Make WordPress Core

{23} Popular Tickets (5332 matches)

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Results (1501 - 1600 of 5332)

Noteworthy (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Votes Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#39003 menu_page_url() not working on Ajax call Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 10/14/2024
#47788 send_headers hook does not work in wp-login or wp-admin Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/20/2019
#30855 wp_get_update_data() calls are not pluggable Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 09/03/2024
#57772 wpfooter credit hide the plugin activation button Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/21/2023
#49504 "Your homepage displays" setting missing without explanation Administration normal minor 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 01/19/2021
#43963 Add admin body class for multisite blog ID and network admin context Administration normal minor 2 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 06/26/2018
#43841 Add request confirmation and security logging for major user actions Administration normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement 04/24/2018
#49378 Add warning banner about no-js in wp-admin Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 02/07/2020
#47165 Admin menu: submenu for active menu doesn't have box-shadow Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 08/03/2020
#48928 Align selects in .form-table's within admin settings with their neighbour inputs for a more uniform feel Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 09/09/2022
#39852 Change the confusing "Screen Options" button text Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 03/21/2017
#32815 Color schemes silently disabled in source checkout of core Administration normal normal 2 enhancement 06/04/2019
#41804 Combine and Relocate Editor Menu Link Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 11/24/2020
#48641 Discussion: links that look like buttons (and vice versa) Administration normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 01/25/2025
#62660 Improve Customizer description in dashboard welcome panel Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 01/06/2025
#55855 In wp-admin folder the ajax-actions.php file has some unsanitize data issue. Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement close 05/27/2022
#51343 Move Current Submenu to top of Admin Menu Administration normal minor 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 09/09/2022
#39050 New Core Admin Menu Functions -- `add_menu_link` and `add_submenu_link` Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 03/15/2019
#54857 New column "template" in pages/"screen options" (enhancement) Administration normal trivial 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 05/18/2022
#38019 Notify site admin when domain or IP changes and Search Engine Visibilty is set to off Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 02/15/2020
#43303 Providing hooks for html table markups in do_settings_{sections|fields} Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 07/03/2023
#27996 Show/Hide Postbox doesn't work if dynamically added Administration normal normal 2 enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#60770 TimeZone select box compatibility with RTL directions Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 03/13/2024
#61511 Use empty_trash_days to show how many days deleted posts will be kept for in the trash Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 12/28/2024
#55543 `add_menu_page` incorrectly requires SVG icon data URIs be base64 encoded Administration normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/12/2025
#28324 Add primary and secondary color definitions to admin color schemes and add function to retrieve color scheme info Administration normal normal 2 feature request reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#31284 List tables with fixed header on scroll Administration normal normal 2 Future Release feature request has-patch 11/05/2024
#39635 Make insertion of generic dismissible notices in frontend code possible Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review feature request 02/15/2020
#39613 Use Shift + Delete to bypass Trash/Prompt Administration normal normal 2 Awaiting Review feature request 07/10/2017
#51838 Add first-time user message to application passwords form describing what this form is Application Passwords normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement 01/27/2021
#57809 Application password success_url should allow http when host is localhost or localhost:port Application Passwords normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/22/2023
#42696 Autosave Notification not dismissible Autosave normal major 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 05/15/2023
#53821 Validation Error for Block that Isn't in Use - Multisite Env Autosave normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/25/2022
#40706 pasting text that has emojis into a new post breaks autosave and save draft Autosave normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/09/2017
#62870 Autosave Stores Default Taxonomy (Category) but Not Custom Taxonomies Autosave normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 01/29/2025
#43760 Create a revision when autosaving if the content has changed significantly Autosave normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 09/19/2019
#57134 Custom maintenance pages are HTTP 200, not 503 Bootstrap/Load normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/18/2022
#34634 Empty PHP_SELF causes 404 pages to load front page with 200 status code Bootstrap/Load normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 11/16/2018
#23088 Multisite, Subdomains and www Bootstrap/Load normal normal 2 defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#41934 Update load.php with wp_is_bad_request function Bootstrap/Load normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 09/17/2024
#33740 Create a new API to standardize application tracing Bootstrap/Load normal normal 2 feature request reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#48978 Add a new test case for E2E test (Show admin bar if user logged in) Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 08/16/2024
#56794 Add linting for `gutenberg_*` functions Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/29/2023
#51446 CORS issues with QUnit while running tests Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 11/10/2020
#29066 Grunt clean:dynamic task does not delete file/s from /build during grunt watch task Build/Test Tools normal minor 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/25/2019
#40910 Limit writable directories required by WordPress unit test suite Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) 06/12/2019
#58816 MariaDB 11.x: deprecated alias for MySQL Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/25/2024
#59119 Measure layout stability metrics in performance tests Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) 11/12/2024
#39237 PHPunit coverage reports fail if the is out to the stdout or header Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 03/21/2020
