Make WordPress Core

{23} Popular Tickets (5320 matches)

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Results (5001 - 5100 of 5320)

Noteworthy (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Votes Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#41081 Improve Custom Menu widget, show notification if menu is empty or no menu selected mdifelice Widgets normal normal 1 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 06/08/2022
#39908 Make the page and category widget exclusions use a drop down not ID Widgets normal normal 1 Future Release enhancement 09/20/2017
#27299 Order the available widgets in the Widgets admin page Widgets normal normal 1 enhancement has-patch 06/05/2019
#40098 Prevent same sidebar from outputting twice Widgets normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 03/10/2017
#43045 Trigger events equivalent to editor:image-edit and editor:image-update in media-image-widget.js Widgets normal normal 1 Future Release enhancement 06/17/2020
#55853 Use of unsanitized data in wp_ajax_dashboard_widgets() Widgets normal major 1 Awaiting Review enhancement close 05/27/2022
#42455 WordPress Class methods and Single Responsibility (recent posts widgets) Widgets normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 09/22/2022
#54048 improve preloaded REST API requests in widget editor Widgets normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 09/04/2021
#51546 the_widget template tag does not support all widgets Widgets normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 05/02/2021
#60432 Social icons Widgets normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 02/16/2024
#58320 Clarify meaning of "beta" with newer PHP versions (or remove) Site normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 07/28/2023
#21386 XML-RPC needs a user permission method XML-RPC normal normal 4 enhancement 06/05/2019
#21292 XML-RPC: wp_upload_bits should act like wp_handle_upload XML-RPC normal normal 3 defect (bug) has-patch 03/02/2023
#16980 Empty Values are ignored by class-ixr.php XML-RPC normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/30/2020
#33425 XML-RPC missing options on wp.getOptions XML-RPC normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 04/14/2017
#38622 XML-RPC wp_newComment should return an error when a field exceeds the maximum length XML-RPC low normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 01/13/2024
#49905 Correct return type for xmlrpc_getposttitle() and xmlrpc_getpostcategory() SergeyBiryukov* XML-RPC normal normal 1 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 06/01/2021
#38300 Got a PHP warning: class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php L596: array_unshift() ... XML-RPC normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/06/2017
#34165 Incorrect file param in wp_handle_upload in class-wp-xmlrpc.php XML-RPC normal normal 1 defect (bug) 06/05/2019
#40863 WP 4.7.5 XMLRPC new method for parsing arguments omits menu_order XML-RPC normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/04/2017
#54147 XMLRPC API ignores empty terms_names array XML-RPC normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 09/20/2021
#17382 XMLRPC wp_getUsersBlogs Scalability XML-RPC normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/13/2024
#36030 Expose site icon on wp.getUsersBlogs XML-RPC normal normal 1 Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/20/2019
#39699 Filter to check XML-RPC data before any DB insertion XML-RPC normal normal 1 Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/03/2017
#23866 WordPress xmlrpc wp_getPosts filter for slug XML-RPC normal normal 1 enhancement dev-feedback 06/05/2019

Popular (75 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Votes Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#47012 Proposal: Simplify WordPress Admin Navigation Administration normal normal 43 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 02/08/2022
#16413 Settings page needs HTML refactoring and UI improvements joedolson* Administration normal normal 36 Future Release enhancement 10/29/2024
#31696 Better select, multi-select, and autocomplete/suggestion inputs in the admin Administration normal normal 33 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 04/08/2024
#60789 Administration Email Address: Allow method to deactivate Administration normal normal 18 Awaiting Review feature request close 11/14/2024
#36201 Admin Pagination URLs Use Wrong Hostname Administration normal normal 16 Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/22/2024
#50539 Explore a larger icon less WP Admin menu youknowriad* Administration normal normal 14 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 03/29/2022
#27888 Feature request: `get_current_admin_url()` and `get_current_admin_hook()` lucatume Administration normal normal 14 Awaiting Review feature request needs-unit-tests 12/11/2019
#57785 How about displaying links to rudimentary Learn WordPress tutorials and videos on the dashboard? Administration normal normal 14 Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 07/07/2024
