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{37} Needs Unit Tests (868 matches)

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Results (501 - 600 of 868)

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Next Release (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#21533 Error suppression in wp-db is lame: Part 2 Warnings/Notices normal normal 3.5 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 08/14/2012
#17670 Errors in get_page_by_path() Warnings/Notices highest omg bbq blocker 3.3 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 11/08/2011
#33793 Adding a user with a username 52 characters or longer fails, but displays success message. boonebgorges Users normal normal 4.4 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 05/24/2016
#44293 Discrepancy between documentation and implementation of wp_new_user_notification() pento Users normal minor 5.1 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 01/16/2019
#53386 Multisite is_super_admin call during app password validation can lead to infinite loop TimothyBlynJacobs Users normal normal 5.9 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 11/15/2021
#52605 Reset password email sent in wrong language desrosj Users normal normal 5.7 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/06/2021
#41453 Users with no role on a site on a multisite network see inaccessible links in the admin toolbar Users normal normal 4.9 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 10/23/2017
#37499 WP_User_Query:prepare_query() bug leads to user meta query with blog_id 0 Users normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 07/29/2016
#14290 register_new_user() can't handle WP_Error result from wp_create_user() nacin Users normal normal 3.7 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 08/29/2013
#26906 wp_user_update does not update custom user meta fields Users normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 10/04/2015
#39090 Remove duplicate query from posts page in the admin Users normal normal 6.3 enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/17/2023
#30064 WP_User_Query should support orderby => include boonebgorges Users normal normal 4.1 enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/24/2014
#24635 update_user_caches() should support accepting a WP_User instance Users normal normal 4.4 enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/08/2015
#36009 wp_new_user_notification "user" option for third parameter SergeyBiryukov Users normal normal 4.6 enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/14/2018
#39552 SVG upload support broken in 4.7.1 joemcgill Upload normal normal 4.7.3 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 02/27/2017
#25317 Wrong guess in wp_guess_url() for symlinked install, or unit tests Upgrade/Install normal normal 3.7 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 08/19/2015
#41524 Remove usage of each() from WP_Upgrader dd32 Upgrade/Install normal major 4.9 task (blessed) needs-unit-tests 11/21/2017
#26375 Additional .gitignore Entries for Unit Test Files SergeyBiryukov Unit Tests low trivial 3.8 defect (bug) 12/03/2013
#11099 Additonal unit tests for quotes formatting. westi Unit Tests normal normal 2.9 defect (bug) 12/07/2009
#24800 DROP TABLE error 1051 (Unknown table) nacin Unit Tests normal normal 3.9 defect (bug) 02/03/2014
#24974 Deprecated use of assignment by reference in testcase.php Unit Tests normal normal 3.7 defect (bug) 08/08/2013
#26867 Explicitly globalize some missing query globals in wp-settings.php nbachiyski Unit Tests normal normal 3.9 defect (bug) 01/22/2014
#23685 Explicitly globalize version variables wonderboymusic Unit Tests normal normal 3.8 defect (bug) 11/05/2013
#26344 Failure in Tests_Basic::test_readme() SergeyBiryukov Unit Tests normal normal 3.8 defect (bug) 12/01/2013
#26345 Failure in Tests_Post_Query::test_meta_query_decimal_results() SergeyBiryukov Unit Tests normal normal 3.8 defect (bug) 12/01/2013
#19456 Globalize $wp_rewrite in wp-settings.php Unit Tests normal normal 3.4 defect (bug) 12/20/2011
#25133 Incorrect instructions in tests/README.txt SergeyBiryukov Unit Tests normal normal 3.7 defect (bug) 08/31/2013
#26091 Infinite loop in WP_FIlesystem_MockFS->mkdir() SergeyBiryukov Unit Tests normal major 3.8 defect (bug) 11/18/2013
#25913 Investigate why we skip so many Unit Tests Unit Tests normal normal defect (bug) 01/27/2014
#25242 Provide correct multisite test information in bootstrap.php nacin Unit Tests normal normal 3.7 defect (bug) 09/12/2013
#21115 Remove ancient wp-settings.php global unsetting code nacin Unit Tests normal normal 3.5 defect (bug) 06/29/2012
