Make WordPress Core

{23} Popular Tickets (5287 matches)

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Results (3201 - 3300 of 5287)

Noteworthy (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Votes Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#44595 wp_insert_post() inserts wrong GUID (adds http:// prefix) General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/17/2018
#58346 A way for adding inline dynamic data General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 09/06/2024
#40790 Ability to filter $post_type in _get_last_post_time General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 04/25/2019
#57842 Add a new independent WP_Exception class, compatible with WP_Error General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 03/06/2023
#53868 Add option to `paginate_links` to apply format on all pages General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 11/26/2021
#58442 Add parameters for the wp_get_archive function that allows to filter the archive for particular years and months. General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 06/06/2023
#53057 Added AJAX_DEBUG Constant for better ajax debugging General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 04/23/2021
#53541 Arguments passed to load_template() should be extracted General normal minor 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 06/28/2021
#43319 Bootstrap 4 Card issue in backend General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 02/16/2018
#59432 Compliant with W3C coding standards General normal minor 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 10/06/2024
#56164 Create a way to reference function parameter documentation when complex parameters are passed to hooks General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 07/06/2022
#54577 Creating a table inside the text element in a webpage General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 12/06/2021
#56582 Decide how to format multi-line comments in global scope. General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 09/17/2022
#44177 Enhance wp_debug_backtrace_summary() with the optional ability to include arguments General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 05/21/2018
#52404 Fix get_the_archive_description() to support default blog index General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 01/30/2021
#56691 Function suggestion: get_excerpt_length() General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 06/12/2024
#41249 Improve the "collapse menu" interface General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 04/21/2019
#59330 Improvement in wp_parse_args for mutli-dimensional arrays General normal trivial 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 09/17/2023
#61710 Introduce a new action hook for ajax requests for both logged-in and non-logged-in users General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 07/23/2024
#40751 Login form - Consider making Back to {site name} & Lost your password inline. General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 05/15/2017
#60953 Need new hook at paginate_links General normal minor 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 06/04/2024
#40171 Object Cache Should Support Namespaces General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 03/16/2017
#44407 Please add page_attributes_meta_box_parent action to meta-boxes.php General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 06/21/2018
#61750 Spacing issues since 6.6 (Gutenberg with Block- or Hybrid Themes) General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 07/26/2024
#61445 Synced patterns can not be used on site if pages are copied General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 06/14/2024
#58884 The image size for the Site Logo block is hard coded to "full" audrasjb* General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement close 09/20/2023
#60782 The method parameter is never used. General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 06/20/2024
#31737 Unique identifier for Heartbeat API calls General normal minor 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 07/06/2022
#50400 Update Search Engine Visibility text following XML sitemap launch General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 06/16/2020
#53998 Use network_home_url() instead of $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] for added safety. General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 08/07/2022
#56822 Use non-breaking space in required fields message General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 11/04/2022
#54182 Use wp_unslash() for $_REQUEST Parameter in wp-admin/admin-post.php file General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 09/30/2021
#57398 User roles are reset to "All" tabs when performing bulk actions on certain user roles. General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 10/07/2024
#56262 WP_List_Util::pluck doesn't support a null $field General low minor 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 07/26/2022
#49408 Why is the action wp_ajax_wp_link_ajax not using wp_send_json() General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 12/16/2020
#39795 WordPress objects are only accessible via global variables General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 02/06/2017
#59384 `wp_create_nonce()` should not have a default parameter General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 09/18/2023
#42958 create callers for loop functions to accept post id General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 11/17/2020
#40791 paginate_links outputs unnecessary dots General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 05/22/2017
#32639 A URL Agnostic Wordpress General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request dev-feedback 07/25/2018
#52824 A separate sub-menu to organize the extensions belonging to parent plugins. General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 03/23/2021
#56879 Add DDEV Page to Install Local Server Docs General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request needs-docs 10/21/2022
#46394 Create a Function to Allow the WordPress Search to Only Return Results from a Specified Post Type General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 03/01/2019
#54626 Custom Objects General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 12/14/2021
#60449 Number system General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request reporter-feedback 02/09/2024
#60546 Posts link management in post editor sidebar General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 02/15/2024
#54327 Support wp_die from array print General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 10/28/2021
#54628 Third-Party API Integrations General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 03/18/2024
#50375 Using post_type_archive_title() does not return the right laebl General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 04/04/2023
