{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4895 matches)
Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.
Results (1401 - 1500 of 4895)
Tickets with Patches (100 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Component | Priority | Severity | Type | Workflow | Modified |
#31798 | Editor: switch undo and redo in RTL | Editor | low | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/01/2021 | |
#46964 | ID attribute value are used multiple times in "Custom Field" form | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 07/27/2021 | |
#30942 | In quicktags settings, setting buttons to zero-length string doesn't give empty toolbar. | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 11/24/2020 | |
#55058 | Inspector Typography tools: Letter-spacing is misaligned next to Appearance | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 02/03/2022 | |
#19173 | Issues with wp_editor() when used inside of a meta box. | azaozz | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 07/07/2021 |
#43071 | User without the ability to publish are unable to edit post status | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 12/10/2021 | |
#31599 | White space between visual editor content and status bar | Editor | low | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/05/2019 | |
#40759 | Word Count Discrepancies | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 11/24/2020 | |
#51258 | Fire an action when `replace_editor` is filtered to true | Editor | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 11/04/2021 | |
#45435 | Port Gutenberg's `removep` Function to Php | Editor | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 11/24/2020 | |
#53076 | Press This: Add filters to allow custom Press This plugins | kraftbj* | Editor | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 05/24/2021 |
#42645 | Support passing version number to add_editor_style() | dinhtungdu | Editor | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 09/24/2019 |
#46224 | The additional CSS is not reflected in the editor | Editor | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 09/29/2021 | |
#49173 | Allow sanitized inline styles on oEmbed iframes | Embeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 01/13/2020 | |
#51471 | pre_oembed_result filter missing from oembed proxy controller | Embeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 02/17/2021 | |
#55079 | Allowed post tags and allowed tags iframe | Embeds | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 02/04/2022 | |
#37868 | Avoid default width styles in the markup of the audio player | wonderboymusic | Embeds | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 04/19/2019 |
#24712 | Get errors from wp_oembed_get | Embeds | low | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#23431 | [embed] shortcode doesn't work with do_shortcode() | Embeds | normal | normal | feature request | needs-unit-tests | 07/15/2022 | |
#37486 | Make emojis accessible | Emoji | normal | normal | task (blessed) | has-patch | 01/05/2021 | |
#32433 | Add registered image sizes in WXR export file | Export | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 07/17/2018 | |
#43978 | Avoid flickering on the Tools / Export page | birgire | Export | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 02/20/2020 |
#29621 | Export post title with markup | Export | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#20903 | Exporter gets stuck in a loop a loop/break in the category hierarchy | westi | Export | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 |
#14584 | HTML entities in category and tag elements | Export | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 07/06/2020 | |
#33563 | Multiple Calls to export_wp() Causes Error | Export | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 11/19/2020 | |
#28146 | Export Filter for Post IDs | Export | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#37848 | Form fields misaligned on export.php | Export | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 06/17/2019 | |
#53300 | Select and Crop for header images, crop area is entire image | External Libraries | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 07/29/2021 | |
#49837 | JSDoc correction for wp-includes\js\colorpicker.js | External Libraries | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 05/06/2020 | |
#16747 | 'feedtype_enclosure' hooks not triggered without custom field | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 06/04/2019 | |
#54802 | Allow post_comments_feed_link to disable feed output | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 01/12/2022 | |
#14363 | Atom feed is broken when WordPress is served as application/xhtml+xml | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#50498 | Change "html" to "HTML" in atomlib.php | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 01/22/2021 | |
#36334 | Custom RSS feed has wrong MIME type and forces download in browser | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-docs | 03/25/2020 | |
#21753 | Feed excerpts are missing important filter formatting | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 11/17/2020 | |
#19998 | Feeds can contain characters that are not valid XML | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 06/19/2020 | |
#47623 | Feeds: <lastBuildDate> has incorrect date | Feeds | normal | major | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/29/2019 | |
#10984 | If content uses the nextpage tag then only the first page is shown in feeds | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#20888 | RDF Feed validation problems. | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 06/04/2019 | |
#31935 | is_page() erroneously set to true when loading /feed/ associated with 404 | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#46227 | Add Rel-Feed Link to Header | Feeds | low | trivial | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 05/13/2021 | |
#43860 | Dead code in feed_links_extra() | Feeds | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 01/09/2019 | |
#40587 | Feed link markup should contain rel and type attributes | Feeds | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 05/19/2017 | |
#13867 | New filter for comment RSS feed's title | killua99 | Feeds | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 11/10/2021 |
#41905 | Only loop over enclosure meta keys in rss_enclosure() and atom_enclosure() | Feeds | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 08/23/2018 | |
#55387 | $wp_filesystem->dirlist() can return false and that should be checked for before iterating over the return value | pbiron | Filesystem API | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 04/30/2022 |
#50287 | FS_METHOD=ssh2 breaks some plugins | Filesystem API | normal | minor | defect (bug) | has-patch | 08/27/2020 | |
#28616 | ftp_fput should have a retry threshold | Filesystem API | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 06/04/2019 | |
#48289 | wp_normalize_path() breaks path_is_absolute() in Windows. | SergeyBiryukov | Filesystem API | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 04/08/2021 |
