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{23} Popular Tickets (5280 matches)

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Results (1301 - 1400 of 5280)

Noteworthy (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Votes Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#42743 Disable wp_options autoload for inactive widgets pbearne Widgets normal normal 5 6.8 defect (bug) early 09/25/2024
#49161 Disabling big_image_size_threshold via filters does NOT work Media normal major 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/06/2021
#18563 Disallowing editing of .php files in the plugin editor blocks access to allowable extensions Plugins normal normal 1 defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#12769 Disappearing posts/pages (in quickedit mode) Quick/Bulk Edit low minor 3 defect (bug) has-patch 02/17/2023
#38630 Discourage usage of legacy properties in WP_Site Networks and Sites low normal 4 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 11/22/2021
#48641 Discussion: links that look like buttons (and vice versa) Administration normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 03/04/2021
#53131 Disjunctive normal form for WP_User::has_cap Users normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 05/19/2021
#39346 Display Error if GD library ins't installed/enabled Media normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 01/04/2018
#61293 Display an empty sitemap instead of 404 Sitemaps normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 09/23/2024
#61619 Display compatibility metadata for Dependent plugins Plugins normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 07/10/2024
#34225 Display correct dimensions for image sizes in media modal Media normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 05/24/2017
#59362 Display deprecated function usage in Site Health Site Health normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 09/16/2023
#49731 Display embeds in WordPress plugin descriptions Plugins normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/31/2020
#41110 Display full content of "Pending" comment on WP Dashboard Comments normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 06/21/2017
#39836 Display maximum file upload size on theme upload page Themes normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 06/25/2017
#43505 Display of html encoded text in dashboard. Plugins normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/08/2018
#47389 Display warning message on the Updates screen when a VCS is in use Upgrade/Install normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 02/15/2023
#61468 DivisionByZero issue for comments on PHP8.0+ Comments normal major 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/09/2024
#55909 Do WordPress feeds need pagination query SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS? Feeds normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 06/03/2022
#39985 Do action before send email of retrieve password Login and Registration normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 03/08/2017
#62029 Do not bloat Debug Log with Scraping home page… when auto upgrade is OK Upgrade/Install normal normal 3 6.7 defect (bug) has-patch 09/29/2024
#61949 Do not call getimagesize() against non-existent files Media normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 08/28/2024
#43869 Do not initialize current user too early in `get_user_locale()` SergeyBiryukov Bootstrap/Load normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 01/30/2022
#49407 Do not propose users to skip a minor upgrade (take 2) Upgrade/Install normal normal 1 Future Release enhancement 01/27/2021
#21758 Do not require a file in comments_template() Comments normal normal 1 enhancement 06/04/2019
#43877 Do not run unnecessary `user_has_cap` filter if the caps to check for include `do_not_allow` already Role/Capability normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/17/2018
#42075 Do not show default image on using WP_Customize_Cropped_Image_Control. Customize normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 05/29/2021
#50554 Do not use iframe for plugin information dialog Plugins normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/08/2020
#61025 Do not write in DB when updating a user if no user data has changed Users normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement 04/18/2024
#53296 Do trim $hook_name within add_action() and add_filter() function Security normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 05/29/2021
#61608 Docblock improvements for WP 6.7 General normal normal 3 6.7 task (blessed) has-patch 10/10/2024
#55645 Docs: Improve the documentation for `plugins_api()`. Plugins normal normal 2 Future Release task (blessed) has-patch 08/09/2024
#58076 Docs: Improve various globals documentation, as per docblock standards. General normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 11/18/2023
#60646 Docs: Incorrect return type specified for get_post_custom with negative post ID value Posts, Post Types normal trivial 1 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 06/11/2024
#58849 Document supported $args for register_rest_route() REST API normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement 07/19/2023
#51126 Document the update offer parameter for auto updates desrosj Upgrade/Install normal normal 6 Future Release task (blessed) has-patch 10/10/2022
#51307 Document title broken when "Homepage" isn't set in Settings > Reading General normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 03/08/2021
#51289 Documentation issue: get_post_time is getting the time when published not when created SergeyBiryukov Date/Time normal normal 1 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 02/13/2022
#51623 Does WordPress run a clean-up cron-job for menu items having the draft status? Menus normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/24/2020
#53545 Domain Mapping not working with page as homepage Rewrite Rules normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/28/2021
#42512 Domain with special character redirect loop on homepage Canonical normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/14/2018
#31603 Don't change $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] just to filter the current URL query string General normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement 07/17/2021
#56551 Don't internationalize (translate) messages in `_doing_it_wrong()` I18N normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 10/22/2022
#17146 Don't limit screen meta tab CSS to content within #screen-meta koopersmith Help/About normal normal 1 Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/18/2021
#50460 Don't minimize the `script-loader-packages.php` file Build/Test Tools normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement close 11/10/2021
#16415 Don't require CPTs to have archives in order to have feeds Posts, Post Types normal normal 5 enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#39844 Don't return anchor tag if link is empty in get_the_author_posts_link() Themes normal normal 1 Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/21/2022
