wp_signups.activation_key stores activation keys in plain text SergeyBiryukov Security normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 04/23/2024
#50683 Parse content for shortcodes instead of using regex johnbillion Shortcodes normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 06/17/2024
#47528 Site Health: Add test for file checksums Site Health normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/08/2023
#26268 Add UI to Category page to indicate default category helen Taxonomy normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/06/2019
#57586 term_exists() return type not consistent regarding wp_insert_term() Taxonomy normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 09/15/2023
#33600 Add `theme_mods_{$stylesheet}` option during `populate_options()` Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 04/17/2018
#40508 Add new do_action after load template files Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 12/05/2018
#54829 Allow classic themes to be optionally block themes if 'templates' and 'parts' folders exists Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 09/13/2022
#47002 Create wp_theme_directory_constants() function and dynamic WordPress Themes folder Themes normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 04/25/2019
#41362 Make locate_template() filterable to change the template locations Themes normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 10/04/2019
#57789 Make theme.json related caches persistent joemcgill Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/24/2024
#52294 add_editor_style: Allow replacing a style with an RTL version Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/30/2024
#32678 Audit toolbar links and content helen Toolbar normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/27/2020
#34986 Add Upgrade Notice for Themes Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 06/21/2023
#17301 Keep the connection open when doing upgrades or long-running operations dd32 Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 06/01/2021
#48477 Add a hook before creating image sub-sizes Upload normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 02/10/2020
#45725 Unable to use the UPLOADS constant with WordPress in a different directory Upload normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-docs 01/16/2019
#41757 Add action inside of add_new_user_to_blog() function Users low minor Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/26/2017
#39242 Add caching to count_user_posts() whyisjake* Users normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 01/03/2025
#43680 Add new filter to WP_User_Query SergeyBiryukov Users normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/24/2018
#53889 Adding Pronouns field on the user meta Users normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 09/21/2021
#49258 Improper Session Termination Users normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 08/23/2023
#12295 More support to customize user profile edit page nacin* Users normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 06/23/2022
#58103 Show user roles when deleting users audrasjb Users normal normal Future Release enhancement changes-requested 02/12/2024
#44921 User nicename discovery is slow to return pbearne* Users normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 01/15/2025
#44347 WP allows creating username that is already used email address Users normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/02/2019
#25419 Add icon support for widgets on the admin page and customize screens Widgets low minor Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 03/05/2018
#41081 Improve Custom Menu widget, show notification if menu is empty or no menu selected mdifelice Widgets normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 06/08/2022
#53816 Overview: Refactor the widgets read/write logic Widgets normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-docs 09/29/2023
#39699 Filter to check XML-RPC data before any DB insertion XML-RPC normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/03/2017
#16612 WordPress should return nocache headers for requests with comment cookies Comments normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#16576 comment_form() fields being displayed only for non logged in users Comments normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#22330 Optimize regexes to remove protocol from URL Formatting normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#12084 allow preserving HTML in the_excerpt (specify allowed tags for strip_tags in wp_trim_excerpt) Formatting normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#28059 Inline image attachments with wp_mail() Mail normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#31945 Deleting a user without reassigning should have clearer messaging about the implications Media normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#32544 No function exposes all supported MIME types octalmage Media low normal enhancement has-patch 09/17/2024
#29727 Porting self-hosted Wordpress to HTTPS: mixed content Media normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#36916 Refactor EditAttachments frame to work outside Media Library admin page Media normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#22100 Treat built-in image sizes the same as custom image sizes Media normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#32956 Adding Extra Table Navigation To Multisite Site list Networks and Sites normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#31240 Combine domain and path UI in Add New Site flow Networks and Sites normal normal enhancement has-patch 09/17/2024
