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{40} Tickets Awaiting Review (5046 matches)

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Tickets in the Awaiting Review milestone.

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Results (2201 - 2300 of 5046)

Defects Awaiting Review (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Severity Type Modified Version Workflow
#31620 get_raw_theme_root does not resolve custom theme folder when is the unique Themes normal defect (bug) 04/25/2019 3.1 has-patch
#47029 Custom Taxonomies, with no post_type association and custom submenu location, UX experience is broken when on Taxonomy management page Taxonomy normal defect (bug) 04/24/2019 5.1.1
#47009 WP_Query bug with author=0 Query normal defect (bug) 04/22/2019
#37829 Problem when adding a link and searching published articles Editor normal defect (bug) 04/19/2019 4.5 needs-patch
#37917 Users without the edit_private_posts capability can still create private posts Posts, Post Types normal defect (bug) 04/19/2019 2.1 dev-feedback
#37665 Font Natively: Google maps can change the active font General normal defect (bug) 04/18/2019 4.6 has-patch
#37672 wpautop adds a closing p-tag without an opening p-tag Formatting normal defect (bug) 04/18/2019 4.5.3 has-patch
#46932 dbDelta does not account for MySQL keywords being used as key names Database minor defect (bug) 04/16/2019
#46923 $wpdb->get_var() — empty sting becomes a NULL Database normal defect (bug) 04/15/2019 5.1.1
#46905 Erase Personal Data without verify enable erase option and change status issue Privacy normal defect (bug) 04/15/2019 dev-feedback
#46886 wp_targeted_link_rel adds the rel attribute when the link has data-target="" Formatting normal defect (bug) 04/13/2019 5.1
#46883 Blog Configs being overridden by Hacker Bots Posts, Post Types critical defect (bug) 04/11/2019 5.1
#43070 srcset attribute can be overridden but not prevented Media normal defect (bug) 04/11/2019 4.4 needs-patch
#46793 Uploading files that the filename contains LTR and RTL characters cause filename change Media major defect (bug) 04/11/2019 4.9.1
#46309 Image upload failures when using Gutenberg gallery block. Media major defect (bug) 04/10/2019 5.1
#38037 Maximum User ID Issue Users normal defect (bug) 04/10/2019 needs-patch
#38062 SELECT DISTINCT ... ORDER BY ... Query normal defect (bug) 04/09/2019 4.6 has-patch
#46846 Tight comparisons and use of Yoda conditions are not consistent Formatting normal defect (bug) 04/09/2019 dev-feedback
#46794 wp_authenticate_email_password fails due to incorrect evaluation of $user object Users normal defect (bug) 04/05/2019 5.1 dev-feedback
#46804 wp-phpunit calls _delete_all_posts() too early during bootstrap Build/Test Tools normal defect (bug) 04/05/2019
#46470 Image srcset and sizes not output in classic block. Image attachment removed Media normal defect (bug) 04/04/2019 5.1
#43306 Creating site using wpmu_create_blog() without / prefixed with $path causes get_id_from_blogname() to fail. General normal defect (bug) 04/01/2019 4.9.4
#38102 Email header Content-Type: multipart boundary ignored by wp_mail Mail normal defect (bug) 04/01/2019 4.6
#46364 update.php coding standards:trigger_error() function Administration normal defect (bug) 04/01/2019 has-patch
#38288 Connection Timeout when importing heavy .xml (LiteSpeed) Import normal defect (bug) 04/01/2019 4.6.1
#38312 Network setup step 2 throws warning in certain server setups Networks and Sites normal defect (bug) 04/01/2019 3.5
#46739 post attributes order not working correctly Database normal defect (bug) 03/30/2019 5.1
#30497 Impossible to change upgrader skin when Language_Pack_Upgrader is instanciated via Language_Pack_Upgrader::async_upgrade() Upgrade/Install normal defect (bug) 03/28/2019 4.0 needs-patch
#40436 Custom taxonomy terms order lost under wp-admin/post.php edit action for a custom post type Taxonomy normal defect (bug) 03/26/2019 4.7 has-patch
#38518 Rewrite Rules rebuilding on parse_request Rewrite Rules normal defect (bug) 03/26/2019 4.6.1
#38713 Shortcodes and utf-8 no-break whitespace (\xc2\xa0) Shortcodes normal defect (bug) 03/25/2019 4.6.1
#38714 Taxonomy meta boxes do not work right with Custom Post Types that use custom capabilities Role/Capability normal defect (bug) 03/25/2019 4.6
