Make WordPress Core

{30} Tickets with a focus on (5326 matches)

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  • Grouped by workflow and sorted by component, type, summary
  • Accepted tickets have an '*' appended to their owner's name

Results (5301 - 5326 of 5326)

Unpatched Enhancements (26 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#61866 Notify users of links that open in new tab. joedolson* Themes normal normal Future Release feature request 12/03/2024
#14375 Post pagination should have a show all option Posts, Post Types normal normal Future Release feature request 06/12/2017
#32067 Remove inline javascript from WP-Core to allow CSP protection Security normal normal Future Release feature request 06/18/2024
#55344 Resources for hidden widgets are loaded on WP dashboard adamsilverstein* Administration normal normal Future Release feature request 07/21/2023
#36292 Rewrites: Next Generation rmccue Rewrite Rules normal normal Future Release feature request 11/19/2020
#33473 Shortcodes + Widgets + Nav Menus. Unified "component" API (aka Content Blocks) Widgets normal normal Future Release feature request 03/26/2018
#35435 Support Webmentions Pings/Trackbacks normal normal Future Release feature request needs-unit-tests 02/19/2018
#36995 Support for Service Workers westonruter* General normal normal Future Release feature request 10/21/2024
#45832 php-pm support General normal normal Future Release feature request 01/14/2019
#35857 Add QUnit tests for Customizer preview, including Selective Refresh Customize normal normal Future Release task (blessed) needs-unit-tests 03/17/2023
#30181 Add more Underscore.js array methods to wp.customize.Values and re-use _ for Customizer JS methods Customize lowest normal Future Release task (blessed) 03/14/2017
#53451 Chrome 92 userAgent notice adamsilverstein General normal minor Future Release task (blessed) 05/02/2022
#50787 Consolidate the logic for displaying WP & PHP compatibility messages for themes SergeyBiryukov* Site Health normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 02/22/2021
#40278 Customizer: Introduce theme uploading Customize normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 11/22/2020
#56034 PHP 8.2: proposal for handling unknown dynamic properties deprecations hellofromTonya* General normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 10/14/2024
#39544 REST API: Improve users endpoint in multisite REST API normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 08/17/2021
#40330 Reconsider the usage of infinite scrolling across the admin Administration normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 05/08/2021
#37616 Replace `is_super_admin()` calls with real capability checks Role/Capability normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 05/08/2017
#40925 Review the usage of the change event on select elements joedolson* Administration normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 09/22/2023
#31531 Shiny Updates: Updates on update-core.php Upgrade/Install normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 08/11/2021
#38227 Term Status API Taxonomy normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 04/10/2021
#47682 The links "hover" color has insufficient color contrast joedolson* Administration normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 06/13/2024
#39851 WP_REST_Posts_Controller::get_items() has too many concerns REST API normal normal Future Release task (blessed) 01/17/2019
#23318 Plugins Admin Showing Details for Wrong Plugin Plugins normal normal enhancement 08/23/2022
#5678 Respectfully strip newlines in some importers hansengel* Import normal normal enhancement 03/15/2019
#43395 Add Automated E2E Tests for Core Updates Upgrade/Install normal normal task (blessed) 03/04/2020
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