#20716 | Control how and when request_filesystem_credentials outputs creds form | dd32 | Filesystem API | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 06/04/2019 |
#43990 | Use wp_delete_file instead of unlink | Filesystem API | low | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 05/14/2018 | |
#55469 | WP_Filesystem_SSH2::chmod() should use ssh2_sftp_chmod() | Filesystem API | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 03/27/2022 | |
#48261 | "noopener noreferrer" mis-parses links with "rel=" parameters | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 10/09/2019 | |
#10823 | Bad handling of ampersand in post titles | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#25021 | Improve sanitize_title_with_dashes % removal | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#55949 | Prevent trailingslashit from removing backslash for valid filenames on linux systems | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/08/2022 | |
#37077 | Replacing one variable handler for another to ensure proper conditional check occurs 100%. | Formatting | normal | trivial | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#26674 | The get_tag_regex() function is a too greedy when searching for a closing tag. | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#30495 | Unicode character U+000B is not removed by sanitize_file_name | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 08/27/2018 | |
#27270 | Validation for leading/trailing periods, or consecutive periods in email addresses is only done on the domain section | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#17923 | add_query_arg() should encode values | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 08/20/2019 | |
#42182 | esc_js must escape U+2028 and U+2029 | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 10/11/2017 | |
#46791 | esc_url() adding http:// to a relative URL to parent directory '../pathname/' | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 05/23/2019 | |
#24487 | is_email() does not recognize IDN domains | Formatting | normal | minor | defect (bug) | has-patch | 04/28/2021 | |
#25108 | is_email() function validates email with domain that just has 1 character after dot | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#17433 | localhost is not accepted as email domain | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 03/20/2018 | |
#50514 | make_clickable nested links bug | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 10/12/2020 | |
#37698 | wp_kses_split global variable pollution | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 02/09/2021 | |
#54138 | wp_strip_all_tags should remove scripts/styles content recursively | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 09/16/2021 | |
#37672 | wpautop adds a closing p-tag without an opening p-tag | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 04/18/2019 | |
#38656 | wpautop incorrectly handling paragraphs within block elements | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 03/26/2019 | |
#29882 | wptexturize: quotes inside quotes curling incorrectly | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#47594 | Add nbsp symbol codes to convert throught sanitize_title | SergeyBiryukov* | Formatting | normal | minor | enhancement | has-patch | 10/28/2021 |
#51707 | Add white-space as an allowed kses CSS attribute. | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 11/15/2020 | |
#24225 | Improve regular expressions when matching attributes | miqrogroove | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 06/04/2019 |
#40933 | Improvements for get_file_data() function | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 07/18/2017 | |
#28607 | Make wpautop()'s $allblocks variable filterable | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 01/18/2017 | |
#22330 | Optimize regexes to remove protocol from URL | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 06/04/2019 | |
#52886 | Update esc_url to allow for specifying an https:// as default protocol | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 07/05/2022 | |
#12084 | allow preserving HTML in the_excerpt (specify allowed tags for strip_tags in wp_trim_excerpt) | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#49484 | Add option 'OR' to wp_sprintf_l() | SergeyBiryukov | Formatting | normal | normal | feature request | has-patch | 10/20/2020 |
#54604 | Allow for nestable superscript tags | Formatting | normal | normal | feature request | has-patch | 12/14/2021 | |
#53229 | "Alt Text" label misaligned in French | audrasjb* | Gallery | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/08/2021 |
#44394 | Error when trying to get the columns of a three-columns gallery. | Gallery | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/19/2018 | |
#51828 | gallery items not aligned when row has less items than column count | Gallery | normal | minor | defect (bug) | has-patch | 11/19/2020 | |
#40524 | Filter hook for max image columns in gallery settings | Gallery | normal | normal | enhancement | has-patch | 04/22/2017 | |
#38100 | Gallery Caption Filter | Gallery | normal | normal | feature request | has-patch | 11/30/2018 | |
#54954 | --wp--preset-- variables defaults not being updated by add_theme_support() 'editor-font-sizes' or 'editor-color-palette' | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 02/22/2022 | |
#44212 | Add a new helper function for comma- or space-separated lists | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 05/28/2018 | |
#37253 | Add several missing "_deprecated_function()" calls | General | low | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 04/19/2019 | |
#53368 | Auto-generated skip-link gets added in classic templates and not just in block templates | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/09/2021 | |
#30613 | Check the return value of wp_json_encode() | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 06/04/2019 | |
#42213 | Code Editors: Filter autocomplete suggestions | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 10/03/2018 | |
#45939 | Coding Standards: fix <br/> in core files | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 02/21/2020 | |
#51307 | Document title broken when "Homepage" isn't set in Settings > Reading | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 03/08/2021 | |
#37665 | Font Natively: Google maps can change the active font | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 04/18/2019 | |
#37249 | Missing url escapes and 'author' link relation in wp_list_authors() | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 04/20/2019 | |
#36036 | Multiple CDATA regressions in wp-includes | SergeyBiryukov | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | has-patch | 11/25/2020 |
#46346 | Page counts and related calculations typically expect and document ints but are actually floats | SergeyBiryukov | General | normal | minor | defect (bug) | has-patch | 10/13/2021 |
See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.