#13407 Test-Suite: Allow wp-test multiple classes and exclusion of westi Unit Tests normal normal defect (bug) 05/29/2010
#12277 Test-Suite: Cross-Plattform portability: No Color Codes in Windows Shell westi Unit Tests normal normal defect (bug) 11/25/2012
#11892 Test-Suite: make wp_die() a pluggable function westi Unit Tests normal blocker 3.0 defect (bug) 05/18/2010
#26155 Tests_Image_Functions failures SergeyBiryukov Unit Tests normal normal 3.8 defect (bug) 12/05/2013
#26219 Tests_Post_Revisions::test_revision_dont_save_revision_if_unchanged unit test fails Unit Tests normal normal defect (bug) 11/24/2013
#25633 Tests_XMLRPC_wp_getPosts::test_filters failing Unit Tests normal minor 3.8 defect (bug) 11/16/2013
#25065 The unit tests assume that PHPUnit is installed via PEAR dd32 Unit Tests normal normal 3.7 defect (bug) 08/28/2013
#26164 Unit Tests :: links_add_target function and trivial changes wonderboymusic Unit Tests normal normal 3.8 defect (bug) 11/22/2013
#25282 Unit Tests should run in Debug mode Unit Tests normal normal 3.7 defect (bug) 10/13/2015
#24662 Unit Tests: Re-implement the mock PHPMailer SergeyBiryukov Unit Tests normal normal 3.6 defect (bug) 06/29/2013
#25118 Unit Tests: Restrict locales in test_locale_floats in db.php SergeyBiryukov Unit Tests normal normal 3.7 defect (bug) 08/22/2013
#24207 Unit tests for widgets.php maxcutler Unit Tests normal normal 3.6 defect (bug) 04/28/2013
#23928 Update ajax autosave unit tests for 3.6 Unit Tests normal normal 3.6 defect (bug) 05/16/2013
#26629 Update version in package.json and unit test it nacin Unit Tests normal normal 3.9 defect (bug) 01/23/2014
#24706 Use $wpdb->prefix to verify query in tests/meta/query.php (WP_Meta_Query test) SergeyBiryukov Unit Tests normal normal 3.6 defect (bug) 07/08/2013
#26836 Use Mock PHPMailer during Installation for Unit Tests nacin Unit Tests normal normal 3.9 defect (bug) 01/14/2014
#23066 WordPress 3.5 Duplicate Entry Unit Tests normal normal defect (bug) 05/15/2013
#14057 Wordpress MU 2.91 Test Suite Errors Unit Tests normal normal defect (bug) 06/23/2010
#26725 Wordpress-tests' WP_PHPUnit_Text_UI Throws Unhandled Exceptions nacin Unit Tests normal normal 3.9 defect (bug) 12/27/2013
#25818 `WP_UnitTestCase::go_to()` drops query vars wonderboymusic Unit Tests normal normal 3.8 defect (bug) 10/07/2020
#25632 post_parent out of range error in unit tests Unit Tests normal minor defect (bug) 11/30/2013
#26248 setting WP_TESTS_FORCE_KNOWN_BUGS to true shouldn't produce fatal errors wonderboymusic Unit Tests normal normal 3.8 defect (bug) 11/25/2013
#24870 Add JavaScript unit tests to core Unit Tests normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/29/2013
#26364 Add Travis CI Configuration nacin Unit Tests normal normal 3.8 enhancement 12/03/2013
#21993 Add WP_DOING_TESTS constant, check for it in WP_Ajax_Response Unit Tests normal normal enhancement 09/26/2012
#24208 Add more wp-includes/cache.php test coverage maxcutler Unit Tests normal normal 3.6 enhancement 04/28/2013
#26514 Add unit tests for wp.shortcode.attrs wonderboymusic Unit Tests normal normal 3.9 enhancement 01/17/2014
#21742 Allow unit tests to override is_*_admin() ryan Unit Tests normal normal 3.5 enhancement 09/01/2012
#25871 Always Clean Install in PHPUnit Tests wonderboymusic Unit Tests normal normal 3.8 enhancement 11/13/2013
#26163 Proposed Unit Test for normalize_whitespace function wonderboymusic Unit Tests normal minor 3.8 enhancement 11/22/2013
#23499 Rename phpunit.xml to phpunit.xml.dist nacin Unit Tests normal normal 3.6 enhancement 03/03/2013
#23531 Separate tests into unit / integration / ... directories Unit Tests normal normal enhancement 10/30/2013
#23532 Sync Tests Repository on Github Unit Tests normal normal enhancement 09/13/2013
#26116 Unit Tests: Add assertNotWPError() to complement assertWPError() Unit Tests normal normal enhancement 01/27/2014
#25507 Unit test for `wp_strip_all_tags` and better docs nacin Unit Tests normal normal 3.9 enhancement 01/30/2014
#25784 shortcode.js needs unit tests Unit Tests normal normal 3.8 enhancement 12/04/2013
#17749 Faster and phpunit runner-compatible unit tests nbachiyski Unit Tests normal normal 3.3 feature request 02/28/2013
#26566 Add unit test to verify all bundled themes have valid text domain declared nacin Unit Tests high normal 3.9 task (blessed) 12/30/2013
#25096 Automate running JavaScript unit tests with Grunt Unit Tests normal normal 3.7 task (blessed) 09/25/2013
#25088 password-strength-meter.js should have unit tests SergeyBiryukov Unit Tests normal normal 3.7 task (blessed) 09/07/2013