#46481 Empty response if page template return zero General normal defect (bug) 03/25/2019 5.1
#46625 username and password automatically change to dexter Database normal defect (bug) 03/24/2019 4.9.1
#46596 WP_Customize_Date_Time_Control class - date format ignores day of the month suffix (S) Customize normal defect (bug) 03/22/2019 4.7 has-patch
#28568 Can't get private posts/pages via WP_Query when not logged in as administrator Query normal defect (bug) 03/22/2019 3.9
#30795 Upgrade bug affecting indexing Database normal defect (bug) 03/22/2019 2.1
#42656 Multisite Global $pagenow variable Plugins normal defect (bug) 03/22/2019 5.1
#46250 smaller fonts for page navigation in admin in 5.1 Administration normal defect (bug) 03/22/2019
#37264 Please do not chmod 666 the wp-config.php file on installation. Security normal defect (bug) 03/22/2019 1.0 has-patch
#46582 WordPress Core Updates: 'Last updated' date not showing correctly Upgrade/Install normal defect (bug) 03/21/2019 5.1 dev-feedback
#46557 Dragging image to uploader directly from another website causes redirection Upload normal defect (bug) 03/18/2019
#46541 widget class name sent in headers is incorrect when the widget has a namespace Widgets normal defect (bug) 03/17/2019 5.1
#39977 Search results for custom post type = "ANY" General normal defect (bug) 03/15/2019 4.7.2
#39273 Updating to 4.7 can break serialized data because $wpdb->determine_charset now forces utf8 when DB_CHARSET is set to utf8mb4 Database normal defect (bug) 03/15/2019 4.7 dev-feedback
#39188 Wrapping paragraph tags around 'Read More' link stripped out of custom post type Formatting normal defect (bug) 03/15/2019 4.7
#44892 Theme install button showing again Themes normal defect (bug) 03/13/2019 4.9.8
#40221 switch_theme action + Live Preview = confusion Themes normal defect (bug) 03/13/2019 4.7.3 needs-patch
#44540 Revision restoring redirect issue when using custom wp_query inside shortcodes Revisions normal defect (bug) 03/11/2019 4.9.7
#46451 wp_dropdown_users() does not pass all applicable arguments on to get_users() Users normal defect (bug) 03/09/2019
#46452 dbDelta given the same PRIMARY KEY and normal KEY produces no error, reports table created successfully, but the table is not created Database trivial defect (bug) 03/09/2019 5.1
#46440 WP_Roles data doesn't load correctly when 'switch_to_blog' is called in a multisite. Role/Capability normal defect (bug) 03/08/2019 5.1
#46405 The editor has encountered an unexpected error Editor normal defect (bug) 03/03/2019 5.1
#44980 When using a mobile browser (iOS 12) and the Visual Editor you won’t be able to properly select/highlight text Editor normal defect (bug) 03/02/2019 4.9.8 has-patch
#46372 Missing Proxy Support in Requests/Transport/cURL.php HTTP API normal defect (bug) 02/28/2019 5.1
#46342 Error messages in the Dashboard for Editor Role General normal defect (bug) 02/27/2019
#46347 WP_Term_Query where sql_clauses oddity Query normal defect (bug) 02/26/2019
#29066 Grunt clean:dynamic task does not delete file/s from /build during grunt watch task Build/Test Tools minor defect (bug) 02/25/2019 3.7 needs-patch
#46315 Block editor columns left margin issue on reduced screen width General normal defect (bug) 02/24/2019 5.0
#46334 wp_localize_script did not output anything in wp_print_footer_scripts hook although document suggested that it should be working Script Loader major defect (bug) 02/24/2019 4.9.8
#46321 rel="noopener noreferrer" General normal defect (bug) 02/22/2019
#46285 Search colums of WP User Query vars is not updated after applying user_search_columns filter Query trivial defect (bug) 02/20/2019 4.9.8
#46281 WP Query breaks if there are term_ids in tax_query are more than 192 General normal defect (bug) 02/19/2019 5.0.3
#33332 Default ACL entries are not set correctly when file is uploaded to WP Filesystem API major defect (bug) 02/07/2019 4.1.1
#42284 Stop invalid query generation in WP_Site_Query Networks and Sites normal defect (bug) 02/05/2019 4.6
#43171 Image Title Not Carrying through on Insert audrasjb* Widgets normal defect (bug) 02/04/2019 4.8
#46166 wp_update_term sanitizes the description, removing all html Taxonomy normal defect (bug) 02/01/2019 4.9.8
#42423 Warning in redirect_guess_404_permalink if $query->post_type is an array instead of a string Canonical normal defect (bug) 02/01/2019 4.8.3
