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{40} Tickets Awaiting Review (5043 matches)

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Defects Awaiting Review (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Severity Type Modified Version Workflow
#62656 Customize > Manu > Reorder random shuffle after "done" and "save changes" General normal defect (bug) 12/12/2024
#59425 REST API: Preserve boolean values when generating next/prev Link headers REST API normal defect (bug) 12/11/2024 5.2
#62675 register new pattern catogory possible docs bug General normal defect (bug) 12/11/2024
#62324 uncaught syntaxerror General normal defect (bug) 12/10/2024
#62668 Permalink Conflict Between Posts and Pages with Identical Titles in WordPress Permalinks normal defect (bug) 12/09/2024
#60002 maybe_convert_table_to_utf8mb4() not work with new version of MySQL/MariaDB. General normal defect (bug) 12/08/2024
#62652 Ambiguous class resolution SimplePie_Core in wordpress 6.7 General normal defect (bug) 12/05/2024
#40958 force_balance_tags breaks Ninjaforms and probably other plugins that output html within js. Shortcodes normal defect (bug) 12/05/2024 4.7.4
#62356 Twenty Fifteen : On Adding background color to Navigation Block padding added in editor but not in frontend Bundled Theme normal defect (bug) 12/04/2024
#62591 No changes being saved on blog issue Editor normal defect (bug) 12/03/2024
#62592 Header informationa are modiefied Script Loader normal defect (bug) 12/02/2024
#62628 Server and client directive negation logic should align Interactivity API normal defect (bug) 12/02/2024 6.5
#62463 The `precommit:emoji` script no longer works in branches 6.4 and earlier Build/Test Tools normal defect (bug) 12/02/2024
#58476 preg_split(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($subject) of type string is deprecated Posts, Post Types normal defect (bug) 11/28/2024 6.3
#62229 post_status dropdown in Quick Edit incorrect if the admin user's timezone is "behind" the site's timezone Quick/Bulk Edit normal defect (bug) 11/27/2024 6.3
#58761 Make the filter option_page_capability_options available when access options.php directly Options, Meta APIs normal defect (bug) 11/25/2024
#60373 plugin activation errors are accidentally hidden Plugins critical defect (bug) 11/22/2024
#62524 kein zugriff auf wp-admin General normal defect (bug) 11/22/2024
#62495 Error exist Please help General normal defect (bug) 11/21/2024
#53019 The _sanitize_text_fields function removing the octets that incorrectly work with Arabic RTL languages. Formatting normal defect (bug) 11/19/2024
#41128 404 Page not found after using same URL in post / page Posts, Post Types normal defect (bug) 11/18/2024 4.8
#62460 Unable to log into the backend of our website General normal defect (bug) 11/18/2024 6.5
#62452 Hestia General normal defect (bug) 11/17/2024
#62401 WP_Query add extra JOINs after calling get_posts() with category__in in query arguments Query normal defect (bug) 11/14/2024 6.6.2
#62240 Cover block image is not displayed when the block inside group with background color Editor normal defect (bug) 11/11/2024
#62299 Pages with random numbers similar to the main page of the site Canonical normal defect (bug) 11/11/2024
#62341 A bug in widgets.php - function wp_widget_rss_process Widgets normal defect (bug) 11/11/2024
#41034 importing users in multisite: should add existing users to the current blog Import normal defect (bug) 11/11/2024 4.8
#59785 Fatal error: Attempt to assign property “object_id” on bool in class-wp-term-query.php Taxonomy normal defect (bug) 11/06/2024 6.3.3
#62336 default widget latest posts wordpress Widgets normal defect (bug) 11/03/2024 6.6.2
#61876 Exception thrown in navigation/view.min.js on mobile device Menus normal defect (bug) 11/02/2024 6.6.1
#41079 PHP Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in /var/www/html/live/wp-includes/rewrite.php Rewrite Rules normal defect (bug) 11/02/2024 4.3
