{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4894 matches)
Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.
Results (201 - 300 of 4894)
Marked as Candidates for Closure (100 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Component | Priority | Severity | Type | Workflow | Modified |
#53026 | register_block_type_from_metadata fails if path points to a JSON file that is not named "block.json" | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 04/26/2021 | |
#45062 | tinyMCE editor breaks captions with HTML | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 12/19/2019 | |
#55737 | web site error (in south korea) | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 05/15/2022 | |
#48789 | Provide ability to drag and drop images among and between Gutenberg Blocks | Editor | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 11/24/2020 | |
#32143 | wpLink function getAttrs() missing link-text | Editor | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 11/24/2020 | |
#54288 | Argument for allowed blocks when registering a post type | Editor | normal | normal | feature request | dev-feedback | 10/19/2021 | |
#54580 | Latest Posts Gutenberg Block not supporting args filter. | Editor | normal | normal | feature request | reporter-feedback | 01/31/2022 | |
#37336 | Pre-existing page with slug /embed/ does not work as described | Embeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 09/28/2020 | |
#41403 | Support "class" and "id" attributes on wp_oembed_get() | Embeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 09/22/2020 | |
#53935 | Vimeo oembed force player with large height on blog post | Embeds | normal | minor | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/18/2021 | |
#41746 | oEmbed does not respect canonical provider url parameter | Embeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 09/20/2017 | |
#36239 | wp-embed image size is using the smallest image or it sometimes uses the one for featured images | Embeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/25/2020 | |
#49989 | Invision embed code supported by WordPress | Embeds | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 11/12/2020 | |
#35927 | _wp_attachment_metadata meta_value wrong type in export | Export | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 10/24/2019 | |
#14757 | users with no posts are not exported | Export | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/06/2020 | |
#34414 | Add extra item fields to exported WXR file | Export | normal | normal | feature request | close | 07/15/2022 | |
#55764 | Export of menus | Export | normal | normal | feature request | reporter-feedback | 05/19/2022 | |
#34130 | Thickbox previous arrow | External Libraries | normal | minor | defect (bug) | close | 03/15/2021 | |
#44283 | Enclosure can't deal with CDN media files - WPCore redirects the URL | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/07/2021 | |
#19885 | Feed wfw Namespace no longer valid | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 12/06/2021 | |
#49565 | RSS Feature | Feeds | normal | normal | feature request | reporter-feedback | 10/02/2020 | |
#55688 | Update size function in WP_Filesystem_Direct | Filesystem API | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 05/06/2022 | |
#24925 | Improve no disk space error handling when updating plugins | Filesystem API | normal | minor | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/20/2021 | |
#52463 | Inline SVG - foreignObject support | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 02/09/2021 | |
#34722 | Open P Tag in shortcode related to h tag | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 07/20/2017 | |
#50197 | PHP 7.4 Compatibility with WP 5.4.1 – problem with seems_utf8() | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 07/29/2022 | |
#41711 | Remove hAtom from core | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 08/29/2017 | |
#51353 | Smart Quote Bug | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 09/18/2020 | |
#56119 | `wp_unslash()` and `wp_slash()` do not (un)slash the same data. | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 07/11/2022 | |
#23308 | make_clickable problem with multiple "Punctuation URL character" | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#44793 | remove_accents() doesnt escape all versions of "i" | SergeyBiryukov | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/22/2019 |
#40676 | wpautop adds opening & closing p tags around the opening a tag and around the closing a tag when the link contains certain flow content elements like div, h1, h2... | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 07/21/2017 | |
#30644 | "wpautop" Enhancements | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/11/2020 | |
#54322 | Add Logical Properties to safecss_filter_attr | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 11/19/2021 | |
#52444 | Add support for Telegram Messenger Protocol | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 02/05/2021 | |
#49129 | Incorrect German Umlaut substitutions | Formatting | normal | minor | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/04/2020 | |
#43147 | Introduce `esc_html_comment` and translation related functions | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/16/2019 | |
#39636 | Smilies not converted when directly followed by punctuation marks | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 04/11/2022 | |
#56120 | WordPress should add a space character on every possible "wrap point" in a post title when building "html title", "og:title" and so on | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/05/2022 | |
#46538 | Aligning gallery results in conflicting classes added | Gallery | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/08/2019 | |
#54136 | Slideshow gallery shown as a tiled gallery when using shortcode with Classic Editor | Gallery | normal | minor | defect (bug) | close | 12/15/2021 | |
#36269 | WordPress 4.4.2 Gallery Ordering | Gallery | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#43642 | Gallery titles and labels erasing | Gallery | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 05/26/2022 | |
#48272 | "Undefined offset" warning in add_query_arg() | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/01/2022 | |
#55936 | ABSPATH & WPINC | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/10/2022 | |
#54122 | Action hook transition_post_status not properly working in Block Editor | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 11/14/2021 | |
#44269 | Add optional parameter $merge_args into paginate_links function | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 12/03/2020 | |
#33936 | Alignment issue in dashboard update count | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/19/2019 | |
#45854 | Avoid printf/sprintf strings to be "double-quoted" | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 08/04/2021 | |
