Make WordPress Core

{30} Tickets with a focus on (5305 matches)

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  • Active tickets with a focus on
  • Grouped by workflow and sorted by component, type, summary
  • Accepted tickets have an '*' appended to their owner's name

Results (5301 - 5305 of 5305)

Unpatched Enhancements (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#38560 Add support for uploading arrayed $_FILES Media normal normal Future Release feature request needs-unit-tests 08/10/2017
#39174 Introduce network roles Role/Capability normal normal Future Release feature request needs-unit-tests 03/15/2019
#35435 Support Webmentions Pings/Trackbacks normal normal Future Release feature request needs-unit-tests 02/19/2018
#35857 Add QUnit tests for Customizer preview, including Selective Refresh Customize normal normal Future Release task (blessed) needs-unit-tests 03/17/2023
#9824 make better use of stubs when verbose rules should apply Rewrite Rules normal normal task (blessed) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
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