#57409 Post date/time selector on a different timezone than of the server's Date/Time normal defect (bug) 11/01/2024 6.1
#56682 Unexpected cut of the HTML title and the slug Permalinks normal defect (bug) 10/26/2024 6.0.2
#62294 Automatic updates no longer work with via SSH2 from WP 6.6 Filesystem API normal defect (bug) 10/24/2024 6.6
#62270 Unable to set bookmark on </body> in WP_HTML_Processor HTML API normal defect (bug) 10/23/2024 6.4
#62265 wp-admin honors style-sheet <=> 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' is true. Script Loader normal defect (bug) 10/21/2024 6.6.2
#62259 wp-admin fails to honor style-sheet unless 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' is true. Upgrade/Install normal defect (bug) 10/19/2024 6.6.2
#62223 "Error in moving the item to Trash" when using Cloudflare Speed Brain (Missing/Unreachable directories) Posts, Post Types normal defect (bug) 10/17/2024
#62249 Investigate Theme JSON Data Caching Inconsistencies General normal defect (bug) 10/17/2024
#60984 WP_Query is returning the two same post instead of one Query normal defect (bug) 10/15/2024 6.5
#62200 Problem with this writing: var:preset|$feature|$slug Themes normal defect (bug) 10/14/2024 6.6.2
#62207 Designing issue occur in patterns filter list General normal defect (bug) 10/14/2024 6.6.2
#62208 Font size issue occur in responsive for author filter list Editor normal defect (bug) 10/14/2024 6.6.2
#61517 New swap template feature make website not repond Editor critical defect (bug) 10/13/2024 6.5.5
#62212 If you update a plugin from the details modal, it no longer updates the main page Plugins normal defect (bug) 10/13/2024 6.5
#62077 New user registration emails send the default (wrong) "From:" headers Mail normal defect (bug) 10/13/2024
#62209 When updating languages, wordpress via ftpext tries to chdir to json files and fails Upgrade/Install normal defect (bug) 10/12/2024 6.6.2
#60318 Update URI: false - sometimes not working Plugins normal defect (bug) 10/11/2024
#61930 size_format(): Inconsistent behaviour when zero bytes are passed General trivial defect (bug) 10/10/2024 4.6
#62181 WP Admin b,strong has fixed weight of 600 Administration minor defect (bug) 10/07/2024 3.8
#62168 MutliSite install Network Admin links incorrect -- not using 'home' & 'siteurl' settings Administration normal defect (bug) 10/04/2024 6.6.2
#62066 Weird ability to modify comments to be empty Lela Bones Comments minor defect (bug) 10/04/2024
#58102 Check PHPcs Coding standard into the wp-includes folder General normal defect (bug) 10/02/2024
#55247 SVG logos generate warnings from _wp_get_image_size_from_meta() Media minor defect (bug) 10/01/2024 5.9
#62135 Custom Post Type feed rewrites not generated when has_archive is false Posts, Post Types minor defect (bug) 09/30/2024
#62030 Can't Access Some Block Templates in Classic Themes Editor normal defect (bug) 09/23/2024 6.6.2
#62084 Line Breaks not displayed in emails General normal defect (bug) 09/22/2024
#39847 force_balance_tags not properly balancing < with <strong> and </strong> Formatting normal defect (bug) 09/22/2024 4.7.2
#44571 force_balance_tags breaks JavaScript Shortcodes normal defect (bug) 09/22/2024 4.9.7
#62060 Error Message When Using the WordPress Uploader Media normal defect (bug) 09/17/2024
#62049 Italics HTML tags in Post Titles are Being Converted to HTML Entities Posts, Post Types major defect (bug) 09/17/2024 6.5.5
#61953 aspect-ratio setting for image in overwritten pattern not working Editor normal defect (bug) 09/16/2024
#62052 Suggestions prompt doesn’t always appear after publishing a post Editor normal defect (bug) 09/14/2024 6.5.5
#62044 WP allows to inject random strings into archive page urls, still returning 200 Query critical defect (bug) 09/12/2024
#62003 User_Query cache triggers fatal error by ignoring 'fields' query var Users normal defect (bug) 09/09/2024 6.3
