Make WordPress Core

{40} Tickets Awaiting Review (5045 matches)

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Tickets in the Awaiting Review milestone.

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Results (2701 - 2800 of 5045)

Enhancements Awaiting Review (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Severity Type Modified Version Workflow
#62302 Post deletion hooks are not fully consistent. Posts, Post Types normal feature request 10/25/2024 6.7 has-patch
#61907 Make oembed_invalid_url return 400 instead of 404 Embeds normal enhancement 10/25/2024 has-patch
#62300 WordPress functionality usage outside wordpress itself General critical feature request 10/25/2024
#53405 short circuit before current filters for get_edit_user_link Users normal enhancement 10/24/2024 has-patch
#56548 Introduce `get_option` action Options, Meta APIs normal enhancement 10/21/2024 needs-unit-tests
#62230 Enhanced Core, Plugin, Theme repository with GPG signature based authentication for packages Upgrade/Install critical enhancement 10/18/2024
#62256 A suggestion for binding blocks. Customize normal feature request 10/18/2024
#62253 let get_post_galleries(), when in array mode, include gallery attributes in returned array even for blocks Media minor enhancement 10/18/2024 6.6.2
#62236 Why do wp_cache_incr / wp_cache_decr not allow negative values? Cache API normal enhancement 10/16/2024 6.6.2
#59981 PHPUnit tests for is_main_network Networks and Sites normal enhancement 10/15/2024 has-patch
#62224 The class class-wp-theme-json.php methods compute_theme_vars and to_ruleset need to be hardened Themes normal enhancement 10/15/2024 6.6.2
#60842 PHPunit tests for wp_check_invalid_utf8 Formatting normal enhancement 10/14/2024 has-patch
#62214 Update Site Health to use `do_accordion_sections()` Site Health normal enhancement 10/13/2024 5.2 dev-feedback
#62210 Allow variations to be filtered Themes normal enhancement 10/12/2024 6.7
#58279 Add tool to easily discover and remove or override erratic "Update URI" for plugins Plugins normal enhancement 10/11/2024 5.8
#61967 Allow site health managment Site Health normal feature request 10/10/2024
#60179 Add unit tests for wp_widgets_add_menu Widgets normal enhancement 10/09/2024 has-patch
#55041 Add end to end test case for Filter media by type Media normal enhancement 10/09/2024 has-patch
#57201 Add unit tests for wp_maybe_load_widgets Widgets normal enhancement 10/09/2024 has-patch
#60301 PHPunit test for print_emoji_detection_script Formatting normal enhancement 10/09/2024 has-patch
#60544 Allow individual blocks to be excluded from `excerpt_remove_blocks()` Formatting normal enhancement 10/09/2024 6.5 has-patch
#51663 Feature request: :Last Edit Date Administration normal feature request 10/07/2024 5.5.1 has-patch
#57398 User roles are reset to "All" tabs when performing bulk actions on certain user roles. General normal enhancement 10/07/2024 dev-feedback
#59432 Compliant with W3C coding standards General minor enhancement 10/06/2024 6.3.1 has-patch
#40153 Filter for wp_safe_remote_get in download_url General normal enhancement 10/06/2024 4.8 has-patch
#62086 Add Filter for Custom Form Attributes in New Site Creation (/wp-admin/network/site-new.php) Networks and Sites normal enhancement 10/06/2024 has-patch
#55969 The function set_transient should have the autoload argument Options, Meta APIs normal enhancement 10/04/2024 6.0 has-patch
#61125 Many strings or URLs lack proper escaping. audrasjb General minor enhancement 10/04/2024 has-patch
#37284 Add indication for required next to Confirm Password Users normal enhancement 10/03/2024 4.6 has-patch
#54376 Add `is_post_publicly_viewable` filter Posts, Post Types normal enhancement 10/03/2024 has-patch
#62119 Notice in Site Health in case revisions are disabled Site Health normal feature request 10/02/2024 has-patch