#27473 Thickbox width and height parameters are ignored when using TB_iframe Administration normal normal 13 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/17/2021
#11515 Admin needs standardized way of handling messages (notices) displayed to the user Administration normal normal 13 Future Release enhancement 11/16/2018
#26050 Continual Admin Page POST (HeartBeats?) Can Cause SQL Connection Issues Administration normal normal 11 defect (bug) 03/20/2024
#26575 Dashboard widgets should be able to specify a min-width at which they span two columns Administration normal normal 11 defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#31818 Uniform Search Form Display/Experience joedolson* Administration normal normal 11 Future Release enhancement 04/28/2023
#18322 The Road to Magic Quotes Sanity jorbin Bootstrap/Load normal normal 38 Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/24/2024
#22325 Abstract GPCS away from the superglobals Bootstrap/Load normal normal 18 enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/05/2024
#21573 NOBLOGREDIRECT interfering with 404 errors Bootstrap/Load normal normal 14 Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/17/2024
#18525 zlib.output_compression "on" in server conflicts with autoupdate Bootstrap/Load normal normal 11 Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 02/07/2024
#34693 Add browser-based testing and automated acceptance tests (BrowserStack) Build/Test Tools normal normal 30 Future Release enhancement 09/15/2020
#43731 Use Webpack + NPM scripts to build all the things whyisjake* Build/Test Tools normal normal 17 Future Release task (blessed) has-patch 03/09/2021
#31823 Add ESLint integration swissspidy Build/Test Tools normal normal 16 Future Release task (blessed) has-patch 06/28/2024
#29792 Grunt: Add a stylelint precommit task to check for CSS syntax errors netweb Build/Test Tools normal normal 14 Future Release enhancement 11/11/2021
#52895 Overview of e2e tests to be written Build/Test Tools normal normal 13 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 12/05/2024
#47256 Use composer to install and update external PHP libraries Build/Test Tools normal normal 12 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 09/17/2019
#34353 redirect_canonical() – Undefined indexes 'host' and 'scheme' Canonical normal normal 28 Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 11/13/2024
#4328 Redirect Old Slugs feature needs to redirect slugs for pages, not just posts, and redirect old permalink structure SergeyBiryukov Canonical normal normal 21 Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 01/25/2022
#28081 Do a canonical redirect for pages when query var 'paged' is set SergeyBiryukov* Canonical normal normal 16 Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 11/01/2024
#35689 Pagination issue on front page after 4.4.1 update Canonical normal normal 12 defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#10690 WordPress does not support non-ascii characters in the domain name markjaquith Canonical normal normal 12 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#35214 Custom Comment Types Comments normal normal 45 Future Release task (blessed) 05/12/2024
#33717 Send Notification Email When a Comment is Approved From Moderation Comments normal normal 27 Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/13/2021
#36208 Comment queries should ignore comments associated with non-active custom post types Comments normal normal 23 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 10/17/2023
#40031 Consider Adding Web Annotations to WordPress Comments normal normal 19 Awaiting Review feature request 02/19/2018
#10931 Verify Comment Email Addresses of Registered Users Comments normal normal 17 6.8 enhancement 11/01/2024
#12104 'moderate_comments' capability by itself should grant the user the permission to See/Edit all comments from the Comments menu. Comments normal normal 14 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 11/08/2021
#20977 Add Dynamic Comment Statuses Comments normal normal 14 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 01/14/2020
#29462 comment pagination in reverse order should display a full number of the latest comments Comments normal normal 11 Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 03/16/2021
#6286 Proposed changes to "E-mail me whenever" Discussion Options Comments normal normal 11 Future Release enhancement 03/15/2019
#57271 Cron unschedule / reschedule event errors audrasjb Cron API normal normal 24 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 09/11/2024
#38624 Allow starter content to apply after a site has already been set up and is no longer “fresh” Customize normal normal 30 Future Release enhancement 11/23/2020
#21666 Customizer Revisions (previously reset/undo/revert) melchoyce Customize normal normal 28 Future Release feature request 05/24/2021
#39681 Add RGBA to Customizer color picker Customize normal normal 20 Future Release feature request 02/08/2019
