Make WordPress Core

{16} Needs Patch (3382 matches)

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Results (301 - 400 of 3382)

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Future Releases (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#58389 Enable auto-updates for plugins installed from the Plugins Add New Screen Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 08/05/2024
#57269 Get site URL from config instead of the database Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement close 12/05/2022
#39641 Idea: Move "Updates" from "Dashboard" to "Tools" Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 01/20/2017
#28376 Improve error message seen by user in update.php Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 11/02/2017
#51695 Include Upgrade Notice in post-auto-update emails Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/05/2021
#12671 Installer page doesn't check if MySQL tables were created successfully Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement 12/15/2018
#51540 Iterations to updates screen Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 02/17/2021
#41597 Language pack download requires too broad file system permissions Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 08/11/2017
#14393 Maintenance mode overkill. Please refine usage of it Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement 03/18/2017
#37484 Make form in request_filesystem_credentials() in line with WP admin form styling / HTML structure / security Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/29/2020
#11869 Multisite upgrade notice at wpmu-upgrade-site.php isn't steadily visible. Upgrade/Install normal minor Future Release enhancement 04/23/2017
#45437 On plugin update screen, offer more information and options Upgrade/Install normal minor Future Release enhancement 08/29/2023
#50674 Plugin and Theme Update Hooks pbiron* Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 10/19/2020
#60692 Plugin dependencies: Allow a mu-plugin to fulfil a dependency Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 11/21/2024
#59182 Plugin/theme zip update screen max-width Upgrade/Install normal minor Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 08/26/2023
#30559 Plugins and themes translations aren't downloaded when language is changed Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement 05/06/2019
#47837 Proposal: Componentized Upgrades Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 03/02/2021
#58808 Proposal: track object cache type in update checks Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 07/14/2023
#51496 Scroll to the first plugin which is going to be updated after clicking on 'Apply' while Bulk actions 'Update' is selected to show that process is in a progress. audrasjb Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 06/08/2023
#57280 Security automatic updates for plugins and themes Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 12/06/2022
#49963 Security of failed update/rollback Upgrade/Install normal major Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 04/20/2020
#58380 Setting time limit for updates doesn't always work. pbiron* Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 09/30/2024
#35530 Style and upgrade "Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute." page Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 01/10/2018
#52388 Use HTTPS URL already during installation if supported Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 11/19/2024
#59845 kritischen Fehler seit Update auf WordPress 6.4 Upgrade/Install normal critical Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 11/09/2023
#41241 questioning for sftp-hostname while update does not accept final slash Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 03/22/2023
#62945 Add a Changeloh link near the Update WordPress Button Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review feature request reporter-feedback 02/11/2025
#43916 Auto update translations when the respective plugin/theme is updated Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review feature request dev-feedback 01/06/2019
#43416 Function to Maybe Convert Tables to InnoDB Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 04/17/2023
#45649 Please provide a 'Update Minor' option to the Updates page for minor updates Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 12/15/2018
#49515 SSL requirement during installation with SQL command through admin if mixed content Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review feature request dev-feedback 05/22/2024
#57953 The site is not set auto-update after "define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', false ) Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review feature request reporter-feedback 07/20/2023
#45783 Upgrades Page: Improve design Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 06/05/2021
#20947 feature request: one-click update for core, themes and plugins (all in one) Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review feature request dev-feedback 08/13/2018
#43395 Add Automated E2E Tests for Core Updates Upgrade/Install normal normal task (blessed) 03/04/2020
#50437 Add leniency to the overdue check for plugin and theme auto updates Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 11/19/2024
#61173 Run upgrade tests on PRs and pushes to trunk Upgrade/Install normal normal Awaiting Review task (blessed) 05/08/2024
#31531 Shiny Updates: Updates on update-core.php Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 08/11/2021
#25819 "ms_files_rewriting" site option is not created during upgrades Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#33095 Background updates: Administration blocked Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/05/2019
#29719 Connection error to when HTTP calls disabled Upgrade/Install normal minor defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#26822 During upgrade, no errors thrown when file permissions are wrong Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#26969 Incorrect WP path set when creating a new site with wp in a subfolder Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#25714 Notices with translation upgrade Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#28300 Two issues in the code for auto-uploading to subfolders Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 03/15/2023
#32652 Use `ignore_user_abort()` to avoid some update failures Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 03/15/2023
#27758 WP_Error data is false in _unzip_file_ziparchive Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#35536 WP_Upgrader goes too far up when enumerating parent paths on a network share Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 06/05/2019
#36428 Weird default value of option 'default_link_category' Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/05/2020
