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{40} Tickets Awaiting Review (5046 matches)

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Defects Awaiting Review (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Severity Type Modified Version Workflow
#57149 get_table_from_query() doesn't properly handle a prepared escape_like() table name Database normal defect (bug) 01/04/2023
#56381 WordPress creates invalid web.config -file Rewrite Rules normal defect (bug) 01/04/2023 6.0 has-patch
#57413 Updating a user email via rest api doesn't trigger confirmation email Users normal defect (bug) 01/03/2023 has-patch
#57365 "Attempt Block Recovery" functionality broken for buttons "Convert to.." click Editor normal defect (bug) 12/30/2022 6.1.1
#57388 For App Passwords in non-HTTPS websites, WordPress asks for development environment, but actually requires local Application Passwords normal defect (bug) 12/29/2022 6.1.1 has-patch
#57390 [ wp-includes/template.php - get_archive_template() ] - archive for post doesn't load the correct template Themes normal defect (bug) 12/28/2022 1.5 needs-patch
#57382 Woocommerce have multiple Deprecated errors when working with PHP 8.1 Plugins normal defect (bug) 12/23/2022 6.1.1
#57219 Additional CSS not visible in editor on List block Editor normal defect (bug) 12/23/2022 6.1 dev-feedback
#57294 CodeMirror: Text disappears when candidate is confirmed in IME composition General normal defect (bug) 12/20/2022
#57337 Docs: WP Theme class reference properties don't match code Themes normal defect (bug) 12/19/2022
#51167 Document the $update_results parameter in auto-update email filters Upgrade/Install normal defect (bug) 12/15/2022 has-patch
#46292 Bump `set_time_limit()` at the start of the update process, instead of mid-way. Upgrade/Install normal defect (bug) 12/15/2022 dev-feedback
#57313 Adding a menu item without a link URL should not add a broken HTML a tag Menus normal defect (bug) 12/13/2022 6.1.1 dev-feedback
#51141 URL parameters are altered on static homepage after unneeded 301 redirect General normal defect (bug) 12/13/2022 5.5
#57316 Twenty Twenty-Three: Alignment issue in Button block Editor normal defect (bug) 12/12/2022 6.1.1 needs-patch
#57312 pattern validation fails in case of multitype validation using WP JSON REST REST API normal defect (bug) 12/11/2022
#57266 wp_suspend_cache_invalidation can be set to no Boolean value which break usage General normal defect (bug) 12/05/2022 has-patch
#46609 Incorrect posts date on saving scheduled posts draft Date/Time normal defect (bug) 12/05/2022 5.1
#57268 Add Escaping properly in Class Custom background Page Administration normal defect (bug) 12/03/2022 has-patch
#57260 Static home page redirect error using post name premalinks behind reverse proxy Canonical normal defect (bug) 12/02/2022 6.1.1
#54598 Site Health makes downright wrong and dangerous suggestions Site Health normal defect (bug) 11/30/2022
#54433 ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS does not work anymore Media normal defect (bug) 11/30/2022 5.8.2
#57212 Gutenberg list block treating each UL as separate block? Why? Editor normal defect (bug) 11/30/2022 6.1
#57235 'excerpt_remove_blocks' removes list blocks Formatting normal defect (bug) 11/30/2022 has-patch
#57233 Send password reset action link not working on multisite Networks and Sites normal defect (bug) 11/30/2022 6.1.1
#56583 Permalinks in Multisite not working when Main Site is in a subdirectory Permalinks normal defect (bug) 11/25/2022 6.0.2
#57130 unittest for wp_upload_bits General normal defect (bug) 11/22/2022 has-patch
#57173 Unable to edit Main Menu Menus normal defect (bug) 11/22/2022 6.1.1
#57141 WP_Theme cannot locate a parent block theme Themes normal defect (bug) 11/21/2022 6.0 needs-unit-tests
#57166 Export theme Export normal defect (bug) 11/21/2022 6.0.1
