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{40} Tickets Awaiting Review (5053 matches)

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Tickets in the Awaiting Review milestone.

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Results (2601 - 2700 of 5053)

Enhancements Awaiting Review (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Severity Type Modified Version Workflow
#44542 Images: Option to control when to create different image dimensions Post Thumbnails major feature request 01/27/2025 4.9.7 needs-patch
#57931 Add Border Radius to WP Dashboard Post Boxes Administration normal enhancement 01/25/2025 dev-feedback
#43215 Allow wp_kses to pass allowed CSS properties Security normal feature request 01/25/2025 4.9.2
#62863 _make_cat_compat() - dynamic properties deprecated in PHP 8.2 Taxonomy normal enhancement 01/25/2025 4.4 has-patch
#62862 Look at using new JS temporal function to suggest Time pbearne Date/Time normal enhancement 01/24/2025 needs-docs
#62858 doing_it_wrong when trying to set up user too early swissspidy Users normal enhancement 01/24/2025
#62853 Order posts and terms by drag and drop from administration Posts, Post Types normal feature request 01/24/2025
#62854 Filter custom post types,terms in the admin area Administration normal feature request 01/24/2025 needs-patch
#62848 Continuous requests for apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png returning 404 General minor enhancement 01/23/2025 6.7.1
#62847 Admin Themes as a 3rd level of theming Themes minor feature request 01/23/2025
#62837 Filter to change the labels and placeholders of inputs General normal enhancement 01/23/2025 6.7.1 has-patch
#44391 Improving the notification badges in admin menu hedgefield Administration normal enhancement 01/22/2025 needs-patch
#57556 Configure feature branches on GitHub to trigger workflows to support development on forks Build/Test Tools normal enhancement 01/21/2025 needs-docs
#51454 Button for Uploading Themes should be on screen before loading in 15 example themes Themes minor enhancement 01/20/2025 5.5.1
#56740 set_up_before_class() / wpSetUpBeforeClass() are inconsistent and confusing Build/Test Tools normal enhancement 01/18/2025 4.4
#36242 wpdb set_sql_mode add param pbearne Database normal enhancement 01/18/2025 3.9 dev-feedback
#60622 Enhancement: add filter to function get_home_path() return value Administration normal enhancement 01/16/2025 6.4.3 dev-feedback
#60658 Set http_build_query as an option to Curl class HTTP API normal enhancement 01/16/2025
#62512 Add "Learn WordPress" Links to the "WordPress Events and News" Dashboard Widget Database normal feature request 01/14/2025 trunk has-patch
#60805 Reading Settings: add option to discourage AI services from crawling the site Privacy normal feature request 01/13/2025
#62742 Add Missing REST API Filters to WP_REST_Global_Styles_Revisions_Controller REST API normal enhancement 01/13/2025 6.7 has-patch
#35669 Store widgets in a custom post type instead of options Widgets normal enhancement 01/13/2025 2.8 dev-feedback
#62690 Add "Copy to Clipboard" button to Revision Viewer Revisions normal feature request 01/13/2025 has-patch
#62757 Update jQuery UI library to version 1.14.1 External Libraries normal enhancement 01/10/2025 trunk has-patch
#62788 Update request for 'Deleting...' string after failed Ajax attempt Plugins trivial enhancement 01/09/2025 6.7.1
#62791 Could `pre_render_block` come later Editor normal enhancement 01/08/2025
#62789 Enforce use of application passwords for authenticated XML-RPC requests XML-RPC normal enhancement 01/08/2025 5.6
#62748 Return results of update_post_meta Options, Meta APIs normal enhancement 01/07/2025 has-patch
#62660 Improve Customizer description in dashboard welcome panel Administration normal enhancement 01/06/2025 5.9 has-patch
#62780 Add ability to developers to add their own plugin statuses via a filter #1 Plugins normal feature request 01/05/2025 has-patch
#60820 Improve wording of the 'Login Details' mail marybaum Users normal enhancement 01/04/2025
