Make WordPress Core

{31} Tickets in the Editor component (613 matches)

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  • Active tickets in the Editor component
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Results (401 - 500 of 613)

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Tickets Awaiting Review (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#59149 Inconsistent Behaviour of Block Editor while Adding/Searching for Blocks normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/02/2023
#59344 Link UI Goes Off The Screen, Can't Acces Advanced normal major Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/14/2023
#59364 When editing Styles > Layout or Block > * > Dimensions, every possible (and unnecessary) combination of global settings is copied to custom styles normal blocker Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/15/2023
#59363 wp_tag_cloud and apply_filters normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/15/2023
#37758 The Link Checker tool does not detect some links normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 09/16/2023
#59396 Allow the user to add a poster to YouTube videos normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 09/19/2023
#59498 I18N issue in site editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/29/2023
#59340 "Open in new tab" checkbox in hyperlink entry doesn't save normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/29/2023
#59540 Selecting Open in New Tab closes the link editing window normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/05/2023
#59535 Page/Post scrolls up while converting quotes to paragraph normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/05/2023
#59620 Remove a query to /wp-json/wp/v2/users from the editor where there isn't a real need normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 10/13/2023
#54931 get_block_template filter not fired when template saved in posts normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 10/15/2023
#44310 Apostrophe and/or Hyphen in Titles Rendered as ’ and – When Added as Link in Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/23/2023
#59565 WordPress Block Editor Tag Limit Bug normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/25/2023
#59511 Navigation Block issue normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/28/2023
#54653 Alphabetically sorted Headers in a Single Blog Post normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 10/29/2023
#58786 Support for adding custom, post-level meta descriptions in WP core. normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 10/30/2023
#56506 Used default separator style in editor but It's showing Wide Line Separator style in My Patterns normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/30/2023
#58720 Page-Specific template in Site Editor detaches itself from the page when page slug is updated. normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/31/2023
#59773 WP-Admin post editor JS createPreloadingMiddleware has PHP WP_Query deliver Drafts while in editor they are not normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/31/2023
#59811 Remove suggestion to add tags and categories normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 11/08/2023
#59551 Respect non-null values from the `pre_render_block` filter normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/14/2023
#58145 JS error: Uncaught ReferenceError: Element is not defined normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/22/2023
#60005 Video block shows a blank white square with play button instead of video placeholder in mobile view. normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/04/2023
#60063 Add a dynamic hook to filter the pre-rendered content of a single block. normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 12/13/2023
#59978 Classic editor cursor control normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/19/2023
#60107 Classic editor cursor control normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/19/2023
#60152 Footnotes save to public, unprefixed "footnotes" field normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 12/27/2023
#60181 Date Block setting issue normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/03/2024
#60225 Directional Keyboard Scrolling Jump Bug normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/23/2024
#59228 Links in 6.3 missing new window.nofollow.etc normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/25/2024
#60378 gdlr-edit-box.js Uncaught TypeError: temp_settings is undefined normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/30/2024
#60393 Test with Gutenberg active normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 01/31/2024
#60396 Color Picker picks color by hex value normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/31/2024
#59310 Parse blocks being applied unnecessarily normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/05/2024
#59087 Can’t Paste Markdown Into WP 6.3 Gutenberg, Old Posts are Wonky normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/06/2024
#60464 Shortcode in Patterns -> Template Parts -> General -> An item in it. normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/07/2024
#56410 WordPress API error when trying to add tags normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/07/2024
#60075 Heading-Level Tooltip prevents from selecting a level normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/13/2024
#60020 Padding issue on adding background color normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 02/15/2024
#60151 FSE theme Styles select Issue normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/15/2024
#60157 Cursor moves to a different paragraph when use directional keys to navigate in a text normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/15/2024
#59271 Issue With the Duotone filter With Image in Editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/20/2024
#60587 Block hooks: Allow filtering of block data on traversal normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 02/20/2024
#58799 Need to add filter to register a template in [NEW] WordPress site editor through a plugin normal blocker Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 03/01/2024
#60696 Block hooks: Allow insertion of a hooked block with attributes normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 03/05/2024
#60773 Add a new Post from the editor normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 03/14/2024
#60830 Advanced Editor Tools - SIMPLE SORT normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 03/23/2024
#60829 Improve shortcode support for link fields normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 03/26/2024
#60899 CTA Button Alignment Not Working normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/03/2024