#37040 Enhancement: new function to validate a transient exists, and isn't expired without extra query pbearne Options, Meta APIs normal normal enhancement has-patch 05/27/2024
#24241 Whitelist trackbacks/pingbacks from own site Pings/Trackbacks normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#10219 "Older Entries" and "Newer Entries" links are wrong when entries displayed in ascending order Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#36237 Add filter for post statuses in quickedit Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#12726 Add get_post_by_*() functions Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#16706 Queries using "category__and" are slow on large databases chriscct7 Query normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#24837 querying optimization for category AND searching Taxonomy normal normal enhancement has-patch 03/13/2024
#23669 Allow front page template to fall back to home template when site displays blog posts index on front page Themes normal normal enhancement close 06/04/2019
#19579 Make get_search_form() more filterable/extensible Themes normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#33405 Pagination - use of helip / "..." not logic in some cases Themes lowest trivial enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#22921 Allow get_users() to return array of values via 'fields' parameter Users normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 04/14/2021
#12960 Number of posts on the Users page should include drafts and pending review Users normal normal enhancement has-patch 04/08/2020
#27888 Feature request: `get_current_admin_url()` and `get_current_admin_hook()` lucatume Administration normal normal Awaiting Review feature request needs-unit-tests 12/11/2019
#41535 Prevent or warn about offline status before submitting a form Administration normal normal Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 02/19/2019
#25117 The distribution build process should be fully available to anyone. Build/Test Tools normal normal Future Release feature request has-patch 07/04/2019
#16252 Allow comment reparenting to fix poor threading Comments normal normal Future Release feature request has-patch 11/23/2023
#15332 dbDelta($query) - do not create view Database normal normal Future Release feature request needs-unit-tests 07/30/2018
#23431 [embed] shortcode doesn't work with do_shortcode() Embeds normal normal Future Release feature request needs-unit-tests 07/15/2022
#38100 Gallery Caption Filter Gallery normal normal Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 11/30/2018
#34058 Proposal: wp_get_archives_object() function General normal normal Future Release feature request has-patch 07/05/2021
#54327 Support wp_die from array print General normal normal Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 10/28/2021
#47605 Email sender name change with site title in wp-includes/pluggable.php Mail normal normal Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 01/03/2020
#15953 when category slug is changed, old uri also should redirect to new, as post uris do SergeyBiryukov Permalinks normal normal Future Release feature request dev-feedback 05/25/2023
#41564 Search for hyphenated post templates for post types with underscores Posts, Post Types normal normal Awaiting Review feature request dev-feedback 08/13/2017
#12684 Add Edit to Bulk Actions menu on Categories screen dipalidhole27gmailcom Quick/Bulk Edit normal normal Future Release feature request has-patch 02/08/2023
#40485 Add function for retrieving metadata from registered script Script Loader normal normal Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 06/07/2017
#49588 Cannot remove <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"> Widgets normal minor Awaiting Review feature request needs-unit-tests 03/07/2020
#29728 Could be very useful 'wp_remove_nav_menu_item' Menus normal normal feature request has-patch 06/04/2019
#14460 New Permission for no_user_edit so users with edit_users can't edit it Users normal normal feature request dev-feedback 06/05/2019
#31823 Add ESLint integration swissspidy Build/Test Tools normal normal Future Release task (blessed) has-patch 06/28/2024
#41870 Code Editor: Add grunt task for building new CodeMirror bundles from external dependencies adamsilverstein Build/Test Tools normal normal Future Release task (blessed) has-patch 01/30/2022
#51812 Update jQuery step three SergeyBiryukov External Libraries normal normal Future Release task (blessed) has-patch 01/27/2024
#12706 Custom post status bugs Posts, Post Types normal normal Future Release task (blessed) needs-unit-tests 09/10/2024
#18289 Direct link to plugin installation should have admin chrome Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release task (blessed) has-patch 08/02/2022

Next Release (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#52116 Twenty Twenty: Menu + Search can cause a scroll jump on close williampatton Bundled Theme normal normal 6.8 defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/22/2024
1 2 3 4 5 6
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