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{40} Tickets Awaiting Review (5042 matches)

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Defects Awaiting Review (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Severity Type Modified Version Workflow
#57340 Questions about about the pathlength of WP5.8-6.1 is affected by themes General normal defect (bug) 03/08/2023
#57797 WP_Block_Type_Registry::register issues incorrect error message when block.json folder doesn't exist General normal defect (bug) 03/07/2023 6.1.1 dev-feedback
#57825 Something's wrong with the way the 'admin_init' hook and/or the wp_update_post function works General normal defect (bug) 02/28/2023 6.1.1 dev-feedback
#57742 Post date time not updating after Timezone change General normal defect (bug) 02/19/2023 6.1.1 has-patch
#57755 How to Show Tenplate Content on another page General normal defect (bug) 02/17/2023
#57476 hash characters at start of wp post titles are stripped upon pasting General normal defect (bug) 02/02/2023 6.1.1 dev-feedback
#57592 Hebrew sort problem come from a core General normal defect (bug) 01/31/2023
#55930 Provide comment syntax for templates and template parts General minor defect (bug) 01/17/2023 6.0
#57294 CodeMirror: Text disappears when candidate is confirmed in IME composition General normal defect (bug) 12/20/2022
#51141 URL parameters are altered on static homepage after unneeded 301 redirect General normal defect (bug) 12/13/2022 5.5
#57266 wp_suspend_cache_invalidation can be set to no Boolean value which break usage General normal defect (bug) 12/05/2022 has-patch
#57130 unittest for wp_upload_bits General normal defect (bug) 11/22/2022 has-patch
#57152 Trying to access array offset on value of type bool (class-wp-recovery-mode-email-service.php) General normal defect (bug) 11/19/2022 6.1.1
#57104 The Default Border color in the Code block is different in backend and frontend. General critical defect (bug) 11/14/2022
#57081 test for wp_mkdir_p General normal defect (bug) 11/11/2022 has-patch
#56996 Getting error Uncaught exception 'TypeError' with message 'Cannot access offset of type string on string' in /var/www/wp-includes/media.php:2147 General blocker defect (bug) 11/04/2022 6.1 has-patch
#56854 I cannot edit comments thru admin menu General normal defect (bug) 10/19/2022 needs-patch
#50893 wp_send_json_success is nothing, no error for any inf/nan General normal defect (bug) 10/19/2022 5.2.5
#56749 Special characters break ability to view a page. General normal defect (bug) 10/06/2022 5.5.1
#56724 unexpected sudden change in the site without any intervention from my side General blocker defect (bug) 10/03/2022
#56688 Uncaught Requests_Exception using Requests::request_multiple General normal defect (bug) 09/29/2022 6.0.2
#56679 get_post_gallery_images() Does not return images if the gallery shortcode has type="slideshow" General normal defect (bug) 09/29/2022 6.0.2
#56640 Notice error in WP_List_Util::pluck method at line 169 General normal defect (bug) 09/27/2022 6.0.1
#56555 wp_insert_post does not save the post_date for pending posts General normal defect (bug) 09/12/2022 6.0.2
#56446 Query loop next page button not working as expected. General normal defect (bug) 08/27/2022 needs-patch
#56094 Allow the style property of block.json to be an array General normal defect (bug) 08/19/2022 has-patch
#53262 wp_robots() (via wp_die) triggers a "doing_it_wrong_trigger_error", but should not. General minor defect (bug) 08/03/2022 5.7 dev-feedback
#56178 Links got invisible in responsive devices. General normal defect (bug) 07/15/2022 needs-patch
#56024 Removing a caption's contents removes the image alignment General normal defect (bug) 07/12/2022 6.0
#56098 Post Excerpt style in query loop not able to override if paragraph color is set in the global style. General minor defect (bug) 07/12/2022 6.0 has-patch
