Make WordPress Core

{30} Tickets with a focus on (5319 matches)

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Results (3601 - 3700 of 5319)

Tickets with Patches (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#24795 OS X Treatment Administration normal trivial Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/05/2017
#57900 Only prime post thumbnails in post REST API controller spacedmonkey REST API normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/10/2023
#34676 Optimize bulk plugin updates francina Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/07/2022
#37840 Optimize full size images enshrined Media normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 03/13/2023
#19653 Order by meta field forces ignore of null records Query normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/29/2019
#40038 Padding load_template's require with a do_action on each end Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 03/08/2017
#40862 Partially visible controls within a pane do not scroll into view jpurdy647 Customize low normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 11/25/2020
#35907 Permit sticky posts to affect the query in REST_REQUEST rmccue Query normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/23/2017
#39239 Persist the video header state between requests Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/19/2019
#23749 Post Format Archive Conditional Tag danielpataki Post Formats normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 06/26/2020
#4463 Pretty permalink on search aristath* Permalinks normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/27/2024
#44267 Privacy Request List Table: A way to show the time of request when it's older than 24 hours. Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 01/27/2019
#44034 Privacy: Introduce a function to count user requests by type garrett-eclipse Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/12/2020
#38947 Proposition to add an optimized api.Events manager to the api.Value constructor Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 12/05/2019
#29424 Query argument 'orderby' makes duplicated parameters possible; does not support some available columns johnbillion Query normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/05/2020
#38702 REST API: Add accessor functions for post_status and post_parent REST API normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 01/18/2022
#54247 REST API: Add block editor settings endpoint REST API normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/21/2021
#41821 REST API: Add support for threaded comments REST API normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/24/2020
#41616 REST API: Expose old slugs REST API normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 07/22/2024
#47595 Re-evaluate whether comment form should still get the HTML5 novalidate attribute Comments normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 12/06/2024
#57157 Reduce external resources for wp-login.php rajinsharwar Login and Registration normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/12/2024
#33704 Reduce reliance on wp_is_mobile() General normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/18/2023
#10970 Remove 'siteurl' setting from options-general.php Permalinks normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/13/2023
#22942 Remove Post by Email chriscct7 Mail normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/15/2020
#37280 Remove boldness from update notices Presskopp General normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 11/14/2021
#54961 Revise "Technical Difficulties" email to remove feature history and improve clarity of action steps Bootstrap/Load normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/17/2024
#44090 Reword plugin compatibility text to something more meaningful SergeyBiryukov Plugins normal minor Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/20/2020
#47280 SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS is deprecated as of MySQL 8.0.17 johnbillion Database normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/31/2024
#30587 SVG and PNG Images in UI Should Be Optimized Build/Test Tools normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 11/11/2020
#34886 Search Form should not submit empty strings Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/28/2020
#33717 Send Notification Email When a Comment is Approved From Moderation Comments normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/13/2021
#35430 Should the 'counts' cache group be persistent? Cache API normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/06/2024
#47085 Site Health appear on individual sites in Multisite Site Health low minor Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/19/2020
#47528 Site Health: Add test for file checksums Site Health normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/08/2023
#54346 Slow SQL queries fetching posts from specific categories craigfrancis* Database normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 12/11/2023
#42904 Speed up unit tests by disabling password hashing Build/Test Tools normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/20/2019
#59592 Store last changed value in key instead of using it as a salt for query caches Cache API normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/12/2023
#37818 Suggested import id for wp_insert_user Import normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 07/17/2020
#37937 Support boolean strings for the 'public', 'archived', 'mature', 'spam' and 'deleted' attributes in WP_Site_Query Networks and Sites normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/03/2017
#29664 Support font embedding and word break for Burmese in core. I18N normal major Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/25/2017
#42645 Support passing version number to add_editor_style() dinhtungdu Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/24/2019
#8828 Tags and Categories are undifferentiable in Atom and RSS feeds Feeds low minor Future Release enhancement has-patch 06/28/2024
#40351 Term post re-counts scale poorly, are common and difficult to avoid whyisjake Taxonomy normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/02/2024
#32917 Tests_DB_Charset tests don't fully cover wpdb::strip_invalid_text_for_column() Charset normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 11/14/2024
#46224 The additional CSS is not reflected in the editor Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/29/2021
#39831 Theme Tag Translation Ready Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/13/2022
#53356 Themes admin page: make theme details, active, and preview links always visible Travel_girl Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 07/02/2024
#47925 Twenty Nineteen: Size of style.css seems excessively large (225% as large as the next largest theme's CSS) Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 08/02/2024
#55126 Twenty Sixteen: Replace frontend jQuery usage with Interactivity API flixos90 Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/08/2024
#54171 Twenty Twelve: Replace frontend jQuery usage with Interactivity API flixos90 Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/08/2024
