Make WordPress Core

{30} Tickets with a focus on (5335 matches)

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Results (5301 - 5335 of 5335)

Unpatched Enhancements (35 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#11398 new sort method for query_posts (order by last comment date) Query normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#37056 paginate_links should be a method on WP_Query Query normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#35179 playlist shortcode needs an option to not loop Shortcodes normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#36686 plugin_row_meta hook for specific plugin Plugins normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#29786 read_post_meta should be a meta capability Options, Meta APIs normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#19572 switch_to_post() stack implementation (similar to switch_to_blog()) Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#14561 wp-admin/edit.php tags of post are hard to compare Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#31775 wp_mail attachments support only ascii symbols Mail normal normal enhancement 04/06/2021
#31005 wp_send_json(): Filtering of $response prior to passing it to wp_json_encode(). General normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#29852 wp_update_term() should use wp_insert_term() internally Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#36242 wpdb set_sql_mode add param Database normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#21910 wpmu_create_user() standardization Users normal normal enhancement 06/05/2019
#35205 Add additional hooks to the 'attachment-info' template to customise output Administration normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#34821 Allow creating users without an email address Users normal normal feature request 06/05/2019
#22937 Bulk Actions > Edit could allow batch-assignment of taxonomies to Media following the WP 3.5 media changes Media normal normal feature request 10/18/2023
#34223 Core support for image regeneration Media normal normal feature request 10/18/2023
#32528 Create a new search_form_content hook in get_search_form() General normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#35055 Custom Meta for nav_menu_items Menus normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#23616 General Handler for Whitelisted Options' Submissions Options, Meta APIs normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#37537 Hooks To Improve UI & UX when making a plugin that modifies the Edit-Comment Screen Comments normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#34641 Inline menu item editing in backend Menus normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#16910 Lazy evaluation for WP_Query Query normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#34615 Make it possible to disable a user account Users normal normal feature request 06/05/2019
#30982 Meta query in pre_get_posts Query normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#36842 More global event hooks using the, like "modal:open", "modal:close", etc Media normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#34235 Multi selection in menu Menus normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#15467 Multisite with separate users table Networks and Sites normal normal feature request has-patch 03/02/2024
#31414 Paginating Themes, Plugins, and Media Networks and Sites normal normal feature request has-patch 06/04/2019
#29368 Pasted media do not appear in the library Media normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#32658 Post media attachments should show assigned media by default Media normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#19627 Themes should be able to opt-in to a static front page Themes normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#35048 custom menu - OPTIMIZE QUERY! Menus normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#24791 Map audio/video shortcode IDs on import Import normal normal task (blessed) 06/04/2019
#33186 Stop sending password via e-mail when creating a new site in Multisite Networks and Sites normal normal task (blessed) 06/04/2019
#9824 make better use of stubs when verbose rules should apply Rewrite Rules normal normal task (blessed) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
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