#56025 wp_validate_boolean() not doing what it describes, causes issues with [video] shortcode General normal defect (bug) 06/22/2022 6.0 dev-feedback
#55971 saving settings returns 404 - WP_SITEURL not used? General normal defect (bug) 06/13/2022 6.0
#55923 Search by month can be changed to search invalid month General normal defect (bug) 06/06/2022
#55924 Search by category can be changed to search invalid month General normal defect (bug) 06/06/2022 6.0
#54991 Site problem General critical defect (bug) 05/17/2022 5.9
#31350 size_format() Displaying Incorrect Unit General normal defect (bug) 05/03/2022 4.1
#55336 Query strings with reserved characters get wrongly redirected to encoded variant at the root level. General normal defect (bug) 05/01/2022 dev-feedback
#55265 Setting colour in 5.9.1 General major defect (bug) 04/27/2022 5.9.1 needs-patch
#55534 Remaining image files after deleting them General critical defect (bug) 04/05/2022 5.9.2
#55524 Menus listing alphabetized bug, Upload pages cleanup, and Hide the browsers. General normal defect (bug) 04/04/2022
#54435 admin-ajax.php : 404 Error General normal defect (bug) 03/12/2022
#54954 --wp--preset-- variables defaults not being updated by add_theme_support() 'editor-font-sizes' or 'editor-color-palette' General normal defect (bug) 02/22/2022 5.9 has-patch
#55113 category widget block General normal defect (bug) 02/09/2022 5.9 has-patch
#55110 In WordPress 5.9 Edit site navigation toggle tooltip issue General normal defect (bug) 02/08/2022 5.9
#55083 Link alternativa title General normal defect (bug) 02/04/2022 5.9
#55008 WordPress Admin slow since update to 5.9. General normal defect (bug) 02/03/2022 5.9
#54898 Strange behavior with (Page-) Templates General normal defect (bug) 02/01/2022
#54893 wp_set_script_translations() accepts and evaluates <script> tag included in JSON General normal defect (bug) 01/25/2022 needs-patch
#54851 Prevent unnecessary code comments from being output to the front end General minor defect (bug) 01/19/2022
#54355 Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed General normal defect (bug) 11/08/2021 5.8.1
#54114 paginate_links() ajax General normal defect (bug) 09/21/2021 5.8.1 has-patch
#53885 Inconsistent output of Site title with special characters on email General normal defect (bug) 08/16/2021 5.8 has-patch
#18565 Scheduled or Published. Still confuses us. General critical defect (bug) 08/10/2021 3.2.1
#53390 Unfreeze the code of is_serialized() General normal defect (bug) 06/29/2021
#53295 Serialized data should be handled as an opaque value General normal defect (bug) 06/12/2021 has-patch
#53368 Auto-generated skip-link gets added in classic templates and not just in block templates General normal defect (bug) 06/09/2021 has-patch
#53243 X-WP-DoingItWrong has limited usefulness General normal defect (bug) 05/21/2021 has-patch
#53066 Trigger errors when non-existent methods are called on objects. General normal defect (bug) 04/23/2021 has-patch
#48497 If preformatted block contains "<script>" tag page would not save General normal defect (bug) 03/31/2021 5.2.4
#52838 forms not sending after 5.7 install General normal defect (bug) 03/18/2021
#51307 Document title broken when "Homepage" isn't set in Settings > Reading General normal defect (bug) 03/08/2021 has-patch
#52235 wp_extract_urls doesn't match localhost General normal defect (bug) 03/05/2021 5.6 has-patch
#52359 Links in Gutenberg Continue to be Built When Typing General minor defect (bug) 01/25/2021
#44082 settings_errors() wraps all notices in p and strong tags General normal defect (bug) 11/30/2020 has-patch
#51855 wp_dropdown_categories allows multiple classes General normal defect (bug) 11/27/2020 2.8
#51768 In documentation, replace references to 'list' with 'array' General trivial defect (bug) 11/14/2020
#51773 wp_guess_url() calls strpos() incorrectly if $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] is empty General normal defect (bug) 11/13/2020 3.7
