Make WordPress Core

{16} Needs Patch (3386 matches)

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Results (1301 - 1400 of 3386)

Future Releases (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#55417 Text Highlighting Broken Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 03/19/2022
#48196 The Code Editor generates tag soup with empty paragraphs in td elements Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/12/2023
#62726 The ID of the Footnotes is updated when editing posts Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 01/02/2025
#57962 The active state is not being displayed in the Justify content of the quick edit. Editor normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 03/21/2023
#56950 The default margin for .wp-block-image disappears after WordPress 6.1 Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 08/28/2023
#54606 The selectControl component has margin bottom 0 in label of selectControl. Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/10/2021
#62421 The site is freezing Editor normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 11/18/2024
#60893 This block has encountered an error after update 6.5 Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 04/03/2024
#62450 TinyMCE editor doesn't load properly when initializing on Visual Tab (Firefox) [again] Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 01/23/2025
#57316 Twenty Twenty-Three: Alignment issue in Button block Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/12/2022
#57287 Type error calling Styles > Customize > Blocks from FSE Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/13/2022
#56953 TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'themeSupportsLayout' of '(0 , p.useSelect)(...)' as it is undefined Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 11/03/2022
#55945 UI Isssue on header list view Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/10/2022
#58491 UI problem when search for block while adding a post Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 11/28/2023
#46016 Unable to move blocks in editor Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 05/06/2024
#55548 Unchecked "Uncategorized" checkbox re-checks itself upon publish or update of a post Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/08/2022
#53439 Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response. Editor normal major Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/24/2021
#47978 Upload files with Media Library takes much load time to upload image Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 11/05/2020
#31751 Using PgDn and PgUp keyboard keys in the editor scrolls both post edit box and the whole viewport Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/24/2020
#52741 Video embeds (YouTube and Wistia) do not show on page. Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 04/08/2021
#62099 Vimeo Element Alignment not working properly Editor normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 10/21/2024
#45341 WSOD when editing a page with define( 'SAVEQUERIES', true ); set in wp-config.php Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 11/16/2020
#58886 When editing a pattern getting console error on chrome browser Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/24/2023
#44980 When using a mobile browser (iOS 12) and the Visual Editor you won’t be able to properly select/highlight text Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 03/02/2019
#61893 While creating new pattern in, there is issue in browse all pattern. Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 01/03/2025
#51158 With ACF Blocks in 5.5, "enqueue_assets" causes fatal error Editor normal blocker Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/03/2020
#40964 WordPress 4.8 Pasting into editor functionality changed Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 11/16/2020
#45532 WordPress 5.0 preview does not show updated content Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/13/2018
#51215 WordPress 5.5 no longer respects Headings values when pasting in text Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 11/26/2020
#52570 WordPress 5.6.1 bug/error "Publishing failed. The response is not a valid JSON response." Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/24/2021
#58032 WordPress 6.2 breaks post edit screens in Safari 13 Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 04/01/2023
#60662 WordPress 6.5-beta3-57738 - Full Site Editor breaks after installing "Contact Form 7" Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 03/01/2024
#60996 WordPress 6.5.2 displays multiple h1 - wp_link_dialog is displayed Editor normal major Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 04/11/2024
#60558 WordPress Core CSS produces error in NU HTML Checker Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 02/16/2024
#59092 WordPress Editor not working after updating to 6.3 - Showing Blank Screen Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 11/09/2023
#59100 WordPress Editor showing content in full width for custom post type Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 08/14/2023
#48539 WordPress Editor sometimes chops off titles in Chrome Editor normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/08/2019
#55361 WordPress database error Deadlock found when trying to get lock on wp_get_global_styles_svg_filters Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 10/30/2023
#53208 WordPress editor documentation: a few suggested changes Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) needs-docs 05/14/2021
#52556 WordPress is adding   always Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 02/23/2021
#55586 `get_block_wrapper_attributes` generates PHP notices. Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/21/2022
#57599 `wp_theme_json_data_default` filter is not properly to setting `settings.spacing.padding` value Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/02/2023
#53620 add_meta_box $callback firing after publish or update but not updating dom html Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 08/11/2023
#57823 buttons don't align center Editor normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 03/06/2023
#55844 color picker has scroll in styles menu Editor normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/28/2022
#59104 duotone is not applied to videos in the cover block in safari Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/22/2023
#59562 edit_form_after_title Hook Not Functional in Block Editor on New Post Page. Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/02/2025