#55102 | Bug in Custom Styling search block | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/08/2022 | |
#39543 | Certain Strings When Pasted Into Title Bar Cause Loss of Styling | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 03/15/2019 | |
#44021 | Dashboard menu disappears in Chrome beta | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 05/22/2019 | |
#43408 | Dashboard screen after login when session logout | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 11/17/2020 | |
#56361 | Debug log never working | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/15/2022 | |
#53743 | Double <title> Tag with SEO Plugins in WordPress 5.8 | General | normal | major | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 07/22/2021 | |
#55636 | Drag and drop video's go to the top of the page. | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 07/27/2022 | |
#55043 | FSE Classic Block Issue | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/05/2022 | |
#44447 | Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/07/2021 | |
#49671 | Feature Image will not update date. | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 04/03/2020 | |
#54150 | Gallery not showing with upgrade to wordpress 5.8.1 | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 09/24/2021 | |
#45936 | Insert empty record | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 01/12/2019 | |
#54556 | It's impossible to get 'location' header on 302 redirect of wp_remote_post | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 12/03/2021 | |
#42000 | Mac Keyboard text shortcuts no longer work | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 12/15/2020 | |
#49069 | Multisite: 404 template isn't used in network installs when a file extension is used in the URL | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 04/15/2020 | |
#13779 | Preview doesn’t work - WP installed in its own directory | SergeyBiryukov | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 07/13/2022 |
#46330 | Preview showing commented HTML | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/24/2019 | |
#55336 | Query strings with reserved characters get wrongly redirected to encoded variant at the root level. | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 05/01/2022 | |
#54179 | Raw JS is prematurely ended with a </script> tag when HTML tags are present within JS strings. | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 09/26/2021 | |
#42167 | Reading -> Static Page - domain/page/1111 duplicates home page | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 10/10/2017 | |
#40998 | Replacing static page that includes a snippet | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 09/08/2020 | |
#46155 | Responsive images (srcset) not working on cropped files. | joemcgill | General | normal | major | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 05/15/2019 |
#54282 | Search terms wrapped in double quotes never return results directly from iOS Safari keyboard | General | normal | minor | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 10/25/2021 | |
#43654 | Silence "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed with logging active, version x.y.z" | General | low | trivial | defect (bug) | close | 11/17/2021 | |
#35154 | The admin_url filter might break ajaxurl usage | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#55268 | Title Becomes Non-Editable | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/27/2022 | |
#44429 | WP-CLI incompatibility with wp_redirect( https://... ) | General | normal | major | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 07/24/2018 | |
#28801 | Walker::walk makes an incorrect assumption if $top_level_elements is empty. | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 06/04/2019 | |
#36499 | featured image, image upload | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#22530 | garbage query strings on URLs are not sanitized or removed | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#45960 | plugin_basename() fails on windows path | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 01/16/2019 | |
#30285 | url_to_postid on FORCE_SSL_ADMIN takes https path instead of http | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#44595 | wp_insert_post() inserts wrong GUID (adds http:// prefix) | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 07/17/2018 | |
#31706 | wp_list_categories for hierarchical taxonomy return wrong tree if orderby clause is used | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#53262 | wp_robots() (via wp_die) triggers a "doing_it_wrong_trigger_error", but should not. | General | normal | minor | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 08/03/2022 | |
#43742 | Add $_wp_admin_css_colors variable to front-end | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2020 | |
#51301 | Add class field to wp_nonce_field | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 09/14/2020 | |
#53868 | Add option to `paginate_links` to apply format on all pages | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 11/26/2021 | |
#53541 | Arguments passed to load_template() should be extracted | General | normal | minor | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/28/2021 | |
#56164 | Create a way to reference function parameter documentation when complex parameters are passed to hooks | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/06/2022 | |
#54577 | Creating a table inside the text element in a webpage | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 12/06/2021 | |
#30798 | Ideas for improvements to to wp_die() usages | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#34567 | Improve HTML5 support in frontend | General | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 09/04/2020 | |
#40178 | Menus that contain post types in Draft status should be hidden from logged out users | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 03/19/2017 | |
#31559 | Meta boxes should have before/after hooks | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#31387 | New core API for adding Meta tags to the header | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/11/2021 | |
#34699 | New function: `get_query_arg()` | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/20/2021 | |
#50223 | Performance improvement: Avoid using array_unique() where possible | General | lowest | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 05/23/2020 | |
#54479 | Set_blog_id performance | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 11/20/2021 | |
#17619 | Soft 404 at /wp-content/plugins/ | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 09/24/2019 | |
#52397 | The function wp_is_mobile should accept also lower case strings as user agents | General | low | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 01/30/2021 |
See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.