#27162 Don't store admin messages in transients Administration low normal 5 defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#53743 Double <title> Tag with SEO Plugins in WordPress 5.8 General normal major 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 07/22/2021
#25696 Double clicking update on list table inline edit removes row from dom Quick/Bulk Edit normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 10/12/2018
#40057 Double hashed value for background-color of body.background-color Themes normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/13/2019
#56347 Download failed. A valid URL was not provided. HTTP API normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/14/2023
#32386 Draft's Last Modified date incorrect if it is Scheduled obenland Date/Time normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 10/07/2020
#48903 Drafts or pending posts overwrites existing published post with same url Permalinks normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/13/2021
#13247 Drag/drop for add menu item boxes koopersmith Menus normal normal 1 enhancement 06/04/2019
#46557 Dragging image to uploader directly from another website causes redirection Upload normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/18/2019
#60190 Drop PHP 4 support for arrays with 1 object element Plugins normal normal 4 Future Release enhancement has-patch 06/05/2024
#49693 Drop duplicate recurring cron events whyisjake* Cron API normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement has-patch 01/31/2021
#47130 Drop files to upload is also available except Upload Media tab Media normal normal 2 Future Release defect (bug) 08/12/2021
#15855 Dropdown isn't shown when doing a user 'removal' Users normal normal 6 defect (bug) 09/17/2024
#57246 Duotone SVG function does not check for CSS variable color format Themes normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/02/2022
#59017 Duotone not working in 6.3 Editor normal normal 1 Future Release enhancement 10/03/2023
#40115 Duplicate Custom Fields are created Options, Meta APIs normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 03/15/2017
#53903 Duplicate Menu Bar option Menus normal normal 1 Awaiting Review feature request 09/17/2021
#61194 Duplicate Query for getting Privacy Policy Page Privacy normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 05/13/2024
#42254 Duplicate news entries in Events & News dashboard widget Iceable Administration low minor 10 Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 10/11/2023
#45801 Duplicate post publish action Posts, Post Types normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/07/2019
#31665 Duplicate slugs in DB, created for hierarchical terms with long, non-latin names, when the default slug already exists Taxonomy normal normal 1 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#37975 Duplicate tag names aren't supported Taxonomy normal normal 1 Future Release defect (bug) 04/05/2019
#58748 Duplicate tags we can't select under post edit page. even slug are different. Taxonomy normal major 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/07/2023
#61396 Duplicate terms with names in non-ASCII characters in different cases Taxonomy normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/13/2024
#26822 During upgrade, no errors thrown when file permissions are wrong Upgrade/Install normal normal 2 defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#10432 Dynamic classes for current blog post item, current term item Themes normal normal 1 enhancement has-patch 05/31/2024
#43585 Dynamically created setting not received on previewer Customize normal normal 1 Future Release defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/15/2019
#53087 ERRO NA ARÉA EDITAR POST Editor normal major 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/18/2021
#9257 EXIF GPS data Media normal normal 4 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 03/06/2024
#61572 Easily upload mu-plugins Plugins normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 07/04/2024
#13363 Edit Comments: Pending > Approving shouldn't make them disappear from screen wonderboymusic Comments normal normal 2 Future Release enhancement has-patch 11/16/2023
#27427 Edit Gallery view does not display images in original aspect ratio Media normal normal 2 defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#61058 Edit Permalinks, Date, Time and Visibility not working on 6.5.2 Editor normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/20/2024
#50290 Edit Post and Edit Page is not showing in Admin Bar, When I open any Post or Page in new tab while in Customize Customize normal normal 1 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 06/01/2021
#26596 Edit comments from wpAdmin don't process well radio button fields Comments normal normal 1 defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#53707 Edit critical error message for situations when email is not received Upgrade/Install normal normal 2 6.7 defect (bug) has-patch 10/10/2024
#55905 Edit date / quick edit not working Posts, Post Types normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/02/2022
#34173 Edit locking for term management Taxonomy normal normal 5 enhancement 03/26/2020
#41594 Edit tag form limited to 800px width Taxonomy normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 04/06/2021
#39574 Editor patterns: add empty headings/quotes Editor normal normal 1 Future Release defect (bug) 07/18/2019
#62090 Editor: Add filter for supported block binding attributes Editor normal normal 1 6.8 defect (bug) has-patch 10/01/2024
#50615 Editor: Create standalone JSON schema for block type definition Editor normal normal 6 Awaiting Review feature request 04/30/2022
#40237 Educate users about modern password best-practices Security normal normal 5 Awaiting Review enhancement 06/06/2022
#38072 Eliminate placeholder nav menu items in favor of auto-drafts in Customizer Customize normal normal 4 Future Release enhancement 06/07/2017
#45000 Eliminating "Add New" Button Beside Titles in Admin Administration normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 01/06/2020
#33362 Email already exist when changing email case Users normal normal 1 defect (bug) 06/05/2019
#47765 Email from improved fatal error protection Site Health normal minor 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 12/05/2019
#38102 Email header Content-Type: multipart boundary ignored by wp_mail Mail normal normal 2 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/01/2019
#47605 Email sender name change with site title in wp-includes/pluggable.php Mail normal normal 2 Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 01/03/2020
#44548 Email should be encoded with UTF8 and base64 I18N normal normal 5 Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 09/14/2018
#30039 Email validation not working correctly Formatting normal normal 2 defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#26805 Email with Apostrophe May Not Update in Multisite Users normal normal 1 Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#43706 Email with link to change admin email does not include proposed new email address. SergeyBiryukov Users normal normal 4 Future Release enhancement has-patch 03/21/2022
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.