#57237 file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(core/post-comments) is not within the allowed path(s) Editor normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 12/15/2022
#55065 galleries not working properly Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/08/2022
#54655 gutenberg can run script when use preview Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/18/2021
#53999 it didn't save TAGS in post. Editor normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/24/2021
#44470 meta property=“og:image” doesn't register if an image is executed via a shortcode in WP Post and Pages Editor normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/30/2018
#53026 register_block_type_from_metadata fails if path points to a JSON file that is not named "block.json" Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/26/2021
#60834 separators do not always show on page Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 03/25/2024
#41229 the tag read more is not working Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/03/2017
#58236 theme.json customTemplates with child themes work wrong Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 07/09/2024
#55284 thumbnails issue Editor normal major Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 05/10/2022
#45062 tinyMCE editor breaks captions with HTML Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 12/19/2019
#55737 web site error (in south korea) Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 05/15/2022
#58135 wordpress font change after update Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 04/15/2023
#57812 wp-block-image caption Editor normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 03/06/2023
#41106 wp_editor() doesn't support attributes besides id and class Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/22/2020
#56522 Add filter for wp_get_layout_style Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 02/09/2023
#57485 Author list on editor only pulls first 50 authors. Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement close 01/19/2023
#56917 Block menu editor Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 10/27/2022
#50803 Button link missing from block settings Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 03/09/2021
#57922 Changing class-wp-editor.php Insert/Edit Link header from H1 to H3 or other Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 05/31/2024
#61073 Cover Block Improvement Editor normal minor Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 04/24/2024
#60001 Deprioritize categories Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 02/14/2024
#57934 Exit Distraction Free Mode Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement close 03/16/2023
#62227 FSE: Ability to Add New Navigation Items Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement close 10/21/2024
#57595 Filter comments_array not called for Block comments Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 02/01/2023
#54540 Need to Add any Icon or align text at the center of social icon block in inspector style setting of Twenty twenty one theme Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 12/10/2021
#48789 Provide ability to drag and drop images among and between Gutenberg Blocks Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 11/24/2020
#57626 Searches to add a link in post-edit, to be sortable/filterable to better find tags Editor normal trivial Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 03/20/2023
#57330 Show number of scheduled posts in calendar popup when scheduling Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement close 12/14/2022
#60393 Test with Gutenberg active Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 01/31/2024
#54968 Tide Gallery needs responsive design for Mobile Editor normal major Awaiting Review enhancement 01/28/2022
#58732 WordPress Gallery Block: Column Count Issue Results in Unbalanced Item Widths Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement close 07/06/2023
#58278 [Query Loop][Post Template][Custom dynamic block] Impossible to pass query loop context to a custom dynamic block as the post template context is hard coded. Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 05/09/2023
#32143 wpLink function getAttrs() missing link-text Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 11/24/2020
#61128 Option to Disable Gutenberg Editor normal normal Awaiting Review feature request close 05/02/2024
#62686 Support for data-* attributes in Gutenberg blocks Editor normal normal Awaiting Review feature request close 12/13/2024
#57984 Template Change Reset Editor normal normal Awaiting Review feature request close 03/26/2023
#57721 Twenty Twenty-Three > Site Editor > stylizing of captions in the Image block Editor normal normal Awaiting Review feature request reporter-feedback 02/16/2023
#58173 rotate editor Editor normal normal Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 04/21/2023
#52990 Account for single quoted attributes when lazy loading images and iframes. Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 04/12/2024
#45033 Add TIDAL to oEmbed whitelist Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/15/2024
#44399 Add unique capability for oembed Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 01/17/2019
#51328 Classic Editor adds extra p tags to Instagram Embed Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/31/2023
#39472 Code tag still parses embeds Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/20/2017
#56440 Embed blocks in widget areas caching in many posts Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/06/2022
#40464 Embed video in Wordpress gives W3c Markup Validation issue Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/16/2017
#50172 Flickr embed not embedding content Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/15/2020
#53573 Non-WP Blog Embeds are being cropped. Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 07/01/2021
#37336 Pre-existing page with slug /embed/ does not work as described Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/28/2020
#58706 SoundCloud block error Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 07/03/2023
#42258 Twitter embed link in posts generates an empty paragraph Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/18/2017
#53935 Vimeo oembed force player with large height on blog post Embeds normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 08/18/2021
#44231 XML oembed discovery is not implemented correctly Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/30/2023
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.