Make WordPress Core

{30} Tickets with a focus on (5309 matches)

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  • Active tickets with a focus on
  • Grouped by workflow and sorted by component, type, summary
  • Accepted tickets have an '*' appended to their owner's name

Results (3301 - 3400 of 5309)

Tickets Needing Feedback (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#40451 Customizer: Introduce plugin management Customize normal normal Future Release feature request dev-feedback 01/15/2019
#34991 Introduce a typographic measure for the admin screens Administration normal normal Future Release feature request 11/12/2020
#31284 List tables with fixed header on scroll Administration normal normal Future Release feature request has-patch 11/05/2024
#12877 Modular themes: Apply template hierarchy to folders within a theme Themes normal normal feature request dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#14215 MultiSite: Add new > different username from blog title Networks and Sites normal normal Future Release feature request 05/07/2018
#15691 Network admin should have its own settings API Networks and Sites normal normal Future Release feature request needs-unit-tests 09/07/2017
#14460 New Permission for no_user_edit so users with edit_users can't edit it Users normal normal feature request dev-feedback 06/05/2019
#12477 Search with special characters and similar terms nbachiyski I18N normal normal feature request dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#13816 There should be built-in index pages for taxonomies Taxonomy normal normal Future Release feature request dev-feedback 12/11/2024
#10660 Time zone suggester based on nascent API call rmccue Date/Time normal normal Future Release feature request dev-feedback 11/29/2024
#27404 Widget Customizer: Allow adding inactive widgets to widget areas melchoyce Widgets normal normal Future Release feature request 12/09/2018
#14969 menu element "all (direct) child pages" Menus normal normal feature request dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#15953 when category slug is changed, old uri also should redirect to new, as post uris do SergeyBiryukov Permalinks normal normal Future Release feature request dev-feedback 05/25/2023
#35214 Custom Comment Types Comments normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 05/12/2024
#40365 Introduce a REST API endpoint for sites REST API normal normal Future Release task (blessed) needs-unit-tests 04/03/2020

