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{1} All Tickets (8342 matches)

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Results (3101 - 3200 of 8342)

General (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Workflow Priority Severity Milestone Type Modified Comments
#60782 The method parameter is never used. normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 06/20/2024 2
#54525 URL Object normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 11/27/2021 2
#57398 User roles are reset to "All" tabs when performing bulk actions on certain user roles. dev-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 10/07/2024 2
#60000 alot of tags is too many dev-feedback normal normal enhancement 01/09/2024 2
#24284 is_multi_author() should query by specific post type and status needs-unit-tests normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019 2
#43884 new is_front() function normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 04/29/2018 2
#40791 paginate_links outputs unnecessary dots normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 05/22/2017 2
#48054 wp.sanitize.stripTags should iterate instead of using recursion has-patch normal minor Awaiting Review enhancement 10/08/2020 2
#32528 Create a new search_form_content hook in get_search_form() normal normal feature request 06/04/2019 2
#49032 Introduce __return_value() normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 12/18/2019 2
#54218 Introduce a way to communicate incoming UI updates to users dev-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 11/04/2021 2
#59680 Nextpage add pagination for page has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 10/31/2023 2
#59519 Reconsider including Google branding and product in WordPress core (Google Fonts) normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 10/05/2023 2
#49442 Request: filter for parse_blocks() result normal normal Future Release feature request 02/15/2020 2
#50375 Using post_type_archive_title() does not return the right laebl normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 04/04/2023 2
#45832 php-pm support normal normal Future Release feature request 01/14/2019 2
#38618 wp_description() and description-tag dev-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 04/05/2019 2
#59649 PHP 8.0: improvements to allow for named parameters in 6.7 normal normal 6.7 task (blessed) 06/18/2024 2
#40685 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php function resort_active_iterations not working correct normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/08/2017 3
#54122 Action hook transition_post_status not properly working in Block Editor reporter-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/14/2021 3
#44269 Add optional parameter $merge_args into paginate_links function reporter-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/03/2020 3
#33936 Alignment issue in dashboard update count reporter-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/19/2019 3
#45854 Avoid printf/sprintf strings to be "double-quoted" close normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/04/2021 3
#37409 Broken & illogic conditional check in wp_get_document_title() normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019 3
#39543 Certain Strings When Pasted Into Title Bar Cause Loss of Styling reporter-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/15/2019 3
#61069 Change the http:// links to https:// of and hello dolly has-patch normal minor Future Release defect (bug) 06/23/2024 3
#61427 Consistent use of placement of button and link to continue installer or login has-patch normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/02/2024 3
#43306 Creating site using wpmu_create_blog() without / prefixed with $path causes get_id_from_blogname() to fail. normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/01/2019 3
#59169 Deprecated arguments description is a bit misleading. close normal trivial Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/23/2023 3
#51307 Document title broken when "Homepage" isn't set in Settings > Reading has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/08/2021 3
#59542 Duplicate default statement in wp_get_attachment_image_src() documentation has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/17/2024 3
#55043 FSE Classic Block Issue reporter-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/05/2022 3
#47974 Fatal error without explanation close normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/26/2024 3
#60626 Font Files do not export/import properly via XML/WXR exporter. has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/27/2024 3
#40487 GUID contains more than 255 characters normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/19/2017 3
#59546 Gutenberg invalid json due to UTF-8 character E2 80 AF normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/05/2023 3
#32392 HTML entities in Pingback notifications? normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019 3
#48497 If preformatted block contains "<script>" tag page would not save normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/31/2021 3
#61850 Link option Window hidden behind editor edge frame close normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/04/2024 3
#60849 Meta is saved twice in auto-draft mode has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/28/2024 3
#59427 Need to updated image-edit.php file code for Crop. reporter-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/25/2023 3
#61277 PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "ABSPATH direct access to wp-includes/rss.php on line 19 deepakrohilla has-patch normal major Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/29/2024 3
#59273 Plugin: Create Block Theme Bug normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/04/2023 3
#56024 Removing a caption's contents removes the image alignment normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/12/2022 3
#39251 Support end_size=0 in paginate_links() has-patch normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 07/18/2020 3
#61461 The pagination results in the Popular Plugins screen is broken normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/11/2024 3
#57104 The Default Border color in the Code block is different in backend and frontend. normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/14/2022 3
#59117 The WORST of ALL Bugs (Version 6.3) normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/28/2023 3
#58543 There are two problems with wordpress reporter-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/19/2023 3