#26710 Wrong redirect URL after core update when WP is in subdirectory Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#23487 is_blog_installed gives erroneous result on moved database Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 03/30/2021
#28630 wordpress "check for updates" fails silently behind proxy server with https POST 501 Error Upgrade/Install normal major defect (bug) 10/18/2019
#27814 Automatic updates should not be silently disabled if I have .hg in file system root Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#28845 Better error messages when uploading theme as plugin and vice versa pbiron Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 03/15/2023
#23709 Relax wildcard restrictions for populate_network() when installing in subdomain mode Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#33345 Remove blocking API requests for update checks Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 06/05/2019
#31534 Shiny Updates: Language pack install support Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#31902 Shiny Updates: Language packs updates Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 07/09/2023
#29005 Small Improvements of text in setup-config.php Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 02/06/2020
#34649 Support for filtering constants and .htaccess message in network setup Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 03/15/2023
#17451 Unify plugin update notices and include changelog data nacin* Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#29260 Update site transients response differences Upgrade/Install lowest normal enhancement 06/05/2019
#20437 WP Upgrader filter to allow plugins to upload to existing directory Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#22076 WP Upgrader: update_bulk_plugins_complete_actions and update_bulk_theme_complete_actions should pass information about all plugins/themes to the filter Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#42300 Admin Bar CSS assumes body is not positioned Toolbar normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 12/10/2024
#22660 Admin bar in multisite: mobile tap on "My Sites" dropdown in back-end doesn't work Toolbar normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 06/14/2021
#62545 Adminbar title not escaped Toolbar normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 11/26/2024
#55149 Secondary sites disappear from My Sites menu Toolbar normal major Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 04/25/2023
#33574 Add ability to scroll through long toolbar menu items morganestes Toolbar normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 06/24/2022
#46003 Improve toolbar CSS Toolbar normal normal Future Release enhancement 03/04/2020
#46232 Merge or make-closer "Customize" and "Edit {Thing}" top-level toolbar items Toolbar normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 05/10/2023
#15317 My Sites limited to 23 sites on Admin Bar morganestes Toolbar normal normal Future Release enhancement 01/08/2025
#26940 Toolbar Search: Drop down instead of expanding Toolbar normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/09/2021
#41288 wp admin bar WordPress about and updates icon can't show in Smartphone. Toolbar normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 02/29/2024
#40544 Keep toolbar showing at the top on mobile screens Toolbar normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 08/13/2021
#53184 Toolbar Enhancements: turn off labels / disable plugins / auto-hiding Toolbar normal normal Awaiting Review feature request dev-feedback 07/14/2021
#57995 Popup flickering in Firefox TinyMCE normal major Future Release defect (bug) 09/11/2024
#57884 [TinyMCE] class-wp-editor.php is emitting open_basedir restriction warning when using my own error handler TinyMCE normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 03/21/2023
#62924 TinyMCE uses deprecated “unload” event listener TinyMCE normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 02/08/2025
#47218 Update TinyMCE to 5.X.X or 6.X.X TinyMCE normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 09/02/2024
#40014 & converted to '#038 Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/03/2017
#55437 Bugfix: Display correct theme in site editor SergeyBiryukov Themes normal normal Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 02/20/2024
#57569 Cannot Click Theme Details if there is an Update to the Theme Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 01/28/2023
#40070 Cannot remove theme with Javascript if folder name contains periods Themes normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 06/12/2017
#57991 Child theme in multisite shows error Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 07/04/2024
#46490 Clarify documentation that page-templates folder is not necessary for theme templates williampatton* Themes normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 04/16/2024
#56512 Design glitch in calendar block control with align left and right(Frontend) Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/05/2022
#56990 Enqueue `classic-themes.css` only when relevant blocks are rendered Themes normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 10/21/2024
#59702 Excerpt filters does not work in Ajax calls Themes normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) changes-requested 11/14/2023
#60826 Fix incorrect use of add_theme_support( 'editor-style(s)' ) Themes normal minor Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/22/2024
#59464 Images hard-coded in block theme templates lack `width` and `height` attributes Themes normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 05/22/2024
#51688 Issue With Theme Installation and Default Listing. Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 11/03/2020
#60072 No upper limit restriction for number of posts set via Site Editor and the value entered by the user chang Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 07/08/2024
#43295 One theme update notice is showing in another Theme Details popup Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/15/2021
#55015 Site Editor not working for TwentyTwentyTwo Child theme Themes normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 10/06/2022
#41309 Theme and plugin editing experience improvements at smaller screens Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/01/2024
#44892 Theme install button showing again Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/13/2019
#44897 Theme installed success message not showing when installing multiple themes Themes normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 04/17/2021
#50636 Theme not uploading, Theme Details not opening Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 07/12/2020
#41341 Theme update notification appearing multiple times Themes normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 01/15/2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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