#20307 Edit User link in admin toolbar johnbillion Toolbar normal normal 4.9 enhancement needs-unit-tests 07/26/2017
#57886 get_post_templates includes results of get_block_templates while caching (WP_Theme) spacedmonkey Themes normal minor 6.3 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/19/2023
#28263 get_raw_theme_root() fails to recognize a singular custom $wp_theme_directories Themes normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 05/27/2014
#16395 Add 'Template Version' for use with 'Template' in Child-Themes Themes normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 01/11/2016
#18614 post_type_archive_title doesn't work when tax_query is added to wp_query wonderboymusic Template normal normal 3.7 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 10/09/2013
#39038 Add support for non-split shared terms to singular term capabilities Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 02/26/2017
#30999 Inconsistent parameters for edited_term_taxonomy action boonebgorges Taxonomy normal normal 4.2 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 02/24/2015
#19205 Orphaned categories can be created by accident wonderboymusic Taxonomy normal minor 4.0 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 07/18/2014
#16282 PHP catchable error with get_term_link and WP3.1RC2 Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/29/2015
#26234 Passing array of taxonomies to the_terms() triggers "array to string" conversion warning Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/18/2015
#19492 Problems with using wp_insert_term together with switch_to_blog Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/20/2015
#25629 Taxonomy get_sql() generate incorrect query Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 04/24/2014
#27918 get_taxonomies() on single post type should return taxonomies registered on multiple post types Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 10/14/2015
#16863 get_terms hierarchical/hide_empty incompatible with include/exclude args Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 01/26/2015
#31118 get_terms() parameters do not respect multiple $taxonomies boonebgorges Taxonomy normal normal 4.2 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 02/15/2015
#37728 hide_empty doesn't work correctly in get_terms when no taxonomy specified boonebgorges Taxonomy normal normal 5.3 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 08/23/2019
#32044 is_object_in_term() leaks DB queries boonebgorges Taxonomy normal normal 4.4 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 08/24/2016
#20590 is_tax() with term parameter returns true for any taxonomy with that term Taxonomy normal minor 3.5 defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 10/18/2012
#29942 wp_get_object_terms - no caching mechanism in place - results in duplicate queries Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/28/2016
#28439 Add 'post_date' as a possible orderby argument to get_terms() Taxonomy normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/26/2015
#13949 Add a sprintf style argument to wp_list_categories() for title tag. Taxonomy normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/09/2017
#30415 Add alternative to get_category_parents() that will work for any taxonomy Taxonomy normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/27/2016
#18778 Add filters to transform_query() to allow caching of queries created by this function. Taxonomy normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/26/2015
#11058 Add unregister_taxonomy_for_object_type() nacin Taxonomy normal normal 3.7 enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/08/2016
#27764 Allow the_terms() and get_the_terms() to accept an array of taxonomies Taxonomy normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/18/2015
#19780 Named category functions/docs need cleaning up Taxonomy normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/02/2015
#25284 Support tax queries using term_taxonomy_id without specifying a taxonomy wonderboymusic Taxonomy normal normal 4.0 enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/10/2014
#52710 Taxonomy: Make it possible to bypass automatic caching of results in `get_terms()` spacedmonkey Taxonomy normal normal 6.4 enhancement needs-unit-tests 11/01/2023
#35886 get_term_parents function instead/inside get_category_parents Taxonomy normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/27/2016
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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