#58398 Unable to add blocks on WP 6.1 - "+" button does not work (it seems disabled) normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/30/2023 3
#56682 Unexpected cut of the HTML title and the slug normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/13/2023 3
#43100 Unexpected results from wpautop normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/17/2019 3
#60418 Unwanted commented code has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/06/2024 3
#40870 Using underscore in meta box id field metabox is not working correctly normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/26/2017 3
#57797 WP_Block_Type_Registry::register issues incorrect error message when block.json folder doesn't exist dev-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/07/2023 3
#61005 Weird behavior with categories and titles, URLs close normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/15/2024 3
#44795 WordPress Heartbeat Interval stuck on 15 secs normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/12/2019 3
#43140 WordPress does not allow HTML tags in the Name field of Links (blogroll) normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/26/2018 3
#54490 added test for get_num_queries and wp_get_nocache_headers has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/05/2023 3
#55113 category widget block has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/09/2022 3
#61934 ctrl+shift+v - does not work in the editor normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/27/2024 3
#36499 featured image, image upload reporter-feedback normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019 3
#57262 force_ssl_admin can be set to return a string dev-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/14/2022 3
#42517 get_file_data() doesn't support the single-line variant of post template headers needs-unit-tests normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/13/2017 3
#57401 post-template.php fails to check if $elements['page'] is zero causing an array index error normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/07/2023 3
#40687 pre_option_upload_url_path filter no longer working normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/29/2024 3
#31777 sanitize_text_field() stripping instances "%ca" normal normal defect (bug) 08/24/2022 3
#57081 test for wp_mkdir_p has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/11/2022 3
#30285 url_to_postid on FORCE_SSL_ADMIN takes https path instead of http reporter-feedback normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019 3
#32856 wpColorPicker close should check that iris hasn't been destroyed before toggling it. has-patch normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019 3
#52235 wp_extract_urls doesn't match localhost has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/05/2021 3
#44595 wp_insert_post() inserts wrong GUID (adds http:// prefix) dev-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/17/2018 3
#31200 wp_redirect Missing Body - Causes Performance Issues normal normal defect (bug) 04/08/2024 3
#57266 wp_suspend_cache_invalidation can be set to no Boolean value which break usage has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/05/2022 3
#33834 wpautop treats html comments as content normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019 3
#58346 A way for adding inline dynamic data normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 09/06/2024 3
#52998 Add a filter to paginate_links to allow bypassing merging query params normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 04/05/2022 3
#43830 Being able to set a page as a homepage under the "Page Attribute" meta box normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 01/16/2019 3
#36034 Change post name permalinks to use ID when inserting links normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 06/28/2017 3
#60921 Coding standard change close normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 08/05/2024 3
#56582 Decide how to format multi-line comments in global scope. dev-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 09/17/2022 3
#60638 Gravatar: Upgrade md5 hashing algorithm to sha256 has-patch normal normal Future Release enhancement 09/10/2024 3
#40751 Login form - Consider making Back to {site name} & Lost your password inline. has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 05/15/2017 3
#61125 Many strings or URLs lack proper escaping. audrasjb has-patch normal minor Awaiting Review enhancement 10/04/2024 3
#40178 Menus that contain post types in Draft status should be hidden from logged out users dev-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 03/19/2017 3
#31559 Meta boxes should have before/after hooks dev-feedback normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019 3
#31206 Move AJAX action parameters out of the method body and into the declaration. dev-feedback normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019 3
#36120 Move wp_*_link() functions into wp-includes dev-feedback normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019 3
#40171 Object Cache Should Support Namespaces normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 03/16/2017 3
#61752 Plugin and theme editors should show files in alpha order has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 08/08/2024 3
#50422 Prevent Browser Caching From Getting Involved With wp_redirect and wp_safe_redirect (Leaving the Browser to Purely Honor the Redirect Code Used) has-patch normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 06/22/2021 3
#54479 Set_blog_id performance reporter-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 11/20/2021 3
#58438 Site not Working post Software updates reporter-feedback normal critical Awaiting Review enhancement 06/01/2023 3
#57176 Table pagination issue normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 11/23/2022 3
#54182 Use wp_unslash() for $_REQUEST Parameter in wp-admin/admin-post.php file reporter-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 09/30/2021 3
#39795 WordPress objects are only accessible via global variables normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 02/06/2017 3
#23454 _deprecated_function Messages chriscct7 has-patch normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019 3
#40566 add_query_arg() returns only URL fragments in certain circumstances normal normal Future Release enhancement 07/28/2020 3
#42958 create callers for loop functions to accept post id dev-feedback normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 11/17/2020 3
#27286 create menu page for custom post types dev-feedback normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019 3
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