#57161 When using a child theme, blocks registered in the parent theme have the wrong asset file path which prevents styles from loading Themes normal defect (bug) 11/21/2022 6.1.1
#57158 bug for image 2/3 ratio size when max height is 480px Media normal defect (bug) 11/21/2022
#57152 Trying to access array offset on value of type bool (class-wp-recovery-mode-email-service.php) General normal defect (bug) 11/19/2022 6.1.1
#57134 Custom maintenance pages are HTTP 200, not 503 Bootstrap/Load normal defect (bug) 11/18/2022 6.1.1
#46146 dbDelta not parsing enum correctly Database normal defect (bug) 11/17/2022
#44598 Main logo won't update when deleted and reuploaded with the same file name Customize normal defect (bug) 11/16/2022 has-patch
#57007 Row block in Gutenberg broken in 6.1 Editor normal defect (bug) 11/16/2022 6.1
#34088 Add delay to admin menu arrow's disappearance Administration normal defect (bug) 11/16/2022 4.3.1 has-patch
#57088 Rest API improve time response with cache REST API normal defect (bug) 11/15/2022 dev-feedback
#57095 Shortcode's query are executing at backend because of the_content filter Editor normal defect (bug) 11/15/2022 6.1
#56956 Classic link editor in WordPress 6.1 Editor normal defect (bug) 11/13/2022
#57091 Global Styles: Element styles not working for third-party blocks Editor normal defect (bug) 11/12/2022 6.1
#47816 Shortcodes being run in editor when gutenberg is active Editor normal defect (bug) 11/12/2022 6.1
#57081 test for wp_mkdir_p General normal defect (bug) 11/11/2022 has-patch
#57072 WordPress 6.1 uses wrong database collation Database normal defect (bug) 11/11/2022 6.1
#50284 A fix to the CPT-no-create-when-submenu-child problem. Administration normal defect (bug) 11/10/2022 5.5
#55993 Wrong canonical redirect for paged posts page Canonical normal defect (bug) 11/07/2022 has-patch
#56429 Gutenberg author box missing Editor normal defect (bug) 11/05/2022 6.0.1 needs-patch
#55848 wp-sitemap.xml fails to load with large number of URLs Sitemaps normal defect (bug) 11/05/2022
#57004 Lost custom colours Editor normal defect (bug) 11/04/2022
#56944 get_option does not return expected value Options, Meta APIs normal defect (bug) 11/04/2022 6.0.2
#49220 rel_canonical generates the wrong canonical structure for paginated pages. Canonical normal defect (bug) 11/04/2022 4.6
#57000 wp_usermeta table is emptied because of a wrong query being executed Database normal defect (bug) 11/04/2022 6.0.3
#53800 Color of WebP image thumbnail changes on media library list and grid view Media normal defect (bug) 11/04/2022 5.8
#56302 Admin menu links have relative URLs Administration normal defect (bug) 11/04/2022 dev-feedback
#56961 Stack on mobile (media and text block) doesnt work any longer Editor normal defect (bug) 11/02/2022 6.1
#46061 Canonical prevents accessing paginated results of feed-named tags Canonical normal defect (bug) 11/01/2022 2.7.1 needs-patch
#55968 xss string to be treated as simple string Editor normal defect (bug) 10/31/2022 has-patch
#56071 wordpress images too large Media normal defect (bug) 10/26/2022 6.0
#56909 pre_recurse_dirsize filter cannot be used to fill up dirsize_cache and thus breaks performance Networks and Sites normal defect (bug) 10/26/2022 5.6 dev-feedback
#56892 wp_xx_categories() doesn't pad counts correctly when a sub-category exists Taxonomy normal defect (bug) 10/23/2022
#56887 wp_exif_date2ts throws notice on slash formatted date Date/Time normal defect (bug) 10/22/2022 5.2.3
#56859 Blocks: register_block_script_handle() does not account for symlinks Editor normal defect (bug) 10/20/2022 6.0.3
#50159 Simplepie 1.5.5 - code review and modifications - fix SimplePie cache bug Feeds normal defect (bug) 10/20/2022 5.5 has-patch
#50667 New attachment size is created even the source is smaller Media normal defect (bug) 10/19/2022 5.4.2 needs-patch
#56854 I cannot edit comments thru admin menu General normal defect (bug) 10/19/2022 needs-patch
#56813 Heading Block Margin Issue Editor normal defect (bug) 10/19/2022 6.0.2