#62151 Allow Ignoring Patch Version in version_compare() for PHP Compatibility General normal enhancement 10/01/2024 has-patch
#53859 Add a filter hook to modify the paginate links arguments Permalinks normal feature request 10/01/2024 has-patch
#24251 Reconsider SVG inclusion to get_allowed_mime_types Upload normal enhancement 09/30/2024 dev-feedback
#62129 Add a Site Health test for existence of sender email address Site Health normal enhancement 09/29/2024
#49687 wp_mail() - Why is no envelope sender defined? Mail minor enhancement 09/29/2024 5.4 dev-feedback
#62128 Twenty Thirteen to Twenty Sixteen: update Genericons Bundled Theme normal enhancement 09/27/2024 has-patch
#61771 Script Modules: add the importmap's scopes key Script Loader normal enhancement 09/27/2024 6.5
#60208 Prevent redirect loops Bootstrap/Load normal enhancement 09/27/2024 dev-feedback
#59893 Add a translation section in the Site Health report Site Health normal enhancement 09/26/2024 6.5 dev-feedback
#62095 Hooks to modify the plugin list page Plugins normal enhancement 09/25/2024
#61293 Display an empty sitemap instead of 404 Sitemaps normal enhancement 09/23/2024 has-patch
#47514 Change priority of make_clickable callback to boost performance Comments minor enhancement 09/22/2024 5.2.1
#62087 Add `inline` support to the new `wp_get_admin_notice()` function General normal enhancement 09/20/2024 6.4
#61987 Removed Unused Arguments From _wp_filter_build_unique_id Function Plugins normal enhancement 09/19/2024 has-patch
#62074 Hooks to remove Add New links Administration normal feature request 09/18/2024
#62072 Add feature to automatically convert image formats to avif format Media normal feature request 09/18/2024 6.7
#62067 Remove Unnecessary array_flip Function in VALID_TOP_LEVEL_KEYS Filter General normal enhancement 09/18/2024 has-patch
#59998 Hide terms from XML sitemap that have only one object in them Sitemaps normal enhancement 09/18/2024
#39473 get_routes() called multiple times within single REST request causing the rest_endpoints() filter to also fire more than once REST API normal enhancement 09/17/2024 4.4 needs-unit-tests
#49639 Add a filter on wp_insert_user function regarding $user_pass Users normal enhancement 09/17/2024 dev-feedback
#45949 Allow plugins or themes to supply their own message when they caused a WSOD Bootstrap/Load normal enhancement 09/17/2024 needs-patch
#41934 Update load.php with wp_is_bad_request function Bootstrap/Load normal enhancement 09/17/2024 4.9
#47557 Sanitize Email Suggestion Formatting minor enhancement 09/11/2024 5.2.1 has-patch
#62020 Add copy button when creating or updating a user's password Users normal enhancement 09/11/2024 has-patch
#27289 Add populate_network action Networks and Sites normal enhancement 09/11/2024 has-patch
#61978 Managing Dynamic Search, Category Filtering, and Pagination for Bulk Patterns REST API normal enhancement 09/09/2024 6.0
#58249 Improve "get_metadata_raw()" by Delegating "$single" Handling to Filter Options, Meta APIs normal enhancement 09/09/2024 6.3 has-patch
#43159 Introduce helper function for XMLRPC checks Bootstrap/Load normal enhancement 09/08/2024 has-patch
#61205 Add support for relative paths to theme assets in theme.json REST API normal feature request 09/08/2024
#61211 List minimum version required when showing plugins that are "Incompatible with your version of WordPress" Plugins normal enhancement 09/08/2024 needs-patch
#62006 License adaptable text (e.g., suggested Privacy Policy) under liberal license General normal feature request 09/07/2024
#49440 Allow configuring the upgrade directory Upgrade/Install normal feature request 09/06/2024
#58346 A way for adding inline dynamic data General normal enhancement 09/06/2024
#24686 Introduce generic filter on transient return value johnbillion Cache API normal enhancement 09/06/2024 2.8 dev-feedback
