{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4890 matches)
Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.
Results (201 - 300 of 4890)
Marked as Candidates for Closure (100 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Component | Priority | Severity | Type | Workflow | Modified |
#35428 | Allow the suppression of errors if user already exists | Login and Registration | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#35648 | the_post_thumbnail sets srcset with http protocol | Media | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#35837 | The auto-update in media editor rewrites user inputs | Media | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#35955 | Improvements for Menus | Menus | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#36317 | Introduce a cookie prefix default constant | Login and Registration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#36789 | Upload Folder Bug | Media | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#16418 | get_plugin_data() doesn't apply kses when $markup and $translate are false | dd32* | Plugins | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 06/04/2019 |
#17170 | Attachment slugs are not unique | Permalinks | normal | major | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#25006 | Display date pages from categories with permalinks | Permalinks | normal | normal | feature request | close | 06/04/2019 | |
#28226 | menu_page_url does not return correct URL on network admin | Plugins | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#30530 | Enhance privacy by hiding posts of other users | Query | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#32705 | `includes_url` shouldn't use `site_url()` on the frontend | Permalinks | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#33967 | MS Sites: content of the users column should be by choice, number is not too informative | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#34293 | Network Admin Email description doesn't really explain what it is. | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#34555 | superscript in url | Permalinks | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#34934 | Suppress preg_match() and urldecode() errors in WP::parse_request(). | Query | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#35315 | New action `manage_posts_before_extra_area` | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#35418 | Assigned post type not appeared in category and tag archive | Query | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#35842 | Register Post Type function label default | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#35848 | WordPress 4.4 Handling Custom Taxonomies and Tax Queries Correctly | Query | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#35871 | before_delete_post incorrectly triggered from edit.php to post.php | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#35912 | Allow changing network URL scheme | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#36324 | Post status labels use inconsistent grammar | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#36652 | Use meta_value in a meta query to decide type format in SQL clause | ericlewis | Query | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 |
#36694 | [Pages] [Edit Page] Changing the Permalink URL updates the displayed anchor text, but not the HREF (URL) property | Permalinks | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#37156 | Multisite: WP-generated permalink for title-less post does not work (Or: numeric post slug that matches existing post ID number generates 404 error) | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#37685 | Creating new multisite blog - wpmu_create_blog tries to execute queries on non-existent tables | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#13701 | Full support for middle and little endian permalink structures | Rewrite Rules | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 06/04/2019 | |
#15086 | get_template_part() should let you specify a directory | westi* | Themes | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 06/04/2019 |
#20437 | WP Upgrader filter to allow plugins to upload to existing directory | Upgrade/Install | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#23669 | Allow front page template to fall back to home template when site displays blog posts index on front page | Themes | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 06/04/2019 | |
#23867 | add_rewrite_endpoint causes front-page.php template to be ignored | Rewrite Rules | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#25671 | get_theme_mods does not have a filter | Themes | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#25927 | Remove the theme information from style.css and add a theme manifest file | Themes | normal | normal | feature request | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#26546 | themes.php Buttons Randomly Appear/Disappear on iPad | Themes | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#30870 | Add an $actions array and a filter in inline_edit() function | Quick/Bulk Edit | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#31591 | Bug in the author permalink . | Rewrite Rules | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#31615 | UI bug using Quick Edit | Quick/Bulk Edit | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#31638 | Bulk Edit & Quick Edit User Interfaces should be consistent | Quick/Bulk Edit | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 06/04/2019 | |
#33017 | Images displayed with page.php instead of index.php | Themes | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 06/04/2019 | |
#33521 | manage_${post_type}_posts_columns parameters shifted | Taxonomy | normal | minor | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#33593 | Make shortcodes case insensitive | Shortcodes | normal | normal | feature request | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#35591 | Shortcode Attributes Parsing Issue | Shortcodes | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#36939 | Role groups | Role/Capability | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#36956 | Trigger event when taxonomy term is added with ajax | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#37042 | Additional filter for has_category function | Taxonomy | normal | normal | feature request | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#20459 | Super admin should be able to bypass banned/limited domains when creating users | Users | normal | minor | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/05/2019 | |
#22277 | Admin (not just superadmin) should be able to add user without confirmation email in multisite | morganestes | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/05/2019 |
#23413 | Provide query result data to custom user columns | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/05/2019 | |
#31085 | CPT selector to “Recent Posts” widget | Widgets | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/05/2019 | |
#33095 | Background updates: Administration blocked | Upgrade/Install | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/05/2019 | |
