Make WordPress Core

{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4901 matches)

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Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.

Results (1 - 100 of 4901)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Marked as Candidates for Closure (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Type Workflow Modified
#29161 $pagenow variable not set in admin pages on Windows systems Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/27/2021
#38805 A hook is missing in class WP_List_Table Administration normal major defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/20/2022
#49870 Admin Email Verification "The Email is Correct" leads to White Screen Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 05/02/2020
#47901 Admin menu variable is not always considered as global Administration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/24/2019
#37145 Admin submenu opens underneeth editor link tool Administration low minor defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/05/2020
#41387 Avoid 403's from AJAX requests from postbox.js Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 07/24/2021
#38809 Better wp namespace in password-strength-meter.js Administration normal normal defect (bug) close 03/30/2022
#39762 Change in DOM Element Properties as seen in Javascript Event Handlers Between 4.6.2 and 4.7+ Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 04/06/2021
#44036 Checkboxes appearing strangely in FireFox responsive view Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 04/15/2020
#36512 Color picker has disappeared from input in custom post type. Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 07/07/2022
#38899 Deletion of auto-drafts and trashed posts never gets scheduled unless user accesses admin pages westonruter* Administration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/07/2021
#52611 Error searching post Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/11/2021
#43476 Fix parentheses in post status links for RTL Administration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 03/06/2018
#42879 Invent a “Recommended Tools” section Administration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 12/13/2017
#54313 Layout boxes angle sizes issue Administration normal normal defect (bug) close 10/23/2021
#47517 Left Navigation Disappeared Administration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/11/2019
#48187 Missing admin color scheme causes incorrect body class Administration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/30/2019
#31199 Potential reference to unset variable in get_bulk_actions (WP_Posts_List_Table) chriscct7* Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 01/14/2019
#45001 Relocate Admin Alerts to a new Alert Icon Administration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 01/06/2020
#43723 Sanitize user_contactmethods output Administration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 01/17/2019
#35793 Something Wrong with UI in Administration Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#44516 Unable to edit theme's file on multisite from default editor Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/21/2019
#36663 Wordpress 4.5 Query Strings Replacing "." with "_" Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#47465 current_action function - return types Administration normal minor defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/06/2019
#45977 on the dashboard, cannot expand/collapse dashboard boxes. Administration normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 02/01/2019
#47788 send_headers hook does not work in wp-login or wp-admin Administration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/20/2019
#48085 use wp_safe_redirect() function Administration normal normal defect (bug) close 09/20/2019
#52448 wp_scheduled_delete WP-Cron Job Cannot Be Unscheduled Administration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 02/05/2021
#32940 Add IDs to Admin Hyperlinks Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 02/15/2020
#43963 Add admin body class for multisite blog ID and network admin context Administration normal minor enhancement dev-feedback 06/26/2018
#19691 Cannot modify admin messages for /wp-admin/edit.php Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#42915 Don't load admin dashboard widgets if they're not shown Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 02/15/2020
#45000 Eliminating "Add New" Button Beside Titles in Admin Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 01/06/2020
#42218 General Settings: Description of Email address should be Email Address instead of just Address. Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 10/16/2017
#39418 Improve "Empty Spam" and "Empty Trash" user experience Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 08/20/2018
#55855 In wp-admin folder the ajax-actions.php file has some unsanitize data issue. Administration normal normal enhancement close 05/27/2022
#48167 Increase discoverability of, and describe, "Anyone can register" and other settings Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 10/02/2019
#38923 Introduce `WP_Action_Handler` to clean up admin action mess Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 02/15/2020
#45313 Multisite site deletion email contains misleading language about user account Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 11/08/2018
#52893 Not possible to filter by category (and/or date) and by author in wp-admin/edit.php Administration normal normal enhancement reporter-feedback 09/17/2021
#38019 Notify site admin when domain or IP changes and Search Engine Visibilty is set to off Administration normal normal enhancement reporter-feedback 02/15/2020
#48470 Remove the Custom Header and Custom Background admin pages Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 10/30/2019
#37593 Replace "Super Admin" with "Network Administrator" Mista-Flo Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 09/24/2018
#54400 Show "Add New" title buttons on single-site Plugins/Themes pages for capable users in multisite Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 11/08/2021
#49055 Standardise Plugin Notices With a Fly-Out Right-Hand Menu Administration normal normal enhancement close 12/20/2019
#46354 Update Count - Value Should Change as Updates are Applied Administration low trivial enhancement dev-feedback 02/14/2020
#46082 Why returning $menu_array[x] instead of $title Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 12/08/2021
#35774 WordPress admin <title> structure SergeyBiryukov Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 09/23/2019
#49166 need a function to know if a dashicon exists. Administration normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 05/31/2022
#28324 Add primary and secondary color definitions to admin color schemes and add function to retrieve color scheme info Administration normal normal feature request reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#50158 Hide columns in the list of posts for user levels Administration normal normal feature request dev-feedback 05/14/2020
#43366 _default_wp_die_handler() Need filter code for update css style. Administration normal normal feature request reporter-feedback 12/20/2020