#60956 Incorrect copy-paste behavior in the header normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/08/2024
#60952 Completely broken out of the box: can't edit "hello world" post, lots of errors in browser console in wp-admin normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/08/2024
#60968 Create action `edit_form_before_title` normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 04/09/2024
#60976 register_block_type not working with Oxygen normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/10/2024
#61001 Hide the Editor Page Title when the current Template is "Page No Title" normal trivial Awaiting Review feature request 04/15/2024
#57817 Navigation block frame responsive issue normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 04/15/2024
#61018 Block editor color selector displays incorrect color information normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/16/2024
#61073 Cover Block Improvement normal minor Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 04/24/2024
#55288 Site Editor on 5.9.1 fails to find homepage template for FSE themes, on WP subdirectory installation normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/30/2024
#61254 Backport: Introduce new dedicated media search handler and add new label field search handler normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 05/20/2024
#61270 Error notice Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response. normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) 05/22/2024
#45387 Valid HTML get mangled on the frontend normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 05/28/2024
#57987 Introduce new `wp_word_count` function normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 05/30/2024
#61325 Ability to control editor preview breakpoints normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 05/30/2024
#61346 Dashicons are not available in Tablet and Mobile view in the Block editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/03/2024
#61401 Blocks: Efficiently find and traverse blocks in a document. normal normal Awaiting Review feature request has-patch 06/08/2024
#61058 Edit Permalinks, Date, Time and Visibility not working on 6.5.2 normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/20/2024
#61551 Page template list lacks sorting normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 07/02/2024
#61234 Investigation Request: High Frequency of `hooked_block_types` Filter Calls normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/03/2024
#61405 Residual of block found in `get_blocks_metadata` even when block is unregistered using `unregister_block_type()`. normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 07/03/2024
#58236 theme.json customTemplates with child themes work wrong normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 07/09/2024
#61664 Can't insert a reusable block and other problems normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/17/2024
#52626 Block editor doesn't paginate parent page results normal major Awaiting Review defect (bug) 07/17/2024
#46264 Page attributes 'ORDER' does not saving data for post-type 'post'. normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 07/18/2024
#61696 Make overriding and back porting classes from gutenberg repo easier normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 07/18/2024
#61473 Feature to set Absolute & Relative position of Blocks in Gutenberg Editor normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 07/31/2024
#61472 Widths of Row/Stack inside of a Stack in Gutenberg Editor normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 08/01/2024
#61422 registerBlockVariation not holding the blockName param normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 08/01/2024
#61599 Can synchronize with pages and templates ? normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 08/04/2024
#55780 Global Styles: Introduce filter for toggling stylesheet cache normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 08/08/2024
#61857 disable fluid font sizes normal normal Awaiting Review feature request 08/11/2024
#60317 Cannot select an author from dropdown due to truncated users list normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 08/19/2024
#61953 aspect-ratio setting for image in overwritten pattern not working normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/16/2024
#62030 Can't Access Some Block Templates in Classic Themes normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/23/2024
#61517 New swap template feature make website not repond normal critical Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/13/2024
#62208 Font size issue occur in responsive for author filter list normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 10/14/2024
#62240 Cover block image is not displayed when the block inside group with background color normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/11/2024
#62470 Filter for get_the_block_template_html normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 11/19/2024
#62591 No changes being saved on blog issue normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/03/2024
#53602 Expand get_post's $filter parameter to allow a blocks as a return shape normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 12/11/2024
#62676 Classic editor: Firefox - Full height editor button not loading in the editor normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/11/2024
#62734 Regression in custom CSS loading order for `wp_enqueue_global_styles()` normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 12/23/2024
#61728 Stabilize experimental block supports including typography, border, and common flags normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 12/24/2024
#62791 Could `pre_render_block` come later normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement 01/08/2025
#62797 wp_add_inline_script does not properly escape '<!-- <script>' in contents normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 01/20/2025
#62871 Font Library Install Fonts not accessible after migrating website normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/27/2025
#59562 edit_form_after_title Hook Not Functional in Block Editor on New Post Page. normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/02/2025
#61600 Import of scheduled posts normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) 02/03/2025
#62810 Pattern with Query Loop and Cover block renders wrongly in preview normal minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/04/2025
#62894 Media Library functionality in the block editor causes CSP 'unsafe-eval' error normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/06/2025
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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