Make WordPress Core

{29} Open Tickets with My Patches (4 matches)

Create a new ticket

This report highlights any tickets which the current user has added patches on, yet the ticket remains open.

By default, this report shows tickets for the current user, however, you may view other users' patches using URL like:, where username should be replaced with a username.

Colored rows are those where the ticket has been marked as needing a patch.

Ticket Milestone Type Summary Workflow Component Version Severity Priority Modified
#39639 Awaiting Review new enhancement Increase cache time on wp_get_available_translations() needs-patch I18N 4.8 normal normal 04/24/2024
#25840 Future new enhancement Feature Request: WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS as option needs-testing HTTP API 3.7.1 normal normal 09/16/2020
#26195 new enhancement Deleting users asks for reassigning posts even when there is no post/comment dev-feedback Users 3.7.1 normal normal 06/05/2019
#28618 Future new enhancement Allow PHPMailer class to be reliably overriden has-patch Mail 4.0 normal normal 10/08/2020
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.