#33180 | Widgets not preserved after switching theme and deactivate plugins | Widgets | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/05/2019 | |
#33602 | is_active_sidebar returns true when widget has been deactivated | Widgets | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/05/2019 | |
#35475 | New functions: `current_widget` and `current_widget_id` | Widgets | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/05/2019 | |
#35859 | get_edit_user_link should always return the edit user link even if the given ID is that of the current user | Users | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/05/2019 | |
#47465 | current_action function - return types | Administration | normal | minor | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/06/2019 | |
#47517 | Left Navigation Disappeared | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/11/2019 | |
#47529 | Media manager doesn't display cropped images | Media | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/14/2019 | |
#33936 | Alignment issue in dashboard update count | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/19/2019 | |
#36030 | Expose site icon on wp.getUsersBlogs | XML-RPC | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 06/20/2019 | |
#42995 | WordPress XML-RPC editComment return error 500 changing date_created_gmt | XML-RPC | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/20/2019 | |
#46967 | Site health, info tab: show the current uploads directory info on network installs | Site Health | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/20/2019 | |
#44157 | the comments/[id] endpoints should have the same permissions checks as the comments endpoint | REST API | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/20/2019 | |
#41910 | Update plugin/theme maintenance message | Plugins | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/20/2019 | |
#43015 | function get_previous_comments_link not working in front page | Comments | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/24/2019 | |
#43183 | wp-comments-post.php endpoint support for OPTIONS | Comments | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 07/01/2019 | |
#38878 | REST API: Default query for users endpoint doesn't scale | REST API | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 07/11/2019 | |
#47813 | permalinks broken when article name is numeric(if the post id above 1000) | Permalinks | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/01/2019 | |
#47139 | function wp_logout_url urlencode causes issues in items wrap nav walker. | audrasjb | Menus | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/02/2019 |
#47833 | User deletion: Using the link "deletion", one won't be asked about what to do with this users content after deletion | Users | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/04/2019 | |
#31686 | wp_authenticate_username_password() should check for a WP_Error object | Security | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/06/2019 | |
#46538 | Aligning gallery results in conflicting classes added | Gallery | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/08/2019 | |
#35651 | No longer any consistent way to add content to bottom of comments form | Comments | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 08/19/2019 | |
#47899 | Drafts not saving revisions | Revisions | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/21/2019 | |
#47901 | Admin menu variable is not always considered as global | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 08/24/2019 | |
#44094 | Hook for WP_User data hydration to enable strong data security | SergeyBiryukov | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/27/2019 |
#47941 | URL with umlaut is sanitized in user-edit.php form | Users | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/29/2019 | |
#47268 | Vimeo videos not working on Chrome | audrasjb | Widgets | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 09/06/2019 |
#44658 | Support BETWEEN for term names in WP_Tax_Query/WP_Term_Query | Query | normal | normal | feature request | dev-feedback | 09/11/2019 | |
#44848 | Ensure that empty author profiles have proper 404 behaviour | Query | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/17/2019 | |
#43760 | Create a revision when autosaving if the content has changed significantly | Autosave | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 09/19/2019 | |
#48078 | Some WP_XXX_Query::query() methods produce incorrect results when called in a loop | Query | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/20/2019 | |
#48085 | use wp_safe_redirect() function | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 09/20/2019 | |
#44387 | Add support for site meta in `register_meta()` | Options, Meta APIs | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 09/20/2019 | |
#44793 | remove_accents() doesnt escape all versions of "i" | SergeyBiryukov | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/22/2019 |
#47752 | Fix upload of .srt files | Upload | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/22/2019 | |
#35774 | WordPress admin <title> structure | SergeyBiryukov | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 09/23/2019 |
#17619 | Soft 404 at /wp-content/plugins/ | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 09/24/2019 | |
#48187 | Missing admin color scheme causes incorrect body class | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/30/2019 | |
#48167 | Increase discoverability of, and describe, "Anyone can register" and other settings | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 10/02/2019 | |
#34475 | get_comment_link incorrect page number in returned url. | SergeyBiryukov | Comments | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 10/03/2019 |
#41362 | Make locate_template() filterable to change the template locations | Themes | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 10/04/2019 | |
#48175 | Allow Template Resolution Algorithm to be Replaceable | Themes | normal | normal | feature request | needs-unit-tests | 10/04/2019 | |
#47160 | Backport blocking of plugin updates if required PHP version is not supported | Plugins | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 10/07/2019 | |
#48013 | Can't make a new post | < default> | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 10/08/2019 |
#48201 | post_updated_messages event stop working version 5.2.3 | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 10/09/2019 | |
#48260 | WordPress beta 5.3 - Unable to type Password when I login.... | Login and Registration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 10/14/2019 | |
#48124 | Cant disable SSL verification when using Requests::request_multiple | HTTP API | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 10/15/2019 | |
#48370 | Add "next/previous" links to Edit Post screen | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | feature request | dev-feedback | 10/19/2019 | |
#47788 | send_headers hook does not work in wp-login or wp-admin | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 10/20/2019 |
See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.