#50279 add_query_arg() removes equal sign from assigned value General normal defect (bug) 10/22/2020 5.4.1 needs-patch
#51582 Post type archive is loaded when post type does not allow General normal defect (bug) 10/21/2020 has-patch
#40899 '&' Is always escaped in the JavaScript template. General normal defect (bug) 09/08/2020 4.7.5
#46058 Extra database calls when use get_the_excerpt() and posts have images General major defect (bug) 06/25/2020 5.0.3 needs-patch
#49069 Multisite: 404 template isn't used in network installs when a file extension is used in the URL General normal defect (bug) 04/15/2020 dev-feedback
#46457 Embed Block to a Reusable Block General normal defect (bug) 03/20/2020 5.1
#49664 Uppercase Greek letters are getting accents on iPhone mobile devices General normal defect (bug) 03/18/2020 dev-feedback
#48535 Incompatibility with PHP 7.3.11 General critical defect (bug) 11/09/2019 5.2.4
#48425 `wp_is_mobile()` doesn't detect iPad Safari anymore General normal defect (bug) 10/24/2019
#44795 WordPress Heartbeat Interval stuck on 15 secs General normal defect (bug) 06/12/2019 4.9.8
#47419 If emojis or embeds JavaScript is not loaded, variable wp is undefined in the front-end. General normal defect (bug) 05/29/2019
#46780 wpColorPicker() close() method uses iris 'toggle' instead of 'hide' which can unexpectedly open the color pane General minor defect (bug) 05/23/2019 5.1 has-patch
#37665 Font Natively: Google maps can change the active font General normal defect (bug) 04/18/2019 4.6 has-patch
#43306 Creating site using wpmu_create_blog() without / prefixed with $path causes get_id_from_blogname() to fail. General normal defect (bug) 04/01/2019 4.9.4
#46481 Empty response if page template return zero General normal defect (bug) 03/25/2019 5.1
#39977 Search results for custom post type = "ANY" General normal defect (bug) 03/15/2019 4.7.2
#46342 Error messages in the Dashboard for Editor Role General normal defect (bug) 02/27/2019
#46315 Block editor columns left margin issue on reduced screen width General normal defect (bug) 02/24/2019 5.0
#46321 rel="noopener noreferrer" General normal defect (bug) 02/22/2019
#46281 WP Query breaks if there are term_ids in tax_query are more than 192 General normal defect (bug) 02/19/2019 5.0.3
#43100 Unexpected results from wpautop General normal defect (bug) 01/17/2019
#41933 Undefined offset -1 in $pages array when post without pages is requested General normal defect (bug) 10/15/2018 4.8.2 has-patch
#44406 Mismatch in the default value of the optional replacement argument in do_action_deprecated(), apply_filters_deprecated() and _deprecated_hook() General normal defect (bug) 09/17/2018 4.6
#41388 Insert Media window does not remember state for custom tabs, iframe bug General critical defect (bug) 08/14/2018 4.8 needs-patch
#44429 WP-CLI incompatibility with wp_redirect( https://... ) General major defect (bug) 07/24/2018 dev-feedback
#44595 wp_insert_post() inserts wrong GUID (adds http:// prefix) General normal defect (bug) 07/17/2018 dev-feedback
#44277 Post type rewrite breaks page url's General normal defect (bug) 06/04/2018 4.9.6
#44259 wp_query: Post & Page Parameters doc section incorrect General normal defect (bug) 05/29/2018
#44212 Add a new helper function for comma- or space-separated lists General normal defect (bug) 05/28/2018 has-patch
#44251 Wrong way of getting website root url when site is rewritten General normal defect (bug) 05/28/2018
#44070 Avoid flickering of admin notices General normal defect (bug) 05/14/2018
#43778 Spamming via Contact Form 7 (even Contact Form 7 was deleted) General critical defect (bug) 04/16/2018 4.9.5
#43535 wp-mediaelement.min.js?ver=4.9.4:1 crashes, making the Widgets in customize.php unusable General normal defect (bug) 03/13/2018 4.9.4
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