Make WordPress Core

{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4893 matches)

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Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.

Results (3101 - 3200 of 4893)

Unpatched Bugs (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Type Workflow Modified
#41351 Searching for a category returns nothing if category is empty Menus normal normal defect (bug) 11/22/2019
#38801 Terms with the same name indistinguishable in Menu section Menus normal normal defect (bug) 08/18/2017
#23023 Touch UI Menu Code doesn't address flyout menus two-levels deep. Menus normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#39056 Twenty Seventeen: No Default Menu option creates extra work Menus normal normal defect (bug) 03/05/2018
#48015 Unexpected results from wp_nav_menu() Menus normal major defect (bug) 10/03/2019
#43033 User can not see updated Icon in editing Menu with live preview Menus normal normal defect (bug) 02/05/2018
#42288 Validation of custom menu link Menus normal normal defect (bug) 06/14/2018
#40090 Walker::display_element does not populate $args[0]->has_children when it is cast as an Object Menus normal normal defect (bug) 03/10/2017
#42566 When I use wp_nav_menu I get a huge update_meta_cache query regardless of theme Menus normal normal defect (bug) 01/26/2021
#51963 WordPress Multisite: Menu Editor Does Not Work In Subsites Menus normal blocker defect (bug) 03/02/2021
#54135 `nav_menu_meta_box_object` filter doesn't work on taxonomies Menus normal normal defect (bug) 09/16/2021
#44329 current-menu-item class not applied to home link with starter content audrasjb Menus low normal defect (bug) 07/09/2019
#49332 method Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el should not call filter the_title on non post menu items Menus normal normal defect (bug) 01/30/2020
#40649 parent_file filter seems to be overwritten by get_admin_page_parent call Menus normal normal defect (bug) 06/10/2019
#46042 wp_nav_menu always returns a container Menus normal normal defect (bug) 01/19/2019
#18842 wp_nav_menu confuses new developers when it falls through to page listing Menus normal normal defect (bug) 09/20/2017
#33832 Add admin email column to list table on wp-admin/network/sites.php Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#27832 All sites automatically marked as archived after upgrade Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 12/08/2018
#55663 CSS theme and features themes is buggy Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 05/03/2022
#39495 Can't navigate to subsite without logging in again. Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 05/02/2017
#54290 Domain mapping: Text displayed on wp-signup.php asserts site doesn't exist when it does actually exist Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 10/26/2021
#50694 Impossible to add user to network site when username / email are both emails and different values Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 07/18/2020
#46610 In Multisite The Edit Page Is Missing From Toolbar And Root of Multisite Gets Displayed Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 06/14/2019
#43899 Move the view mode switcher into screen options for multisite users and sites Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 04/29/2018
#42187 Multisite - Wordpress Importer Unavailable Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 10/11/2017
#40465 Multisite fails to rewrite upload path on main site Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 04/17/2017
#31664 Multisite network setup for .htaccess Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#47630 Multisite: Admin dashboard links are malfunctioning on mapped domain Networks and Sites normal blocker defect (bug) 07/10/2019
#39808 My Sites broken in 4.7.2 Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 11/14/2017
#52378 Network admin site action confirmation leads to expired link screen when referer not available Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 01/29/2021
#38312 Network setup step 2 throws warning in certain server setups Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 04/01/2019
#46662 Networked WP "Deactivate" a blog site then later "Activate" it loses posts and comments Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 02/20/2020
#53244 PHP Warning on non-existent multisite wp-cron.php Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 05/21/2021
#50228 Plugins can inadvertently trigger `wp_die()` infinite loop during site creation Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 05/22/2020
#47083 Site Info Update Not Adjusting "Last Updated" Value Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 05/09/2019
#19724 Sites with IDN domains can't be created (bug #15554 continuation) Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#42284 Stop invalid query generation in WP_Site_Query Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 02/05/2019
#37822 Text area misaligned on network setting.php Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 03/05/2018
#46361 WPMU - HTTP Request at root path with special character in query key name causes endless loop Networks and Sites normal critical defect (bug) 12/15/2020
#42557 Wrong Behaviour on get_site_url for multiple sites with different protocol Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 12/21/2017
#48442 deleting a site leaves "orphaned" user options Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 10/27/2019
#44461 inconsistent type for global $blog_id Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 02/01/2019
#27287 siteurl is missing WordPress path when creating a new site Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#52651 $option_group argument in settings_fields() function is misdescribed Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 02/28/2021
#37635 BUG in get_option Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 12/17/2020
#48426 Can't update meta via the REST API if an identical value for a field you don't have permission to update is included Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 10/26/2020
#45353 Homepage title none static homepage when static blog page is set Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 12/22/2020
#28454 Inconsistent front page option behavior Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36760 Intermittent empty returns from get_post_meta function after 4.5 upgrade Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#44459 Options added to the Permalinks admin page do not get saved Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 06/26/2018