Tickets with Patches (85 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#53229 "Alt Text" label misaligned in French audrasjb* Gallery normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 06/08/2021
#16478 "Get Shortlink" button disappears if you edit the permalink Editor normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 09/22/2021
#46017 "Mine" comment count isn't updated when replying to or moderating a comment. Comments normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 01/24/2019
#54970 "Please update WordPress" link on incompatible theme tile on the "Add Themes" view is not clickable audrasjb Themes normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 07/06/2023
#36823 "TypeError: wp.updates is undefined" when installing a plugin Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 01/22/2018
#13103 "Unknown character set" during install into database reports successful install. barrykooij Database normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#36406 $network_wide is unreliable Plugins normal critical Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 07/09/2019
#16747 'feedtype_enclosure' hooks not triggered without custom field Feeds normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#24248 'guid' not properly escaped Posts, Post Types normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 10/04/2022
#12104 'moderate_comments' capability by itself should grant the user the permission to See/Edit all comments from the Comments menu. Comments normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 11/08/2021
#35130 .wp-full-overlay-main prevents touch scrolling in theme preview iframe in iOS Safari obenland* Themes normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 01/02/2017
#20388 ?cpage=N URLs do not have canonical redirection Canonical normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#44835 Add a hidden input for 'original_post_status' to the inline-edit rows so it's available on the $_POST in save_post SergeyBiryukov Editor normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 01/21/2019
#48978 Add a new test case for E2E test (Show admin bar if user logged in) Build/Test Tools normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 08/16/2024
#36341 Add a note about the 'init' hook to the DocBlock for get_current_user_id() Users normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 02/09/2018
#13972 Add new category link - capability check needed Posts, Post Types normal minor Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 01/23/2018
#26402 Add option to DB if option is only present in cache when updating option Cache API normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 03/17/2017
#37253 Add several missing "_deprecated_function()" calls General low normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 04/19/2019
#47676 Add support for If-Unmodified-Since header to make a conditional request when updating posts via REST API (for offline and collaborative editing) Editor normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 07/18/2019
#47527 Add visible class to media library sidebar on library frames joemcgill Media normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 04/27/2021
#25899 Adding mediaelement CSS links outside of head tags breaks HTML5 validation Media normal minor defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#52723 Admin options.php default value to NULL for option_value may lead to MySQL Integrity constraint violation error, potential other bugs Options, Meta APIs normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/13/2024
#57577 Admin: Color schema is not applied correctly to beta labels in site editor Administration normal minor Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 06/27/2023
#49694 All pages menu on admin panel has DOM errors Administration normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 11/04/2020
#16817 All updates have been completed Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 09/17/2020
#31029 Allow 0 columns in gallery settings rhurling Media normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 10/26/2022
#43119 Allow passing empty post ID to media_handle_sideload() Media normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 09/01/2021
#48153 Allow the admin email verification capability to be filtered Site Health normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 02/21/2020
#40319 Apostrophe in commenter's name prevents comment_whitelist setting from working. Comments normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 03/20/2020
#17661 Appending date & author based query vars to a permalink overrides the permalink Canonical normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#14363 Atom feed is broken when WordPress is served as application/xhtml+xml Feeds normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#38243 Attempting to create a term with invalid UTF8 characters creates a blank term Taxonomy normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 04/01/2019
#54149 Audit `get_comment()` response checks. Comments normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 04/01/2024
#30184 Author page and category Query normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#29386 Autosave message should disappear when the next autosave happens Autosave normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#43978 Avoid flickering on the Tools / Export page birgire Export normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 02/20/2020
#10823 Bad handling of ampersand in post titles Formatting normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#59600 Block themes: Use a cache for block template files Themes normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 10/07/2024
#17541 Blogger-XMLPRC API does not work with Multisite/SSL/DMZ combination westi* XML-RPC normal major defect (bug) has-patch 06/05/2019
#24398 Bulk Deleting Sites from Network Admin, No Confirmation message Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#39186 Bulk actions not correctly applied when selecting bulk actions in both the top and bottom bulk actions dropdowns engelen Quick/Bulk Edit normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 02/28/2023
#43496 CS: Fix disabled for user-edit.php Users normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 03/24/2019
#31127 Can't add a new user to two sites before they've accepted their account Users normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/17/2024
#43494 Can't change/delete menu items in Customizer on mobile audrasjb* Menus normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 10/09/2024
#36786 Can't pass filter names to `MockAction::get_call_count()` Build/Test Tools normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 09/03/2021
#18408 Can't wp_reset_postdata after custom WP_Query in an admin edit page audrasjb Query normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 02/19/2024
#12456 Canonical URL redirect issue with post_id/postname permalink structure SergeyBiryukov Canonical normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 08/04/2021
#13041 Canonical redirection will redirect a non-exitant page to a post. dd32 Canonical normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#39535 Canonical redirects disallow tag named comments Canonical normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 02/28/2019
#20171 Categories/Tags links are broken in WP 3.3.1, with multisite/subfolder install Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#10663 Category name handling wrong function is_category Query normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 04/21/2024
#61069 Change the http:// links to https:// of and hello dolly General normal minor Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 06/23/2024
#43274 Changing $(comments|feed)_base of WP_Rewrite causes errors because of hardcoded strings in redirect_canonical() Canonical normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 01/14/2019
#23074 Changing post's URL and then setting it back causes redirect loop (wp_old_slug_redirect) Canonical normal major Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 02/17/2024
#13821 Changing visibility to password-protected without entering a password does not warn user kapeels* Editor normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 06/05/2019
#30613 Check the return value of wp_json_encode() General normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#23902 Classes set with nav_menu_css_class are not accessible in walker_nav_menu_start_el Menus normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#48787 Classic Editor user interface CSS inconsistencies when toggling "Enable full-height editor ..." sabernhardt* Editor normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 11/15/2021
#29159 Classic editor: Visual editor is disabled when user agent is obscured by a proxy Editor normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 11/24/2020
#23862 Clean up old WP->public_query_vars and WP->private_query_vars nacin Query normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 11/30/2022
#42213 Code Editors: Filter autocomplete suggestions General normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 10/03/2018
#44820 CodeMirror in Customize - copy & paste bug Customize normal minor Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 02/26/2023
#45939 Coding Standards: fix <br/> in core files General normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 02/21/2020
#35075 Comment cache ignores custom query vars boonebgorges Comments normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 03/06/2020
#26858 Comment duplicate check has a slow query pbearne Database normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 05/24/2024
#36208 Comment queries should ignore comments associated with non-active custom post types Comments normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 10/17/2023
#40143 Comment template functions don't check for comment existence Comments normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 02/08/2024
#36409 Comments number is wrong pbearne Comments normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 04/23/2024
#13459 Conflict between post and page slugs/permalinks when permalink setting is set to /%postname%/ petitphp Permalinks normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 01/02/2025
#15784 Contributors can't easily view others' posts in a certain term Posts, Post Types normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#41448 Contributors shouldn't be able to change the date of their drafts Posts, Post Types low normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 08/04/2017
#38133 Core widget fields fail to render value of "0" when empty() checks are used stevenkword Widgets normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 11/13/2024
#18553 Counting of categories doesn't work without refreshing? Taxonomy normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 10/08/2017
#37627 Custom Fields Heading shows up when all meta values are serialized arrays/objects Posts, Post Types normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#36334 Custom RSS feed has wrong MIME type and forces download in browser Feeds normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-docs 03/25/2020
#46307 Custom admin menu items don't provide their title on medium breakpoint garrett-eclipse Administration normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 08/16/2024
#43539 Custom feed types breaks redirect_canonical behavior SergeyBiryukov Canonical normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 11/01/2022
#38424 Custom form taxonomy field doesn't clear after added... Taxonomy normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 02/17/2019
#32322 Custom permalink structure incorrect for Future posts kdoole Permalinks normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 10/15/2019
#42873 Customize: Allow themes to be installed when SFTP credentials required Customize normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 01/15/2018
#40831 Customize: Further improve JS inline documentation Customize normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 05/05/2024
#42078 Customize: fix the color hue picker HTML and accessibility Customize normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 09/26/2018
#39665 Customize: nav menu fallbacks don't get edit shortcuts Customize normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 10/18/2017
#32577 Customizer QUnit tests not cleaning up dlh Customize normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 07/19/2022
#33267 Customizer Theme details: too many events Customize normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 05/23/2021
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