Make WordPress Core

{30} Tickets with a focus on performance (311 matches)

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  • Active tickets with a focus on performance
  • Grouped by workflow and sorted by component, type, summary
  • Accepted tickets have an '*' appended to their owner's name

Results (1 - 100 of 311)

1 2 3 4

Candidates for Closure (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#57764 MYSQL operations excessive CPU consumption issue. Upload normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 02/20/2023
#58723 Remove deprecated parameter tests in comments_link() Comments normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 08/27/2023
#49899 <plugin_name> detected an advanced-cache.php file in the wp-content directory. It seems that this is not the <plugin_name> advanced-cache.php file. Please remove this file and disable any other caching plugins to use this <plugin_name>. Cache API normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 04/14/2020
#48408 Introduce eagerloading of meta data Query normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 10/23/2019
#50223 Performance improvement: Avoid using array_unique() where possible General lowest normal Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 05/23/2020
#51796 Raw post data instead of WP_Post instances Query normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 11/19/2020
#54479 Set_blog_id performance General normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 11/20/2021
#52143 memory_limit not always adhered General normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement reporter-feedback 01/07/2021
#39372 Allow count for wp_terms query to count other post statuses as well as published posts Taxonomy normal normal Awaiting Review feature request reporter-feedback 12/23/2020
#60950 JSON serialization for meta values Options, Meta APIs normal normal Awaiting Review feature request reporter-feedback 05/10/2024
#48175 Allow Template Resolution Algorithm to be Replaceable Themes normal normal Awaiting Review feature request needs-unit-tests 10/04/2019
#42280 Multisite: get_blogs_of_user has no useful caching on large installs pbearne* Networks and Sites normal major Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/23/2024
#56909 pre_recurse_dirsize filter cannot be used to fill up dirsize_cache and thus breaks performance Networks and Sites normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/26/2022
#55206 wp core api memory leaks Database normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/29/2022
#52582 wp_cache_* duplicate/redundant storage and insufficient clearing of cache Comments normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 02/21/2021
#42915 Don't load admin dashboard widgets if they're not shown Administration normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 02/15/2020
#41583 Menus Administration screen, menu items are always loaded even when not needed Menus normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 05/28/2024
#57725 Use of rand() function instead of wp_rand() Filesystem API normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 05/24/2024
#42455 WordPress Class methods and Single Responsibility (recent posts widgets) Widgets normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 09/22/2022
#59639 Dedicated tables for media libary Database normal major Awaiting Review feature request dev-feedback 10/16/2023
#46713 Comment reply link uses inconvenient eventlistener Comments normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 09/06/2024

Slated for Next Release (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#59600 Block themes: Use a cache for block template files joemcgill Themes normal normal 6.7 defect (bug) has-patch 10/01/2024
#60299 Default assignment of `use_ssl` user meta value causes unnecessary DB write. adamsilverstein Users normal normal 6.7 defect (bug) has-patch 09/30/2024
#59516 Improve cache key generation in query classes pbearne* Query normal normal 6.8 defect (bug) has-patch 10/04/2024
#59595 Improve performance of WP_Theme_JSON::compute_style_properties spacedmonkey Editor normal normal 6.7 defect (bug) has-patch 09/25/2024
#61532 Improve the performance of `WP_Image_Editor_Imagick::supports_mime_type()` joemcgill Media normal normal 6.7 defect (bug) has-patch 10/04/2024
#61679 Reimplement caching in `wp_add_global_styles_for_blocks()` joemcgill Editor normal normal 6.7 defect (bug) has-patch 07/18/2024
#61623 Site Health PHP check shows inaccurate status pbearne Site Health normal normal 6.7 defect (bug) has-patch 09/13/2024
#44921 User nicename discovery is slow to return pbearne* Users normal normal 6.7 defect (bug) has-patch 10/04/2024
#58001 Lazy load user capabilities in WP_User object flixos90 Users normal normal 6.8 enhancement has-patch 09/25/2024
#49446 cache the results of get_uploaded_header_images() SergeyBiryukov Themes normal normal 6.8 enhancement has-patch 09/30/2024
#42743 Disable wp_options autoload for inactive widgets pbearne Widgets normal normal 6.8 defect (bug) early 09/25/2024
#36477 Responsive images (srcset) can include images larger than the full size adamsilverstein Media normal normal 6.7 defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/25/2024
#62148 Add Twenty Twenty-Five to the Performance Tests Build/Test Tools normal normal 6.7 task (blessed) 10/01/2024

