Make WordPress Core

{23} Popular Tickets (5283 matches)

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Results (401 - 500 of 5283)

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Noteworthy (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Votes Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#58109 Fatal Error when changed Taxonomy from hierarchical False to True Taxonomy normal normal 4 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/26/2023
#46338 taxonomy_meta_box_sanitize_cb_checkboxes: Warning: array_map(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, string given Taxonomy normal normal 4 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/17/2024
#33148 Categories are missing in admin category list when child category linked to non-existant parent id Taxonomy normal normal 4 Future Release enhancement 07/13/2021
#36228 Uncheck "uncategorized" when you select a category Taxonomy normal normal 4 Future Release enhancement 10/03/2018
#27079 Very long waiting if we have a lot taxonomy terms. Taxonomy normal normal 4 enhancement 03/21/2024
#33841 WP_Dropdown_Categories: Parent Category Optgroups Taxonomy normal normal 4 enhancement 06/04/2019
#38308 Accept 'meta_query' parameter in `WP_Tax_Query` Taxonomy normal normal 4 Future Release feature request 07/30/2017
#40070 Cannot remove theme with Javascript if folder name contains periods Themes normal normal 4 Future Release defect (bug) 06/12/2017
#39773 Users Can Wrongly Set a Custom Page Template when front-page.php is in Use Themes normal normal 4 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/27/2017
#29051 get_raw_theme_root : Windows paths Themes high critical 4 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/14/2024
#40108 Pagination Enhancement wp_link_pages() Themes normal normal 4 Awaiting Review enhancement 01/25/2018
#51823 Native auto updater caused plugin update to fail and disappears plugin from directory francina Upgrade/Install normal major 4 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/26/2022
#29408 Symlinked themes and plugins should not be updatable Upgrade/Install normal normal 4 defect (bug) 05/11/2021
#51695 Include Upgrade Notice in post-auto-update emails Upgrade/Install normal normal 4 Future Release enhancement 06/05/2021
#51540 Iterations to updates screen Upgrade/Install normal normal 4 Awaiting Review enhancement 02/17/2021
#52154 Ability to install site with predefined configuration without Docker or console commands — analogue of package.json for full site installation with exact settings, plugins, themes and their settings Upgrade/Install normal normal 4 Awaiting Review feature request 03/01/2023
#18489 Create constants in default-constants.php for the uploads folder to allow better custom uploads location eddiemoya Upload normal normal 4 Awaiting Review enhancement 05/15/2019
#28367 Video upload failure is a dead end Upload normal normal 4 Awaiting Review enhancement 05/15/2019
#55749 Large-site inefficiency in REST users endpoint used by Gutenberg editor Users normal normal 4 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/20/2023
#46586 `determine_current_user` filter only run once per request Users normal normal 4 Awaiting Review feature request 03/21/2019
#53693 Block icons too big on 5.8 widgets page Widgets normal normal 4 Future Release defect (bug) 11/01/2021
#53170 Reduce the transient size of WordPress Events and News feeds Widgets normal normal 4 Awaiting Review enhancement 02/23/2024
#21386 XML-RPC needs a user permission method XML-RPC normal normal 4 enhancement 06/05/2019
#40218 Button and select box alignment issue in page view Administration normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 02/24/2024
#45135 Dashboard Menu Conflict on Mobile Devices when menu is active Administration normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/24/2018
#45130 Defer jQuery WordPress Admin & Customizer doesn't work properly Administration normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/01/2019
#59365 Deprecated notice when calling get_admin_page_title() on some dashboard pages. Administration normal minor 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/10/2024
#61503 Hook parent_file Administration normal minor 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/25/2024
#48048 Parent pages are not visible in the Page Attributes metabox Administration normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/16/2019
#44710 Upload plugin and theme functionalities are not removing uploaded files after failure conditions. Administration normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/25/2020
#27916 Add New Post screen nonce failure should redirect to Edit Post screen Administration normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement 07/18/2024
#46764 Admin search functionality Administration normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 04/04/2019
#40686 CSS: introduce naming and usage conventions for JS targeting Administration normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 05/06/2021
#61585 Modify Events and News Widget to Show Global Events Separate from Local Events + Improve Accessibility of the Widget joedolson* Administration normal normal 3 6.8 enhancement 09/27/2024
#38453 New UI for the settings page of the dashboard Administration normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 10/26/2019
#50575 Reconsider some admin scheme colors. Administration normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 08/21/2020
#40925 Review the usage of the change event on select elements joedolson* Administration normal normal 3 Future Release task (blessed) 09/22/2023
#62064 Refresh Authorize Application page UI Application Passwords normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/09/2024
#51942 Application Password pagination Application Passwords normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 02/01/2021
#45949 Allow plugins or themes to supply their own message when they caused a WSOD Bootstrap/Load normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 09/17/2024
#59120 Measure interactivity metrics in performance tests Build/Test Tools normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 10/21/2024
#53685 Update the `caniuse` database when running `grunt precommit:css` Build/Test Tools normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/16/2023
#53737 Create a way to autogenerate end-to-end test code from manual testing steps for WordPress core lucatume Build/Test Tools normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement 07/05/2022
#49638 Determine methodology recommendations for CSS audit Build/Test Tools normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 06/25/2020
#37521 Introduce a procedure for deprecating code used in Unit Tests Build/Test Tools normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 02/25/2019
#48007 Setup Windows CI environment Build/Test Tools normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement 12/08/2020
#54029 Rename WordPress native expectDeprecated() and @ExpectedDeprecated to avoid confusion with PHPUnit native expectDeprecation and for future-proofing Build/Test Tools normal normal 3 Awaiting Review task (blessed) 06/20/2022
#48703 Update compressed images for a clean precommit:image output SergeyBiryukov Build/Test Tools normal normal 3 Future Release task (blessed) 08/07/2023