#57231 Missing ":" in strings with links. Text Changes normal enhancement 01/04/2025 dev-feedback
#62666 Add function to retrieve page ID or permalink based on template General normal feature request 01/03/2025 trunk has-patch
#54117 Changing memory limit descriptions Bootstrap/Load minor enhancement 01/03/2025 5.8.1 has-patch
#62770 Move comment cookie handling to user/JavaScript space Comments normal enhancement 01/02/2025
#62752 Enhance Audio and Video Shortcodes with Custom Features (Tracklist, Images, Artists, Track Numbers, and Media Handling) Shortcodes normal feature request 01/02/2025 6.7.1 dev-feedback
#62762 WP_Widget_Categories::widget(): use int or bool for $cat_args values instead of numeric strings Widgets trivial enhancement 01/01/2025 has-patch
#62510 Add links to Learn WordPress in the wp-admin Help box and the default comment General normal feature request 01/01/2025 has-patch
#62744 Twenty Seventeen: Quote block Appearance settings do not affect citation Bundled Theme normal enhancement 12/31/2024 dev-feedback
#61321 Twenty Twenty: consider improving Pullquote block padding Bundled Theme normal enhancement 12/30/2024 has-patch
#61511 Use empty_trash_days to show how many days deleted posts will be kept for in the trash Administration normal enhancement 12/28/2024 6.5.5 has-patch
#62745 Localized PHP time zone abbreviations I18N minor enhancement 12/27/2024
#62738 Proposal for format_atts() Formatting normal enhancement 12/26/2024
#40650 get_pages() should accept 'any' among it's post_status arg Posts, Post Types normal enhancement 12/25/2024 4.7.4 has-patch
#36177 default htaccess should include security measures Security normal enhancement 12/24/2024
#62601 The padding in the login form is not consistent; it varies. Login and Registration normal enhancement 12/24/2024 5.3 has-patch
#61666 Extra margin in tablet and mobile login button in admin login Login and Registration minor enhancement 12/23/2024 3.8 has-patch
#62594 Updates Page: Add small icons before the Compatability line Upgrade/Install normal feature request 12/23/2024 has-patch
#62731 Inline CSS inserted by wp_print_auto_sizes_contain_css_fix too high in HTML General normal enhancement 12/22/2024 6.7.1
#53887 no link to theme changelog/readme.txt on the wordpress updates page Upgrade/Install normal enhancement 12/20/2024 5.8
#61500 Script Modules: Allow scripts to depend on modules Script Loader normal enhancement 12/19/2024 6.5 has-patch
#62709 Script modules integration with wp_resource_hints Script Loader minor enhancement 12/19/2024 6.5
#62703 Do not allow to leave a comment that contains prohibited keywords Administration normal feature request 12/18/2024
#62700 Permalink settings for pagination Administration normal feature request 12/17/2024
#62685 Proposal to add the ability to control the visibility of posts Posts, Post Types normal feature request 12/13/2024
#62653 Add CSS selector based tag navigation to HTML and Tag Processors HTML API normal feature request 12/12/2024 has-patch
#61756 Customizing Panel Size Customize normal enhancement 12/11/2024 6.6.1 has-patch
#53602 Expand get_post's $filter parameter to allow a blocks as a return shape Editor normal enhancement 12/11/2024 5.8
#59703 Enable Block Editor for term description Taxonomy normal enhancement 12/10/2024
#62544 Consolidate repetitive CSS rules in list-tables.css General trivial feature request 12/10/2024 has-patch
#62384 .htaccess lacks Security normal enhancement 12/09/2024
#62664 Automatically prepopulate registered meta keys in the Custom Fields meta box Options, Meta APIs normal enhancement 12/08/2024 trunk has-patch
#62662 Ability to rename wp-admin and wp-login in wp-config.php General major enhancement 12/07/2024 6.7.1
#41054 Use sargable date filtering where possible Database trivial enhancement 12/05/2024 needs-patch
#62643 Prevent errors from `printf()` and `sprintf()` calls I18N normal enhancement 12/05/2024 dev-feedback
#62650 WordPress 6.8 add a horizontal rule credits page after external libraries Help/About normal feature request 12/05/2024 trunk has-patch