Tickets Awaiting Review (66 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#52990 Account for single quoted attributes when lazy loading images and iframes. Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 04/12/2024
#56694 Uncached database read for logged in users when Privacy Policy Page is deleted Privacy normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/29/2022
#42513 WP_Theme::get_post_templates() is extremely inefficient for large themes Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 11/12/2017
#52559 When doing JOINs for meta queries the meta_key should be in the ON clause whenever possible. Query normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 04/26/2021
#37178 Add $cache_only parameter to get_option Options, Meta APIs normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/06/2024
#56105 Call update_post_parent_caches in the_post function in WP_Query class Query normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/20/2023
#43818 Invalidate query caches less aggressively by using a `last_changed` key specific to metadata Options, Meta APIs normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/20/2018
#41180 ABSPATH definition - incorrect on chrooted vhost Bootstrap/Load normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 08/16/2024
#52514 Admin dasboard load verry slow at some active plugins - WP Advanced Comment Comments normal major Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/12/2021
#57483 Improve optimizations for WP_Site::get_instance and WP_Network::get_instance Networks and Sites normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 06/08/2023
#58488 Improve performance of wp-admin -> Comments Administration normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 09/17/2024
#57525 Incorrect home link General normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 04/15/2024
#59310 Parse blocks being applied unnecessarily Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/05/2024
#58095 Post featured image block use full size image => huge impact on performance Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 04/21/2023
#61405 Residual of block found in `get_blocks_metadata` even when block is unregistered using `unregister_block_type()`. Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 07/03/2024
#50873 Search query parameter causes 404 on pagename match rules Query normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/15/2024
#42522 Terms are uselessly counted when saving a post pbearne Taxonomy normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 06/14/2024
#59354 Unnecessary queries performed when updating a post without providing categories or tags Posts, Post Types normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 06/13/2024
#51716 WP Cron - looses entries Cron API normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 11/24/2020
#56842 WordPress performance drop due to introduce Gutenberg Build/Test Tools normal major Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 10/19/2022
#54868 [WP_User_Query][Multisite] Run queries in the context of the correct site / blog_id Users normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 01/24/2022
#31746 get_blogs_of_user() can be very slow when a user is a member of thousands of sites johnbillion Users normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 06/03/2022
#60713 remove 'array_merge(...)' is used in a loop and is a resources greedy construction. from generate_rewrite_rules pbearne Rewrite Rules normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 04/10/2024
#61358 Add Support to HTTP 2 in WP_Http Class HTTP API normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 07/19/2024
#62101 Add a filter to customize the URL for page caching check in Site Health Site Health normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 09/24/2024
#61522 Add autoload control to register_setting() pbearne* Options, Meta APIs normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 07/08/2024
#41675 Add filter to bypass display/query for Media Months filter in media modal joemcgill Media normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 02/23/2024
#59269 Add support for adding metadata in bulk Database normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 09/01/2023
#56252 Allow error_reporting level to be configurable for WP_DEBUG Bootstrap/Load normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 03/01/2023
#44971 Enable WP_Community_Events to find cached events even if it's instantiated without a user location pbearne* Administration normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 06/24/2024
#57517 Expose MutationObserver instance in wpEmoji Formatting normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 01/20/2023
#61097 Filter `wp_count_posts()` query before execution to avoid slow query Posts, Post Types normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 07/02/2024
#55780 Global Styles: Introduce filter for toggling stylesheet cache Editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 08/08/2024
#55639 Implement Async CSS General normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 07/24/2024
#61343 Improve caching in get_calendar function Widgets normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 07/03/2024
#54289 Improve get_shortcode_regex performance Shortcodes normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 10/19/2021
#59173 Improve optimizations of get_site_url by not using switch_to_blog Networks and Sites normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 08/24/2023
#57749 In REST APIs, only prime meta data if there are registered keys REST API normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 07/18/2024
#40434 Optimize SQL in Admin - In the Post/CPT List `wp-admin/edit.php` > the function get_posts() Query normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 01/17/2018
#56481 Short-circuit HEAD methods in Core controllers REST API normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 09/27/2024
#56056 Specify a Custom Array of $sizes for `wp_get_attachment_image` to Reduce HTML Bloat Post Thumbnails normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 06/28/2024
#55969 The function set_transient should have the autoload argument Options, Meta APIs normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 10/04/2024
#39603 The more posts with similar names you have, the slower you save the next one Posts, Post Types normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 06/16/2021
#54172 Twenty Fifteen: Replace frontend jQuery usage with vanilla JS flixos90 Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 07/23/2024
#48880 Using JSON.parse instead of an actual object literal when localizing scripts Script Loader normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 12/06/2019
#51817 WP-Admin - Optimize main wpquery with 'fields' => 'ids' causes notice Administration normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 04/08/2021
#40711 WP_Post:get_instance: Update cache if $_post->filter is empty Posts, Post Types normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 05/29/2024
#55630 add array input to meta_query key Query normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 04/27/2022
#60787 get_registered_meta_keys() should allow for late registration to improve performance Options, Meta APIs normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 04/10/2024
#52360 speed up update_meta_cache with easy fix Options, Meta APIs normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 08/30/2024
#48054 wp.sanitize.stripTags should iterate instead of using recursion General normal minor Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 10/08/2020
#57303 wp_get_posts() for post_type="any" + post__in creates not optimized database query Posts, Post Types normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 12/09/2022
#62124 wp_parse_url() - code update for performance and removal of now unnecessary code fix HTTP API normal trivial Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 09/26/2024
#61027 Bundled themes: edit front-end JS to work with Interactivity API Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 08/31/2024
#53415 Filter API to edit footer content Themes normal normal Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 09/30/2022
#53011 Tests: review all setUp() and tearDown() Build/Test Tools normal normal Awaiting Review task (blessed) has-patch 06/04/2022
#40953 Empty values are handled inconsistently between wpdb->get_results() and wpdb->get_col() Database normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/23/2024
#61467 Inconsistent cache handling for network (site) meta Cache API normal major Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/03/2024
#41358 Shutdown hooks can significantly slow down REST API responses REST API normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/12/2024
#57366 WP 6.1 - Performance Regression Cache API normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/20/2023
#60199 update_menu_item_cache appears to load postmeta for all linked posts Menus normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/15/2024
#49545 update_meta_cache issue while getting record from user meta table in multi site Users normal blocker Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/24/2023
#44445 wp_cache_init() and WP_Object_Cache constructor has a memory leak pbearne Cache API normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/14/2024
#45354 Adding index for meta_key and post_id in postmeta Database normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 06/24/2024
#41520 Disable deprecated functions pbearne Bootstrap/Load normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 08/16/2024
#47500 Optimize customizer load time Customize normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 07/15/2024
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