#37178 Add $cache_only parameter to get_option Options, Meta APIs normal enhancement 09/06/2024 needs-unit-tests
#60974 Admin notice layout improvement Administration normal enhancement 09/03/2024
#47218 Update TinyMCE to 5.X.X or 6.X.X TinyMCE normal enhancement 09/02/2024 dev-feedback
#52360 speed up update_meta_cache with easy fix Options, Meta APIs normal enhancement 08/30/2024 has-patch
#61626 Settings > Reading: add a connection to the home template for block themes General normal enhancement 08/27/2024
#61737 Naming the plugin which is doing a fatal error on plugin activation/resumption Plugins normal enhancement 08/24/2024 dev-feedback
#58610 Allow Custom CSS to Site Admins in Multisite Customize major feature request 08/23/2024
#46635 Improve identifying of non–trivial callbacks in hooks General normal enhancement 08/23/2024 has-patch
#58127 Bundled themes: Add escaping for get_search_query() Bundled Theme normal enhancement 08/22/2024 has-patch
#61761 `wp_term_insert` inconsistent validation logic for `name` and `slug` Taxonomy normal enhancement 08/20/2024 has-patch
#61899 Custom query args for `search_box` form in `WP_List_Table` General normal enhancement 08/20/2024 has-patch
#42952 Add comments about JS removal of message query_arg Administration normal enhancement 08/19/2024 4.9.1 has-patch
#41520 Disable deprecated functions pbearne Bootstrap/Load normal enhancement 08/16/2024 dev-feedback
#56217 Add video rotation info in wp_read_video_metadata() Media normal enhancement 08/16/2024 6.0 has-patch
#29118 Registering rewrite rules is hard, so let's introduce remove_rewrite_rule. Rewrite Rules normal enhancement 08/14/2024 has-patch
#61618 changing permalink structure General normal feature request 08/13/2024
#42920 Add support for the picture element adamsilverstein Media normal enhancement 08/13/2024 needs-unit-tests
#59804 Can we implement a manage status of taxonomy term ? Taxonomy normal enhancement 08/13/2024
#61856 Add support for MySQL SSL connections Database normal enhancement 08/13/2024 6.7 has-patch
#61857 disable fluid font sizes Editor normal feature request 08/11/2024 6.6
#55780 Global Styles: Introduce filter for toggling stylesheet cache Editor normal enhancement 08/08/2024 5.9 has-patch
#61752 Plugin and theme editors should show files in alpha order General normal enhancement 08/08/2024 has-patch
#39037 Should REST API support multiple orderby values? REST API normal enhancement 08/07/2024 4.6.1 has-patch
#48435 WordPress update: updating by transferring partial packages pbearne* Upgrade/Install normal enhancement 08/07/2024
#58389 Enable auto-updates for plugins installed from the Plugins Add New Screen Upgrade/Install normal enhancement 08/05/2024 dev-feedback
#61819 A possible design flaw in administrative rights Administration major enhancement 08/05/2024 6.6.1
#61599 Can synchronize with pages and templates ? Editor normal feature request 08/04/2024 6.5.5
#58824 Add a filter to change the classes in posts list table in admin General normal enhancement 08/01/2024 has-patch
#61422 registerBlockVariation not holding the blockName param Editor normal feature request 08/01/2024
#61472 Widths of Row/Stack inside of a Stack in Gutenberg Editor Editor normal feature request 08/01/2024
#49428 Extend get_the_post_pagination() to consider total argument luludak Posts, Post Types minor enhancement 07/31/2024 needs-patch
#61473 Feature to set Absolute & Relative position of Blocks in Gutenberg Editor Editor normal feature request 07/31/2024
#61605 Add Support for dynamically changing WordPress styles variations using filter Themes normal enhancement 07/31/2024 has-patch
#32700 Allow media attachments in nav menus Menus normal enhancement 07/31/2024 4.7.3 dev-feedback
#39123 Allow usernames to be changed by administrators Users normal enhancement 07/28/2024 needs-unit-tests
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