#50893 wp_send_json_success is nothing, no error for any inf/nan General normal defect (bug) 10/19/2022 5.2.5
#56844 WordPress Autoupdate Email Showing Incorrect Site Name with URL Upgrade/Install normal defect (bug) 10/18/2022 6.0.3
#47976 HTML attributes in uppercase show error in widgets Widgets normal defect (bug) 10/18/2022 4.9 dev-feedback
#46040 Broken symlinks prevent updates Upgrade/Install normal defect (bug) 10/16/2022 5.0.3 has-patch
#56627 Underscores are not allowed in block names; error message is misleading. Editor normal defect (bug) 10/12/2022
#56310 Inconsistency when adding fonts to fontFamilies in wp_global_styles post Editor normal defect (bug) 10/12/2022 6.0 has-patch
#56752 Add get_post_metadata filters by $meta_key Options, Meta APIs normal defect (bug) 10/12/2022
#55899 Installer screen, button is NOT disabled when username is emtpy Upgrade/Install normal defect (bug) 10/12/2022 needs-patch
#56768 Images encoded with Base64 with a given string length appears weird in editor but kills the post render on the site Editor normal defect (bug) 10/09/2022 6.0.2
#56749 Special characters break ability to view a page. General normal defect (bug) 10/06/2022 5.5.1
#56744 Inaccuracy in user_can_richedit() function on /wp-includes/general-template.php Editor normal defect (bug) 10/06/2022 6.0.2 needs-patch
#56686 "internal" post status practical usage? Posts, Post Types normal defect (bug) 10/04/2022 dev-feedback
#56728 Can we fix featured image view issue when allowed SVG image type? Posts, Post Types normal defect (bug) 10/04/2022 6.0.2
#56685 Remove LiveJournal from importer recommendations Import normal defect (bug) 10/04/2022 dev-feedback
#54397 e2e timeout errors: waiting for selection `.components-snackbar` Build/Test Tools normal defect (bug) 10/04/2022
#56700 wp_update_post function not support meta update Posts, Post Types normal defect (bug) 09/30/2022
#56694 Uncached database read for logged in users when Privacy Policy Page is deleted Privacy normal defect (bug) 09/29/2022 5.7 needs-unit-tests
#56688 Uncaught Requests_Exception using Requests::request_multiple General normal defect (bug) 09/29/2022 6.0.2
#56679 get_post_gallery_images() Does not return images if the gallery shortcode has type="slideshow" General normal defect (bug) 09/29/2022 6.0.2
#47243 Importers aren't being maintained Import normal defect (bug) 09/29/2022
#56671 Sitemaps not working with almost pretty permalinks Sitemaps normal defect (bug) 09/27/2022 5.5
#56640 Notice error in WP_List_Util::pluck method at line 169 General normal defect (bug) 09/27/2022 6.0.1
#56668 REST API calls are failed when cookies are cleared from the site REST API normal defect (bug) 09/27/2022 6.0.2 needs-patch
#55140 Erase Personal Data Email Validation Issue Privacy normal defect (bug) 09/27/2022 dev-feedback
#48221 Improve punctuation consistency for labels on Add New User and Edit User screens Users normal defect (bug) 09/25/2022 has-patch
#56590 TypeError error in get_the_content when $elements['page'] and $elements['pages'] are null Posts, Post Types normal defect (bug) 09/23/2022 6.0.2 has-patch
#49682 oEmbed should not trigger for urls with fragments Embeds normal defect (bug) 09/23/2022
#45818 ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS does not work on multisite Upload normal defect (bug) 09/22/2022
#56499 count() used in the loop condition Comments normal defect (bug) 09/21/2022 has-patch
#56607 Improve doc for WP_Screen class Administration normal defect (bug) 09/20/2022 3.3 has-patch
#55635 wp_convert_hr_to_bytes() report correct byte sizes for php.ini "shorthand" values Upload normal defect (bug) 09/14/2022 dev-feedback
#56568 Some Cases Image Metadata is not editable. Gallery normal defect (bug) 09/14/2022
#56519 Inner blocks serialization bug in serialize_block function Editor normal defect (bug) 09/13/2022 5.3.1 needs-patch
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