#41604 REST API: Attempting to create or update a non-existent setting doesn't return an error response Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 08/10/2017
#49705 Sanitizing input for parameterized queries + update_meta_cache Options, Meta APIs normal minor defect (bug) 05/25/2021
#50678 Transient: save object with protected attributes will fail Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 07/16/2020
#48855 Updating transient to remove expiration fails Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 12/03/2019
#51868 Using a SVG as featured image covers admin panel Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 11/24/2020
#54805 When on the /wp-admin/network/site-settings.php network settings page, calling the update_option() always add the setting Options, Meta APIs normal minor defect (bug) 01/13/2022
#47166 When option gmt_offset is blank, wordpress will give a 500 error Options, Meta APIs normal minor defect (bug) 05/07/2019
#36440 get_results break in wp-admin/options.php if thetable is huge Options, Meta APIs normal minor defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#43704 pre_option_{$option} filter is case sensitive although options are not. Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 04/08/2018
#34322 set_transient and get_transient don't seem to be working for some users since WP 4.3 Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 04/06/2017
#33977 set_transient('settings_errors', get_settings_errors(), 30); and multi user @ wp-admin/options.php Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#17450 Almost pretty permalinks with non-ASCII characters do not work in Apache westi Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#49452 Approximately every week permalinks are lost for custom post types in multisite Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 02/17/2020
#18523 Can't change page permalink if slug metabox is removed helen Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 01/07/2021
#8905 Category pagination broken with certain permalink structures Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 01/27/2021
#37435 Conflicting permalinks with attachment and category of same name Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#46257 Deleting a page can break the permalink of other pages if it had media uploaded to it Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2020
#48903 Drafts or pending posts overwrites existing published post with same url Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 01/13/2021
#32498 Media Library and Page Slug conflict Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#16126 Multisite name conflict check doesn't check for pages. Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#23781 New Post Publishes to Wrong URL Permalinks normal critical defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#48365 No 301 redirection for Numeric style permalink structure Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 11/11/2019
#45784 Pages and archives containing /[0-9]/ should redirect or redirect correctly Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 01/07/2019
#23229 Pagination Links Broken Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36305 Permalink can't decide the parent category Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#34972 Permalink for unattached media same as a post Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 12/17/2018
#50439 Post name permalinks htaccess directives do not consider subdirectory installation Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/20/2020
#48658 Post, Page, and Attachment permalinks can be silently overwritten when Permalinks are set to /%postname%/ Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 11/16/2019
#31293 Previously uploaded attachment affects page slug Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#27019 Redirect by page slug does not work in permalink structure /%category%/%postname%/ Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#44847 Redirect old date-based permalinks on structure changes Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 01/08/2019
#9296 Settings API & Permalink Settings Page Bug jfarthing84 Permalinks normal major defect (bug) 09/25/2020
#47207 Specific custom permalink 404 on archive page Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 05/10/2019
#30784 Subsites won't show 404 with default permalink structure Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 07/02/2020
#52295 The response is not a valid JSON response - URL permalink using the ? sign Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 02/20/2021
#38595 Unable to access wp-admin/options-permalink.php when .htaccess file is on NFS Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 05/03/2017
#41272 Unattached media URLs broken for anything over 1000 Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 07/08/2017
#32048 Uploaded file reserves a name, page can't be named it. Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 03/09/2017
#36746 WP v4.5.1 broke something in the Permalinks settings Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#41008 WP_Error wrote instead of category name in wp_options table, category_base field Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 09/08/2020
#55597 WordPress 6.0-beta2-53224 not creating .htaccess Permalinks normal critical defect (bug) 05/24/2022
#51953 flush_rewrite_rules works not as the same as pressing "save permalinks" in backend (breaks system) Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 12/07/2020
#53346 get_permalink( $post->ID ) returns plain permalink instead of pretty permalink for CPT registered on subsite Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/07/2021
#23117 permalink failed on IIS7 and Reserved Proxy for wordpress 3.5 Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#43789 the_posts_pagination() outputs the slash at the first link Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 09/17/2021
#39670 urlencoded non-alphanumeric permalink Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 12/15/2020
#45819 when {category|tag}_base include spaces their rewrite rules don't get generated correctly, resulting in 404's Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 01/03/2019
#37160 Pingbacks fail on multi-page posts Pings/Trackbacks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#23915 discover_pingback_server_uri cases an error when discovery URI sets multiple Content-type headers dd32 Pings/Trackbacks normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#49703 do_all_pings brings race back Pings/Trackbacks normal normal defect (bug) 03/26/2020
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