#55796 SHORTINIT requires rest-api.php via rest_cookie_collect_status() via wp_get_current_user() Application Passwords normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 05/24/2022
#55870 WP App Passwords Should be URL Decoded Application Passwords normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 05/30/2022
#43760 Create a revision when autosaving if the content has changed significantly Autosave normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 09/19/2019
#33740 Create a new API to standardize application tracing Bootstrap/Load normal normal feature request reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#52331 Consider using more precise browser versions for `browserslist` Build/Test Tools normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/27/2021
#54986 Css file duplication generated with repeter names Build/Test Tools normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 01/29/2022
#53842 Review the type of select return values Build/Test Tools normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/30/2021
#37190 Split out function declarations and code executions. Build/Test Tools normal normal enhancement reporter-feedback 09/14/2020
#51966 npm/grunt watch/build task names are inconsistent and unintuitive Build/Test Tools normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 03/10/2021
#29247 Crucial caches are not cleared when deleting site Cache API normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/08/2022
#30430 WP_Object_Cache does not properly cache objects nested in arrays Cache API normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 07/08/2022
#49899 <plugin_name> detected an advanced-cache.php file in the wp-content directory. It seems that this is not the <plugin_name> advanced-cache.php file. Please remove this file and disable any other caching plugins to use this <plugin_name>. Cache API normal normal enhancement reporter-feedback 04/14/2020
#45417 Lack of actions when wp_cache_flush is called Cache API normal trivial enhancement dev-feedback 12/02/2018
#46388 WP_User::get_data_by(): Cache non-existent users to prevent triggering multiple queries Cache API normal normal enhancement reporter-feedback 06/15/2021
#34800 Canonical 301 redirects go to request origin instead of site_url Canonical normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#14201 Canonical redirect kicks in in case of category/tag base containing other chars then a-z, 0-9, _ and - Canonical normal normal defect (bug) close 06/04/2019
#36737 Single site reachable on multiple subdomains always redirected to site_url Canonical normal normal defect (bug) close 01/14/2021
#53310 All Comments are not visible in comment section in WordPress Backend Post Section Comments normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/25/2021
#48724 Button text type when editing a comment Comments normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/05/2019
#32851 Comment e-mail address of registered user not updated when user's e-mail address is changed Comments normal major defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/30/2020
#46642 Comment form content textarea shouldn't be a required field Comments normal major defect (bug) dev-feedback 01/23/2020
#39958 Comment reply/cancel links work badly when comment form is above the comment list Comments normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 01/15/2018
#43946 Inconsistent encoding of comment_content Comments normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 05/04/2018
#51589 Missing whitespace between comment reply title and cancel comment reply link Comments normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 11/08/2020
#35651 No longer any consistent way to add content to bottom of comments form Comments normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/19/2019
#41788 PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function has_cap() on a non-object in wp-includes/comment.php Comments normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/14/2020
#17771 URL-encoded comment_author_url gets broken by MySQL varchar 200 length limit SergeyBiryukov Comments normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 03/18/2017
#54621 Unsaved comment warning without any changes made when click on Publish, Update or Preview Buttons Comments normal major defect (bug) reporter-feedback 03/18/2022
#36885 When one uses custom callback function for comment list, "Reply" link would not show Comments normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#51492 Wrong order of comments when using numbered pagination Comments normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/10/2020
#29462 comment pagination in reverse order should display a full number of the latest comments Comments normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 03/16/2021
#43015 function get_previous_comments_link not working in front page Comments normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/24/2019
#34475 get_comment_link incorrect page number in returned url. SergeyBiryukov Comments normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 10/03/2019
#52582 wp_cache_* duplicate/redundant storage and insufficient clearing of cache Comments normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 02/21/2021
#43298 Add filter to hide comment types from showing up in the default query schlessera Comments normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 01/16/2019
#48536 Allow cmd/ctrl-enter to submit comment forms in wp-admin davidbaumwald* Comments normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 02/10/2020
#45998 Comments trashed after reply Comments normal normal enhancement reporter-feedback 01/16/2019
#40355 Default to "https://" in comment author URL field Comments normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 06/07/2021
#50361 Highlight if link targets in comments don't refer to the link text Comments normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 06/10/2020
#50538 WP_Comments_List_Table should not show views that have a count of 0 pbiron Comments normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 03/12/2021
#16612 WordPress should return nocache headers for requests with comment cookies Comments normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#43183 wp-comments-post.php endpoint support for OPTIONS Comments normal normal enhancement reporter-feedback 07/01/2019
#35503 Dashboard page: comment status in "Activity" group box shows incorrect Comments normal trivial feature request reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#34913 Unscheduling cron jobs fails when original arguments were not an array. Cron API normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/02/2021
#32306 wp-cron throws 500 errors for SSL enabled sites Cron API normal critical defect (bug) reporter-feedback 11/14/2017
#46540 Admin bar CSS shouldn't be added in the customizer Customize normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 05/30/2021
#55686 Blank sheet when I try customuze site. I can't see prewiev changes Customize normal critical defect (bug) reporter-feedback 05/07/2022
#43444 CSS Editor Error Not Displaying Correctly Customize normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/05/2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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