#52830 Tests: Uploads remain after running test suite. Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/17/2021
#53781 Tests_Embed_Template tests fail when run in isolation Build/Test Tools normal minor 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/28/2021
#53506 When using the WordPress Development Environment (wpenv) links to missing asset files do not return 404 and are redirected Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) 06/24/2021
#51960 `grunt copy:dynamic` doesn't copy all changed files Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/09/2020
#48300 metadata registered using register_meta() do not persist through several tests Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/24/2023
#31092 travis-ci builds skip lots of tests due to environment configuration Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) 11/09/2020
#55973 Add .gitattributes file to annotate generated files Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 11/16/2023
#50627 CSS Build process: Consider removing autoprefixer from the source folder. Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 03/09/2021
#50460 Don't minimize the `script-loader-packages.php` file Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement close 11/20/2024
#45132 Explore better implementation of Autosaves Controller unit tests Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement 02/14/2019
#41425 Killing phpunit may result in a broken database Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 06/13/2018
#61643 Local Environment: Consider switching to wp-env instead of a custom environment. Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 11/27/2024
#50209 Remove all uploads between test methods Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 05/21/2020
#30587 SVG and PNG Images in UI Should Be Optimized Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement has-patch 11/11/2020
#42278 Speed up tests by using shared user fixtures Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 01/08/2019
#42904 Speed up unit tests by disabling password hashing Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/20/2019
#41781 do not forcefully phpunit delete fixtures data Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 05/29/2024
#51966 npm/grunt watch/build task names are inconsistent and unintuitive Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 03/10/2021
#39159 Add APC to automated test matrix Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Awaiting Review feature request 11/09/2020
#60966 Introduce a GitHub Actions workflow for bumping the version number in a branch Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release task (blessed) 12/04/2024
#59648 PHPUnit tests: Add/improve @covers annotations for WP 6.6 Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release task (blessed) has-patch 05/07/2024
#53118 Tests: review of correctly setting output expectations Build/Test Tools normal minor 2 Awaiting Review task (blessed) 04/30/2021
#38982 Twenty Eleven: Navigation dropdown menus broken on android devices Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) 12/02/2024
#61904 Twenty Nineteen : Social Icons Block's text decoration not matching in both side Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/14/2025
#45903 Twenty Nineteen: Some menu clicks trigger console errors Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 06/21/2024
#56455 Twenty Nineteen: Text Color issue in Pullquote Block Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 01/08/2025
#59203 Twenty Nineteen: fix Separator block's full-width size and placement Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/23/2024
#47460 Twenty Nineteen: heading style breaks headings in content added by core or plugins in the front end Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) 07/14/2024
#43243 Twenty Seventeen: Menu Items are overlapped Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) close 01/09/2025
#60336 Twenty Sixteen :- Table block having issue with border when text color is used. Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 07/15/2024
#53976 Twenty Twenty-One: Anchor link on the same page causes the menu button icon to turn upside down Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 11/25/2024
#61077 Twenty Twenty-One: Code block text color is not change in front-end when we changed its color using block setting. Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/25/2024
#53533 Twenty Twenty-One: Dark Mode creating conflict with custom colour inside editor Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/08/2024
#60196 Twenty Twenty-One: List Item blocks have extra margin in editor Bundled Theme normal minor 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 07/15/2024
#53161 Twenty Twenty-One: Navigation block has a permanent theme-imposed background color Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) 07/22/2024
#60859 Twenty Twenty-one: Table block selected text color not appear when we select "Stripes" style. Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 11/20/2024
#61433 Twenty Twenty: The Media & Text block paragraph text not align properly when change media size. Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/01/2024
#48730 Twenty Twenty: Wide and Full Width blocks top and bottoms margins don't respect original design causing layout issues Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 05/27/2024
#45293 Bundled themes: Add editor styles for form elements Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 06/03/2024
#61027 Bundled themes: edit front-end JS to work with Interactivity API Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement 12/18/2024
#61766 Multiple bundled themes: Add site logo theme support Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 02/15/2025
#62475 Twenty Twenty-Five: Add a few basic duotones so the tool doesn't feel broken Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement has-patch 01/29/2025
#48804 Twenty Twenty: Attach template parts with actions instead of directly including Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 05/11/2024
#50026 Twenty Twenty: Full height with short content Bundled Theme normal trivial 2 Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/20/2024
#55948 Twenty Twenty: Not able to change the Text size or Color for Add citation in Gutenberg Quote block Bundled Theme normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement has-patch 08/12/2024
#61467 Inconsistent cache handling for network (site) meta Cache API normal major 2 Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 01/30/2025
#30430 WP_Object_Cache does not properly cache objects nested in arrays Cache API normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 07/08/2022
#58189 post_type parameter in update_post_caches() accepts more than a single post type Cache API normal trivial 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 07/16/2023
#21650 replace serialize() with print_r() in stats() function in wp-includes/cache.php Cache API normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 10/10/2022
#58650 Reset cache in development mode Cache API normal normal 2 Awaiting Review enhancement 06/28/2023
#34800 Canonical 301 redirects go to request origin instead of site_url Canonical normal normal 2 defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.