#38707 Customizer: Additional CSS highlight, revisions, selection, per-page, pop-out Customize normal normal 13 Future Release enhancement 06/01/2021
#40432 Customizer: Should we stop contextually hiding features? Customize normal normal 13 Awaiting Review enhancement 09/12/2018
#39752 Customize: add a post editing flow Customize normal normal 12 Future Release feature request 10/11/2020
#39128 Customize: Preview fails to load when domain mapping in use (home/siteurl domain mismatch) Customize normal normal 11 Future Release defect (bug) 10/20/2017
#47280 SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS is deprecated as of MySQL 8.0.17 johnbillion Database normal normal 39 Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/31/2024
#15499 Add an index for get_lastpostmodified query OllieJones Database normal normal 22 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 08/21/2024
#28625 Enhancement: Add constants to support SSL connections for mysqli Database normal normal 17 Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/24/2023
#54042 Extending wpdb::prepare() to support IN() operator Database normal normal 17 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 09/17/2023
#57793 Add native support for SQLite Database normal normal 15 Future Release feature request has-patch 11/04/2024
#37692 Introduce WP_Database_Table base class Database normal normal 13 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 03/15/2017
#31018 Persistent database connections with mysqli Database normal normal 13 enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/01/2022
#41281 attachment_url_to_postid results in very slow query joemcgill* Database normal normal 12 Awaiting Review enhancement 07/18/2024
#18146 Add user-level & front end timezone display flexibility according to a fixed time [GMT:0] Date/Time normal normal 36 Future Release feature request 05/30/2023
#29849 Better human_time_diff() pbearne Date/Time normal normal 11 6.8 enhancement has-patch 11/25/2024
#50214 Consider introducing the concept of "Editors" Editor normal normal 20 Awaiting Review feature request 11/23/2020
#19173 Issues with wp_editor() when used inside of a meta box. azaozz Editor normal normal 14 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 07/07/2021
#56780 shortcode block in block-based template part in a classic theme does not get expanded costdev Editor high normal 12 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 11/01/2024
#44610 Allow Youtube-Player to use URLS to avoid setting cookies. Embeds normal normal 20 Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/11/2024
#35567 New argument `is_embeddable` for `register_post_type()` Embeds normal normal 11 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 06/21/2024
#22435 Export API Export normal normal 30 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 12/13/2017
#27048 Export: Allow multiple post types to be selected Export normal normal 19 enhancement needs-unit-tests 11/07/2024
#51812 Update jQuery step three SergeyBiryukov External Libraries normal normal 21 Future Release task (blessed) has-patch 01/27/2024
#10955 Replace ThickBox External Libraries normal normal 18 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 10/29/2024
#48689 PHP warnings after updating to WP 5.3: ftp_nlist() and ftp_pwd() expect missing parameters costdev Filesystem API normal minor 21 Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 10/22/2024
#48316 Changeset 46482 breaks upload when using ".." in upload_path. Filesystem API normal normal 11 defect (bug) dev-feedback 02/07/2024
#29807 add support for picture element and srcset attribute on img in wp_kses Formatting normal normal 20 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 03/11/2024
#26842 Contenteditable, multiple spaces, &nbsp, and U+00A0 Formatting normal normal 14 Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/04/2020
#21537 Email address sanitisation mangles valid email addresses Formatting normal normal 14 defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/23/2022
#2691 HTML comments in posts aren't handled properly. adamsilverstein* Formatting normal normal 11 Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 04/21/2024
#14050 shortcode_unautop() should also remove the <br /> added after shortcodes aaroncampbell Formatting normal normal 11 defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#13429 Updating Link URL on image within Admin with Gallery Gallery normal normal 17 Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/24/2023
#36995 Support for Service Workers westonruter* General normal normal 34 Future Release feature request 10/21/2024
#30934 Create a new API to standardize application logging General normal normal 28 Awaiting Review enhancement 08/04/2022
#46635 Improve identifying of non–trivial callbacks in hooks General normal normal 26 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 08/23/2024
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