#61806 twemoji is always loaded on Windows devices pbearne* Emoji minor defect (bug) 09/07/2024
#61996 Slug Conflict When a Published and Draft Page Share post_name Posts, Post Types normal defect (bug) 09/06/2024
#61991 Inconsistent file name after cropping from Site Icon General normal defect (bug) 09/05/2024
#61245 Two QUnit Widget tests are skipped and one is broken Build/Test Tools normal defect (bug) 09/03/2024
#61937 WP_Theme_JSON_Schema::migrate removes data when version is missing Themes normal defect (bug) 08/29/2024
#61934 ctrl+shift+v - does not work in the editor General critical defect (bug) 08/27/2024 6.6.1
#61742 Ensure plugin auto updates are blocked if required WordPress version is not supported Plugins normal defect (bug) 08/26/2024
#61007 Shortcode aren't paste inline in paragraphs Shortcodes major defect (bug) 08/24/2024 6.5
#60027 Post patterns show no posts Query major defect (bug) 08/24/2024
#61910 register_block_type_from_metadata fails to register style attribute when using $args General normal defect (bug) 08/24/2024
#61903 Unable to save draft when tab is open for a long time General normal defect (bug) 08/21/2024 6.6.1
#60317 Cannot select an author from dropdown due to truncated users list Editor normal defect (bug) 08/19/2024
#60029 Admin unable to create new Application Password for user with no role on main site (multisite) Application Passwords normal defect (bug) 08/18/2024
#61874 Unable to access WordPress login session during login Users normal defect (bug) 08/15/2024
#61620 Edited Images don't include un-edited versions in WXR file, even if used in a Post Export normal defect (bug) 08/13/2024
#60248 Unable to delete theme placed in subdirectory Themes normal defect (bug) 08/13/2024
#60958 How to put older order to a created new registration account General normal defect (bug) 08/13/2024
#60948 shortcodes that return with no value / text will break if shortcode is being used as an attribute value Shortcodes normal defect (bug) 08/13/2024 6.5
#54836 Huge error logs filled with "WordPress database error Illegal mix of collations" errors caused by spammers Database critical defect (bug) 08/12/2024
#61621 WP_Query get_posts should be call its property not again execute all caculations Query normal defect (bug) 08/07/2024
#61600 Import of scheduled posts Editor minor defect (bug) 08/04/2024
#53408 png images bit depth is modified in resized images Media normal defect (bug) 07/31/2024 5.7.2
#61779 block.json - custom block style asset is loaded unconditionally to all pages with a non block-based theme General normal defect (bug) 07/30/2024 6.6.1
#61783 All post table UI breaks upon adding multiple taxonomies General normal defect (bug) 07/29/2024
#42683 widgets cannot be edited General normal defect (bug) 07/26/2024 4.9
#57763 RSS Feed not valid Feeds major defect (bug) 07/26/2024 6.1.1
#61762 Options can be incorrectly cached following database errors. Options, Meta APIs normal defect (bug) 07/25/2024
#61755 Use WPINC constant in script-loader.php Script Loader normal defect (bug) 07/25/2024
#61744 preg_match fails when className when $block['attrs']['className'] is an array *which is case when "extraClasses" is set* General normal defect (bug) 07/24/2024 6.6.1
#40052 Issue with WP_Cache not invalidating stale cache after an update request Cache API major defect (bug) 07/23/2024 4.7.3
#61716 Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError in get_delete_post_link() when _edit_link is site-editor.php?postType=%s&postId=%s&canvas=edit Posts, Post Types normal defect (bug) 07/20/2024
#61669 CSS error using grid in Customizer Customize normal defect (bug) 07/19/2024
#52626 Block editor doesn't paginate parent page results Editor major defect (bug) 07/17/2024 5.6.2
#61664 Can't insert a reusable block and other problems Editor critical defect (bug) 07/17/2024
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