Make WordPress Core

{30} Tickets with a focus on (5300 matches)

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  • Grouped by workflow and sorted by component, type, summary
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Results (4801 - 4900 of 5300)

Unpatched Enhancements (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#38072 Eliminate placeholder nav menu items in favor of auto-drafts in Customizer Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/07/2017
#36582 Export main query from Customizer preview Customize low normal Future Release enhancement 05/23/2021
#37275 Facilitate creating controls that manipulate settings with object values Customize low normal Future Release enhancement 04/19/2019
#37274 Facilitate updating/extending Customizer setting values that are objects Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 04/19/2019
#38077 Facilitating embedding customizer controls outside of sections westonruter* Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 05/07/2017
#21627 Filter for custom-background CSS selector peterwilsoncc Customize low minor Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 05/22/2021
#31436 Handle conflicts in concurrent Customizer sessions Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 05/22/2021
#39040 Hide references to nav menu locations that are not visible in the customizer preview Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 03/19/2019
#38845 Implement HTML5 input validity constraints in customizer settings Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 09/18/2017
#42331 Improve setting up header images in Customizer Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 01/15/2018
#40200 Introduce WP_Customize_Embed_Control Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 07/08/2018
#37887 Make attachments atomic until a Customizer session is published Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 10/16/2017
#29071 Make it easier to include an instance of the Customizer outside of customize.php Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 05/22/2021
#49876 Menu section improvement ryokuhi* Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 11/12/2024
#43469 Native Site Icon feature in Customizer is outdated Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 05/31/2021
#29316 Need more value and preview hooks for WP_Customize_Settings Customize low normal Future Release enhancement 03/20/2018
#47990 Opening/Closing the 'Add Items' slideout in the Customizer Menu editor loses the check icon Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/01/2021
#35186 Put the Customizer "back" button next to the "Close" button Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 11/22/2020
#43464 Search Options in Customizer Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 05/30/2021
#29288 Settings updated within the Customizer Preview are not synced up to main app Panel Customize lowest normal Future Release enhancement 05/22/2021
#32861 Site Icon: Provide display for all existing site-icon cropped images Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/04/2019
#30277 Split up Customizer JS into separate files and remove self-booting jQuery.ready call Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/13/2018
#34233 There is not a body class filter within the customizer. Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement 12/11/2019
#29948 Use contextual controls (active_callback) API for conditionally-displayed core contextual controls Customize lowest normal Future Release enhancement 02/20/2017
#40922 Use finer-grained capabilities with `customize_changeset` post type Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 05/16/2020
#39681 Add RGBA to Customizer color picker Customize normal normal Future Release feature request 02/08/2019
#38900 Customize: Add REST API endpoints for changesets Customize normal normal Future Release feature request 11/06/2020
#42644 Customize: Add rich text control for managing tagline and new footer credit theme support Customize normal normal Future Release feature request 01/09/2019
#39752 Customize: add a post editing flow Customize normal normal Future Release feature request 10/11/2020
#35857 Add QUnit tests for Customizer preview, including Selective Refresh Customize normal normal Future Release task (blessed) needs-unit-tests 03/17/2023
#30181 Add more Underscore.js array methods to wp.customize.Values and re-use _ for Customizer JS methods Customize lowest normal Future Release task (blessed) 03/14/2017
#40278 Customizer: Introduce theme uploading Customize normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 11/22/2020
#35109 Add Online DDL support to dbDelta Database normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#38036 Add support for the utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci collation Database normal normal Future Release enhancement 04/05/2023
#31759 Allow to set $allow_bail when creating new wpdb object to handle connection error silently Database normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#38760 Capture result size in bytes when SAVEQUERIES is true Database normal normal Future Release enhancement 10/03/2017
#6492 Guids No Longer Have Permalink Format Database normal normal Future Release enhancement 08/30/2019
#8857 Make WP MySQL strict mode compliant Database lowest normal enhancement 01/22/2024
#42352 Support use of native MySQLi prepared queries Database normal normal Future Release enhancement early 09/26/2024
#41424 Use a better error message than "Error establishing a database connection" when site isn't found Database normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 11/22/2017
#31042 WPDB field_types Variable Too Broad? Database normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#10883 db-error.php not used for all DB failures Database normal normal enhancement 12/07/2023
#29938 mysqli_query and multiple resultsets Database normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#18146 Add user-level & front end timezone display flexibility according to a fixed time [GMT:0] Date/Time normal normal Future Release feature request 12/30/2024
#49396 Inconsistent Time format Date/Time normal normal feature request 11/05/2024
#50823 Miss button add new post on page edit post (editor guttenberg) audrasjb* Editor normal major Future Release feature request dev-feedback 10/20/2022
#28566 Add our own "Are you sure you want to leave this page?" message when possible Editor normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#25471 Allow wp_link_dialogue to open in contexts outside of the editor Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/05/2019