#57393 Unify checkbox handling and match wording with function on the User Profile screen Administration normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/07/2023
#37206 Unit test functions for functions.php's xmlrpc_removepostdata function XML-RPC low minor Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/21/2020
#38197 Update Pingback function To Add Return pbearne Pings/Trackbacks normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 04/23/2024
#56349 Update WordPress core functions to support multiple MIME types joegrainger Media normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/07/2022
#51284 Update style for side meta boxes azhiyadev Editor normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 07/09/2024
#28634 Upload images. does not clear Thumbnails metadata (+30kb from camera for each thumbnails) joemcgill Media normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
#39553 Use REST API endpoints for Plupload backend Media normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 03/29/2023
#62658 Use WP_Query in wp_get_post_autosave Revisions normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 12/07/2024
#40228 Use get_sites in get_blog_details spacedmonkey Networks and Sites normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/26/2023
#42252 Use more granular caching for common queries in `WP_Site_Query` flixos90 Networks and Sites normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 01/27/2019
#45825 Use of same loop variable in inner foreach loop can be error-prone Upgrade/Install low trivial Future Release enhancement has-patch 04/15/2019
#33573 Use the site icon introduced in 4.3 for the My Sites page Administration low normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/08/2019
#15058 Validate option and transient name lengths Options, Meta APIs normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/24/2021
#41339 WP_Comments_Query::__construct() should allow a 'status__not_in' parameter Comments normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 07/30/2017
#29544 WP_Filesystem_MockFS permissions support Build/Test Tools normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/25/2019
#40459 WP_Site::__set() and WP_Network::__set() allow to set any property without a way to retrieve it Networks and Sites low normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 07/03/2017
#40288 Whitelist oEmbed for Apple Keynote Embeds normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/30/2023
#42549 Widgets: Allow gallery widget to display images from currently-queried singular post if no images selected audrasjb Widgets normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/05/2020
#22225 WordPress does not localize ordinal suffixes in dates I18N normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 07/21/2021
#11585 WordPress should cache failed feed fetches so as to avoid overloading feed sources pbearne Feeds normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 11/19/2024
#41753 _wp_get_attachment_relative_path uses hardcoded uploads directory path Media normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/07/2019
#17019 add hooks for Media Library attachment counts SergeyBiryukov Query normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/21/2024
#44900 add post lock display to Media Library Media normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 03/26/2020
#52294 add_editor_style: Allow replacing a style with an RTL version Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/30/2024
#36244 added a filter to allow the separator in the week date range to be changed pbearne Themes normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-docs 06/23/2020
#38797 api.previewer.refresh() could return a deferred.promise() with custom server data Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/24/2021
#30150 apply_filters( 'image_size_names_choose' ) should be provided a named context Media normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 05/24/2018
#40525 apply_filters_deprecated() in WP_Rewrite SergeyBiryukov Rewrite Rules normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 06/01/2021
#17520 cite element used incorrectly General normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 07/05/2022
#28172 edit_post() should call {un}stick_post() before calling wp_update_post() Posts, Post Types normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 01/26/2023
#29319 filter dayswithposts in widget calendar SergeyBiryukov Widgets normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/20/2020
#30527 function to add separator Administration normal minor Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/05/2017
#14477 get_pages with child_of only works with uninterrupted hierarchies wonderboymusic Query high normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 01/15/2021
#44867 image editor: save modified image as a new copy joedolson* Media normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/12/2024
#20241 make it possible for plugins to activate other plugins Plugins normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/05/2022
#32787 make_clickable filter johnjamesjacoby Formatting normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/02/2022
#21679 media_handle_upload does not provide a way to change the file's name Media normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 10/18/2018
#40696 no chance to control wp_count_terms () audrasjb* Taxonomy normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/19/2022
#60783 plugins_api() and parameters audrasjb* Plugins normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/30/2024
#31313 refactor is_email() tests to use separate data files and PHPUnit dataProvider Build/Test Tools normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 02/05/2017
#40513 switch_to_blog should accept a WP_site as param Networks and Sites normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/01/2022
#18287 wp-login.php - Logo URL should be relative (affects MultiSite) Login and Registration normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 01/06/2020
#19373 wp_insert_post() should not contain current_user_can() checks Taxonomy normal major Future Release enhancement has-patch 11/18/2023
#7231 wp_link_pages: option next_and_number sorich87* Posts, Post Types normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 03/15/2019
#15448 wp_mail() sets Content-Type header twice for multipart emails SergeyBiryukov Mail normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 09/17/2020
#38474 wp_signups.activation_key stores activation keys in plain text SergeyBiryukov Security normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 04/23/2024
#12684 Add Edit to Bulk Actions menu on Categories screen dipalidhole27gmailcom Quick/Bulk Edit normal normal Future Release feature request has-patch 02/08/2023
#57793 Add native support for SQLite Database normal normal Future Release feature request has-patch 11/04/2024
#28635 Add status codes and hooks to wp-cron.php chriscct7 Cron API normal normal Future Release feature request has-patch 07/14/2023
#47124 Admin menu: restore "Add New" in the Themes section Themes normal normal Future Release feature request has-patch 10/29/2021
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.