#45938 Adding new term meta fails if column is wrapped in a conditional Taxonomy normal defect (bug) 02/01/2019 5.0.2 dev-feedback
#44461 inconsistent type for global $blog_id Networks and Sites normal defect (bug) 02/01/2019 4.9.6 has-patch
#46145 dbDelta runs same updates on every execution Database normal defect (bug) 01/30/2019
#45980 WordPress 5.0.3 PDF is opening empty page in Chrome and not showing content Media normal defect (bug) 01/30/2019 5.0.3
#42599 Design changes in Tools Categories and Tags Converter box and Tools Import box Import normal defect (bug) 01/30/2019 4.9 has-patch
#46100 Custom field validation is not working in Gutenberg Editor Editor major defect (bug) 01/25/2019
#45374 apply_filters_ref_array() no longer passes arguments by reference Plugins normal defect (bug) 01/25/2019 4.7 needs-unit-tests
#46033 Please fix redirect in wp-login.php Login and Registration normal defect (bug) 01/19/2019 5.0.3 has-patch
#46042 wp_nav_menu always returns a container Menus normal defect (bug) 01/19/2019
#42825 [embed] shortcode - oembed_cache not being updated when $cached_recently is false Embeds normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019
#43098 Defining WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN also when the uninstall handler is registered via register_uninstall_hook() Administration normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019
#43100 Unexpected results from wpautop General normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019
#43589 WPDB Update change NULL values to acceptable values Database normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019 has-patch
#43618 get_the_excerpt breaking wp-json API Posts, Post Types normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019 5.0
#43634 WP_Query returns wrong result if 10+ search terms and all negative. Query normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019
#43723 Sanitize user_contactmethods output Administration normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019 dev-feedback
#43995 wp_dropdown_categories(array( 'pad_counts' => true ) ) doesn't correctly pad counts on post_types with custom stati Taxonomy normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019
#44027 "Enable full-height editor" setting only saved on page refresh Users minor defect (bug) 01/17/2019
#44074 oEmbed with many <pre> tags do not work Embeds minor defect (bug) 01/17/2019
#44375 `update_option` in `WP_Widget::update` breaks Customizer Widgets normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019
#44399 Add unique capability for oembed Embeds normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019 needs-unit-tests
#44531 Multiple bytes decimal point and thousands separator in number_format_i18n PHP < 5.4 I18N normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019 dev-feedback
#44630 WP_Term_Query does not return all terms when 'number' and 'object_ids' are specified Taxonomy critical defect (bug) 01/17/2019 has-patch
#44929 Revisions: wp_get_revision_ui_diff only displays existing meta fields of the current post Revisions normal defect (bug) 01/16/2019
#45106 Concerns related to moving mce_external_plugins filter to WP_Scripts::__construct Script Loader normal defect (bug) 01/16/2019 5.0
#45273 get_postmeta: Inconsistent behavior of the 'single'-argument Options, Meta APIs normal defect (bug) 01/16/2019 dev-feedback
#46010 Auto-generated term slugs can be greater than 200 characters, giving "Could not insert term into the database." error Taxonomy normal defect (bug) 01/16/2019 needs-unit-tests
#46000 non empty post object in case of error 404 Rewrite Rules normal defect (bug) 01/16/2019 5.0.3
#45970 in IIS if web.confing <configuration has xmlns="" attribute the WordPress creates new <configuration> section and the site craches with wrong web.config Rewrite Rules normal defect (bug) 01/13/2019 5.0.3 needs-patch
#45894 is_home conditional tag returns incorrect value with home pagination Query normal defect (bug) 01/10/2019 5.0.2 has-patch
#45670 Getting different MIME type from function finfo_file. Upload normal defect (bug) 01/09/2019 5.0.1 dev-feedback
#45879 WP_User::set_role() does not remove previous roles Role/Capability normal defect (bug) 01/09/2019
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.