#39425 sending mails with e-sign certificate feature request General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 03/15/2019
#40502 Add the check version and template attributes method for /themes/update-check/1.1/ API HTTP API normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/20/2017
#51767 Broken logic for `https_local_ssl_verify` filter due to missing `local` argument HTTP API normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/13/2020
#46372 Missing Proxy Support in Requests/Transport/cURL.php HTTP API normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/28/2019
#41608 Post files using cURL HTTP API normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/11/2017
#47483 Add filters for included CA bundle path HTTP API normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 06/05/2024
#42839 wp_remote_post should support multipart uploads HTTP API normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 01/22/2020
#24567 Add help to media modals Help/About normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 03/12/2023
#58284 Add in wp_dropdown_languages en_US as selected value when 'explicit_option_en_us' is set to true I18N normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 05/10/2023
#45897 Chinese page uri dump fail I18N normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 04/21/2024
#50040 Localize the jQuery datepicker when enqueued in the footer I18N normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/30/2020
#57588 The picking of plural form #0 is hard-coded for singular strings I18N normal minor 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 11/06/2024
#49356 Add hook into get_user_locale() I18N normal trivial 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 11/06/2024
#38869 Change "Site Default" in User Profile Options for Language to "Site Setting" I18N normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 09/11/2022
#39756 Extend the jQuery datepicker localization I18N normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 05/30/2023
#46305 Update emails w/ placeholders to use sprintf I18N normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 02/22/2019
#49971 Add get_admin_locale() that is separate from WPLANG / get_locale() / get_user_locale() I18N normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 10/14/2024
#60586 .xml imports broken Import normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/20/2024
#38288 Connection Timeout when importing heavy .xml (LiteSpeed) Import normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/01/2019
#35839 Escape backslashes upon export for better import Import normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/30/2017
#39802 Multisite: "No importers are available" error message shown to site admins, but not to network admins Import normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/26/2024
#41952 WP import: Bug with import gziped file from web Import normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/22/2017
#41034 importing users in multisite: should add existing users to the current blog Import normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/11/2024
#54419 Suggestion to add an action in /wp-admin/import.php page Import normal minor 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 10/19/2022
#45381 importer should remap attachment IDs when they appear in a block's attributes Import normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 12/22/2021
#42610 Admin created account password reset process not reverse proxy friendly Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/17/2017
#50637 Forgot password reset link become text after sending email. Login and Registration normal minor 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 08/21/2023
#51008 Issue with multisite new user registration Login and Registration normal critical 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/14/2020
#50672 Login Mask jerks when I define Privacy Policy page in Chrome Browser Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 08/21/2023
#61289 Logout error on Multisite with directories - Login subsites Login and Registration normal critical 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/28/2024
#61155 Maximise compatibility with password managers when resetting password Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/07/2024
#60801 New sessions are created when user authenticates but there already are active sessions Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/19/2024
#46033 Please fix redirect in wp-login.php Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 01/19/2019
#49633 Trim cookie paths Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/12/2020
#47088 Visting wp-login.php whilst logged in logs you out Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/10/2023
#40595 wp_authenticate_username_password() should respect WP_Error object generated by higher priorities Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/28/2017
#44517 Allow specifying the WordPress username to be filled in on the login form via a URL parameter. Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 01/16/2019
#46618 Change login behaviour to only set the test cookie when a user attempts to login instead of just on visiting the login page Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 04/05/2019
#40065 Check for invalid user before `lostpassword_post` in `retrieve_password()` Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 05/04/2018
#38336 Login: Add new action hooks to the top of login type forms Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 07/20/2021
#58310 Move the login forms into functions and add them in place with a hook to allow them to be replaced Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 05/14/2023
#34712 New filter: `reset_password_url` Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 08/27/2017
#62147 Revealed passwords should change back to password type when submitting the form Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 10/06/2024
#52390 Use specific page for postpass Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 01/28/2021
#58311 Validate Username for not to be a email and strip everything after @ Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 08/15/2023
#48899 Verification admin email again after just changed/updated email? Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 12/06/2019
#43957 check_password_reset_key could use get_user_by instead of direct query Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 05/04/2018
#55193 login-form: Use the same id and class value between wp_login_form() and wp-login.php Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 08/18/2023
#41170 Allow the newbloguser screen to be themed Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 06/26/2017
#39985 Do action before send email of retrieve password Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 03/08/2017
#41663 Hooks for the back to login link in the footer of wp-login.php Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request dev-feedback 07/20/2021
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