#50182 Majority of bundled themes have broken mobile nav menus when JS turned off Bundled Theme normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 07/25/2024
#47051 Twenty Nineteen theme sub-menu returns error in WAVE accessibility tool Bundled Theme normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 06/22/2024
#59204 Twenty Nineteen: Separator block does not center as expected Bundled Theme normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 06/09/2024
#62185 Twenty Twenty-One: archive page headings do not wrap long words Bundled Theme normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 10/09/2024
#48718 Twenty Twenty: Block Left/Right Align Display Issues Bundled Theme normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 05/27/2024
#48684 Twenty Twenty: Issue with primary color in the block editor Bundled Theme normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/11/2024
#48837 Twenty Twenty: Wrong cover height in Chrome mobile Bundled Theme normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 08/25/2024
#60011 6.4.1 seems to deliver poor external cache performance compared with 6.3.2 Cache API normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/16/2024
#57906 Introduce `wp_cache_*_query()` helpers Cache API normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 03/10/2023
#35847 Issue with blog roll pagination on static frontpage Canonical normal major 3 defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#41037 Comment author can't edit their comment(s) if they aren't the post author Comments normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/22/2019
#42459 Comments metabox doesn't load all the comments when clicking "Show more comments" link Comments normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/31/2018
#20846 Multisite: Network Users can post comments without being members of the site Comments low minor 3 Future Release defect (bug) 05/05/2020
#28959 Comments: improve comment moderation text and default style for better UX Comments normal normal 3 enhancement 06/04/2019
#44923 Filter .children class on nested comments list Comments normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 04/21/2019
#56261 Normalize comment function parameters with mixed case names SergeyBiryukov* Comments normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement 02/08/2023
#47926 Disable website field in comment section Comments normal normal 3 Awaiting Review feature request 11/20/2023
#37537 Hooks To Improve UI & UX when making a plugin that modifies the Edit-Comment Screen Comments normal normal 3 feature request 06/04/2019
#42075 Do not show default image on using WP_Customize_Cropped_Image_Control. Customize normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 05/29/2021
#47550 Some Unicode characters not saving in customizer Customize normal minor 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/31/2021
#39031 Customize: Include theme as just another setting instead of passing as separate parameter Customize normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement 05/24/2021
#42272 Customize: Use client-side templates for rendering base controls Customize normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement 01/09/2019
#40527 Decouple WP_Customize_Manager Customize normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement 09/25/2017
#40200 Introduce WP_Customize_Embed_Control Customize normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement 07/08/2018
#32861 Site Icon: Provide display for all existing site-icon cropped images Customize normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement 06/04/2019
#54836 Huge error logs filled with "WordPress database error Illegal mix of collations" errors caused by spammers Database normal critical 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/12/2024
#28591 dbDelta Non-literal DEFAULT not working (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) Database normal normal 3 defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#54627 Adding More Timestamp columns to database Database normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 12/14/2021
#40150 VARCHAR/TEXT inefficiencies Database normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 03/14/2017
#32386 Draft's Last Modified date incorrect if it is Scheduled obenland Date/Time normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 10/07/2020
#44597 Scheduling posts adds wrong seconds as post_date Date/Time normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/25/2020
#53755 WordPress 5.8 DatePicker component crashes Date/Time normal blocker 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/30/2021
#41011 get_calendar generates query with invalid date formats Date/Time normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 09/22/2020
#58880 HOLD 6.3 and FIX Template Parts vs. Patterns Editor normal major 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/25/2023
#52621 Leave site? / Save alert Editor normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 06/02/2024
#29359 No error message is displayed when a user with an Admin role tries to publish code on Multisite Editor normal normal 3 defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#39793 Scrolling up in the sticky post text editor does not scroll the page up to top Editor normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 06/05/2019
#43564 TinyMCE bookmark not removed Editor normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 02/07/2020
#48698 Update fails if there’s a "Custom Html" block and an Iframe inside it Editor normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/01/2020
#36312 Inline link toolbar: add advanced panel Editor normal normal 3 enhancement 06/04/2019
#36475 Responsive images in TinyMCE Editor normal normal 3 Future Release enhancement 07/02/2019
#61473 Feature to set Absolute & Relative position of Blocks in Gutenberg Editor Editor normal normal 3 Awaiting Review feature request 07/31/2024
#61472 Widths of Row/Stack inside of a Stack in Gutenberg Editor Editor normal normal 3 Awaiting Review feature request 08/01/2024
#49185 Option to use text link instead of auto embed. Embeds normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/28/2020
#58120 oEmbed Mastodon Embeds normal normal 3 Awaiting Review feature request 04/22/2023
#61806 twemoji is always loaded on Windows devices pbearne* Emoji normal minor 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/07/2024
#55135 Media URLs break when migrating WordPress content to different domains Export normal normal 3 Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/10/2022
#39021 Import Export Attachments Export normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 03/19/2019
#40158 Plupload bug with Firefox and Mac OS where the user can't select .jpeg files azaozz External Libraries normal normal 3 Future Release defect (bug) 09/01/2017
#52536 Add "X-Robots-Tag: noindex" to feeds by default Feeds normal major 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 01/08/2024
#55909 Do WordPress feeds need pagination query SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS? Feeds normal normal 3 Awaiting Review enhancement 06/03/2022
#49403 WordPress prompts for FTP credentials to perform updates Filesystem API normal normal 3 defect (bug) 03/03/2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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