#40629 Change default template Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement 11/23/2020
#59017 Duotone not working in 6.3 Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement 10/03/2023
#36312 Inline link toolbar: add advanced panel Editor normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#36216 Keyboard shortcut for displaying contextual help Editor normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#36778 Parent theme editor-style.css cannot be disabled Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement 11/23/2020
#50191 Propose https prefix, not http for external links Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement 09/11/2022
#36475 Responsive images in TinyMCE Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement 07/02/2019
#31479 Save custom color palette through refreshes Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement 07/05/2019
#38850 Sticky positioning for a smoother scrolling experience iseulde* Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/05/2019
#6619 permalink field misleading in page editor: it displays the erroneous values Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement 09/22/2021
#30720 In editor, add a button to refresh/invalidate (oEmbed) embeds cache Embeds normal normal Future Release enhancement 10/20/2017
#43713 Privacy: Add a UI to allow administrators to disable individual embeds / oembeds Embeds normal normal Future Release enhancement 09/27/2019
#38128 Twitter Embed - Enhancement change theme Embeds lowest normal Future Release enhancement 05/30/2023
#14757 users with no posts are not exported Export normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 07/06/2020
#19864 Abstract export_wp() for use by CLI scripts Export normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#33461 Allow filtering of meta_value in exporter Export normal normal enhancement 07/02/2020
#31084 Export capabilities should allow the current user to export their own posts Export normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#32130 Export tool should manage users Export normal normal enhancement 07/06/2020
#19307 Need ability to export "All content" but limited to date range Export normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#36340 Other options ignored when using a custom post type with export_wp() Export normal normal Future Release enhancement 07/06/2020
#28375 export posts/pages query chriscct7 Export normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#42780 Code Editor: Linter (HTMLHint) should show error if checkbox doesn't have associated <label> tirth03 External Libraries normal normal Future Release enhancement early 01/30/2025
#48456 Update CodeMirror to latest version External Libraries normal normal Future Release enhancement early 10/05/2022
#43749 Update zxcvbn to 4.4.2 External Libraries normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 11/18/2021
#60478 Upgrade to JQuery 4 External Libraries normal normal Future Release enhancement 08/23/2024
#14493 do_enclose() can ping the same URL many times, can't filter URLs to ping nacin* Feeds normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#34064 Filter the file type error message Filesystem API normal normal enhancement 06/03/2021
#22772 Introduce HOMEPATH Filesystem API normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#30644 "wpautop" Enhancements Formatting normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 08/11/2020
#39636 Smilies not converted when directly followed by punctuation marks Formatting normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 04/11/2022
#30531 Make wptexturize the last filter before output azaozz Formatting normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#25856 debug of wpautop function with Unit Tests Formatting normal normal enhancement 03/20/2024
#29023 Galleries: add pagination option Gallery normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#34396 Gallery shortcode : make image captions relative to the current gallery Gallery normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#30798 Ideas for improvements to to wp_die() usages General normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#50673 Create "Accessibility Statement" tool with features equivalent to Privacy Policy Tools audrasjb General normal normal Future Release feature request dev-feedback 07/21/2023
#59233 Improve error handling for unserialize() General normal normal Future Release task (blessed) dev-feedback 10/18/2024
#59444 Add language injection comments for embedded languages in PHP General normal normal Future Release enhancement 09/26/2023
#49198 Blink: Intent to Deprecate + Freeze `navigator.userAgent` adamsilverstein General normal normal Future Release enhancement 01/07/2021
#60355 Can't save object to metadata with `readonly` properties General normal minor Future Release enhancement needs-docs 02/12/2024
#32316 Caps: Pass cap being checked to the 'user_has_cap' filter General normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#41873 Code Editor: Add PHP linter General normal normal Future Release enhancement 10/03/2017
#41874 Code Editor: Extend CSS linter to check for safecss-forbidden properties General normal normal Future Release enhancement 09/29/2017
#32249 Create extendable base classes of WP_Customize_* so that the rest of WordPress can benefit for its API General normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#32469 Create wp-include/views directory General normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#31603 Don't change $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] just to filter the current URL query string General normal normal Future Release enhancement 07/17/2021
#31010 Frontend / Admin specifications for AJAX General normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#28643 Improve the wp_die experience General normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#32558 More compact handling of the filter bar on small screens General normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#31211 New function for link-category intersection General normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#43258 Output buffer template rendering and add filter for post-processing (e.g. caching, optimization) General normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/05/2024
#32979 Password UI: Regenerate PW after clearing field General normal normal Future Release enhancement 12/11/2017
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.