#61957 Taxonomies: Allow querying for all posts with any term of a given taxonomy Taxonomy normal enhancement 12/05/2024 has-patch
#56595 Add a Site Health check for a non-virtual robots.txt file Site Health normal enhancement 12/03/2024 dev-feedback
#62631 Add plugin dependencies to Site Health Site Health normal enhancement 12/03/2024 6.7.1 has-patch
#62604 Prevent false-positive in validate_callback() in REST API REST API normal enhancement 11/29/2024 trunk has-patch
#60619 Add a DNS section to Site Health (and status checks for SPF and DMARC) Site Health normal enhancement 11/28/2024 dev-feedback
#62590 "Live Preview" on mobile open customizer by default Themes minor enhancement 11/28/2024 6.7.1
#62595 Updates Status Page - Only show if there are errors. General normal enhancement 11/28/2024
#62562 Ensure get_current_screen() returns WP_Screen|null Administration trivial enhancement 11/27/2024 dev-feedback
#61643 Local Environment: Consider switching to wp-env instead of a custom environment. Build/Test Tools normal enhancement 11/27/2024
#62578 change display name of German/Swiss default (language selection) I18N normal enhancement 11/26/2024
#62575 Prints SQL/DB error limit last_query too long Database normal feature request 11/26/2024
#62526 Add the theme type (block theme or non block theme) to the site health page Site Health normal enhancement 11/25/2024 trunk dev-feedback
#62561 Inaccurate PHPDoc Type for WP_Block_Parser_Frame::leading_html_start General trivial enhancement 11/25/2024 has-patch
#46287 Add insert_ignore() method to wpdb to avoid unecessary boilerplate code Database normal feature request 11/25/2024 trunk has-patch
#62538 WordPress does not detect Openbsd httpd for URL rewrites Permalinks normal enhancement 11/24/2024 6.7.1
#61091 Search, Bookmark, and Folder Function In WordPress Dashboard Plugins normal feature request 11/23/2024
#62543 URGENT FEATURE: Plugin Updates Section Needs To Show Warning Message For Newer Version Plugins Plugins critical enhancement 11/23/2024 6.7.1
#62332 Display last update on plugins page in WordPress backend Plugins normal feature request 11/22/2024 has-patch
#62498 Jquery migrate not up to date with latest version of WordPress 6.7 External Libraries major enhancement 11/22/2024 has-patch
#62333 Simplify code structure and optimize conditional logic in REST API controllers REST API minor enhancement 11/21/2024 6.7 has-patch
#39787 wp_list_authors can be optimize Users normal enhancement 11/20/2024 4.8 dev-feedback
#60375 Site Transfer Protocol Import normal enhancement 11/20/2024
#57760 add 'pre_wp_get_attachment_url' filter Media normal enhancement 11/20/2024 has-patch
#62489 Make the .maintenance file location more configurable Upgrade/Install normal enhancement 11/20/2024 trunk
#56785 Automatically catch potential security issues before release Build/Test Tools normal enhancement 11/19/2024 dev-feedback
#55950 FIDO passwordless authentication? Login and Registration minor feature request 11/19/2024
#62454 [ wp-includes/shortcodes.php - do_shortcode() ] - fallback in case content is not a string Shortcodes trivial enhancement 11/19/2024 dev-feedback
#62470 Filter for get_the_block_template_html Editor normal enhancement 11/19/2024 trunk has-patch
#59488 Add index to comment_type and comment_approved fields in comment table Comments normal enhancement 11/17/2024 3.0
#62428 The Date Format in Simplified Chinese does not work properly. I18N normal enhancement 11/15/2024
#62080 Add Ctrl+S / Cmd+S shortcut to save files in Theme and Plugin Editor Administration normal enhancement 11/14/2024 has-patch
#60419 Emails: Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue Bootstrap/Load normal enhancement 11/13/2024 5.2
#37261 Consider removing the `$start` argument from `WP_UnitTest_Generator_Sequence` Build/Test Tools normal enhancement 11/12/2024 4.4 needs-patch
#43492 Core Telemetry and Updates Upgrade/Install normal enhancement 11/11/2024 dev-feedback
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