Make WordPress Core

{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4905 matches)

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Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.

Results (4401 - 4500 of 4905)

Unpatched Enhancements (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Type Workflow Modified
#35650 title_reply_to should work when javascript is enabled Comments normal normal enhancement 06/21/2019
#41731 Make it Easier to Locate Restored Comments SergeyBiryukov Comments normal normal enhancement 06/21/2019
#43989 Allow plugin searches to be filtered by "Requires PHP" version information Site Health normal normal task (blessed) needs-unit-tests 06/24/2019
#36475 Responsive images in TinyMCE Editor normal normal enhancement 07/02/2019
#31479 Save custom color palette through refreshes Editor normal normal enhancement 07/05/2019
#39863 HTML description property of term in WP_REST_Terms_Controller lacks display filters joehoyle REST API normal normal enhancement 07/11/2019
#47694 Adding a filter for $searchand variable Query normal normal enhancement 07/13/2019
#47735 Separate sites I have created and sites I have joined in a network install Networks and Sites normal normal enhancement 07/19/2019
#47700 My Sites text is confusing Networks and Sites normal normal enhancement 07/19/2019
#29320 Bulk edit on custom post types without title support Quick/Bulk Edit normal normal enhancement 07/24/2019
#47579 Featured image Drag and Drop UI / UX Administration normal normal enhancement 07/31/2019
#47818 $wpdb should update ->insert_id also when `LAST_INSERT_ID(...)` is found Database normal normal enhancement 08/02/2019
#47544 Code Editor not listing files/folders in the right order Administration normal minor enhancement 08/28/2019
#6492 Guids No Longer Have Permalink Format Database normal normal enhancement 08/30/2019
#47983 Menus: Only send non-empty values on menu save on nav-menus.php Menus normal normal enhancement 09/06/2019
#47994 The additions of a new wp_posts table columns called post_level and post_patriarch Database normal normal enhancement 09/06/2019
#48051 Keeping default theme but removing inactive themes? Site Health normal trivial enhancement 09/16/2019
#44078 Add an email pseudonymization function that preserves first letter and TLD Privacy normal normal enhancement 09/20/2019
#48103 Bulk image resizing Media normal normal enhancement 09/23/2019
#45804 Make WP_Hook gather callback performance information Plugins normal normal enhancement 09/23/2019
#48143 Unstyled error message when activating broken plugin Plugins normal minor enhancement 09/26/2019
#43713 Privacy: Add a UI to allow administrators to disable individual embeds / oembeds Embeds normal normal enhancement 09/27/2019
#48180 extend export with filter for join and where clause Export normal normal enhancement 09/30/2019
#48133 Please add filter on wp walker li element Menus normal normal enhancement 10/01/2019
#43597 Modify template-loader engine Themes normal normal enhancement 10/04/2019
#48227 extend import with preselect of existing or pre-fill to create new users Import normal normal enhancement 10/06/2019
#32326 Improve Support for Structured Data Themes normal normal enhancement 10/13/2019
#48308 Is it possible to make Phone number as a default field in Contact Info section in users admin details page. Users normal normal feature request 10/15/2019
#48364 (Needs confirmation) When updating plugins, WordPress won't update any new plugin updates that are found Upgrade/Install normal minor enhancement 10/18/2019
#48373 Widgets area grouping Widgets normal normal feature request 10/20/2019
#48385 Gutenberg blocks in the WP admin dashboard Administration normal normal feature request 10/21/2019
#48414 Enhancement: feed_links_extra needs filter to remove a feed from pages Feeds normal normal enhancement 10/23/2019
#48299 When "big_images" are automatically scaled, communicate with a UI message Media normal normal enhancement 10/25/2019
#38453 New UI for the settings page of the dashboard Administration normal normal enhancement 10/26/2019
#48241 Using `add_theme_support( 'custom-background' )` enables both background color and background image. Themes normal normal enhancement 10/30/2019
#48478 Allow omitting meta keys from the REST API response if they do not exist Options, Meta APIs normal normal enhancement 10/31/2019
#48088 Anonymous Avatar should be served locally Comments low normal enhancement 11/01/2019
#48492 Add 'before_widgetcontent' and 'after_widgetcontent' attributes to register_sidebar Widgets normal normal enhancement 11/04/2019
#48499 request: bundle unminified jQuery External Libraries normal normal enhancement 11/05/2019
#48498 Walker_Category should also accept the `item_spacing` parameter. Taxonomy normal minor enhancement 11/06/2019
#40024 Include CPT archives in the menu cutomizer Menus normal normal enhancement 11/07/2019
#48574 Create better post diff screens Revisions normal normal enhancement 11/12/2019
#47831 Compare any two revisions: Improve the distinction of From/To columns Revisions normal normal enhancement 11/12/2019
#48462 Download from Media in Backend Media normal normal feature request 11/15/2019
#47781 Site Health: mark installed default themes Site Health normal normal enhancement 11/21/2019
#45252 Reconsider the `context` argument in REST API calls REST API normal normal enhancement 11/21/2019
#46705 Harden WP core against "update option" endpoint vulnerabilities Options, Meta APIs normal normal feature request 11/25/2019
#38813 REST API: Test schema registration for required fields. jnylen0 REST API normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 11/30/2019
#48480 Add comment_form_opening_tag and comment_form_closing_tag filters Comments normal normal enhancement 12/03/2019
#47765 Email from improved fatal error protection Site Health normal minor enhancement 12/05/2019
#48901 WordPress multisite with subdirectories sites using the same 'Site Title' Networks and Sites normal normal enhancement 12/06/2019
#48899 Verification admin email again after just changed/updated email? Login and Registration normal normal enhancement 12/06/2019
#39618 Insert PDF Thumbnail into Editor Media normal normal enhancement 12/09/2019
#11472 Should QuickEdit remove posts from lists as needed? Quick/Bulk Edit low minor enhancement 12/09/2019
#34233 There is not a body class filter within the customizer. Customize normal normal enhancement 12/11/2019
#44001 oEmbed two click / local emoji scripts Privacy normal major enhancement 12/12/2019
#47314 Add "parent" parameter to get_term_by Taxonomy normal normal feature request 12/13/2019
#37702 Accept array of IDs in `delete_metadata_by_mid` Options, Meta APIs normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 12/13/2019
#45737 Starter Content: Add support for terms and taxonomies Customize normal normal enhancement 12/14/2019
#47794 EuGH ruling - opt-in obligation for cookies and social media Privacy normal normal enhancement 12/17/2019
#48953 Improved revision control related to posts and the numerous auxiliary benefits Revisions normal major enhancement 12/18/2019
#49032 Introduce __return_value() General normal normal feature request 12/18/2019
#49057 Add tag for any WP_Query for simple access in pre_get_post action Query normal normal feature request 12/21/2019
#48375 Introduce a separate capability for trashing a post Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 01/06/2020
#37310 To get Term Metadata in $term->meta_key Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 01/07/2020
#29276 Ability to edit and preview any revision, not just autosaves Revisions normal normal enhancement 01/10/2020
#49169 Action Hook 'edited_terms' in function 'wp_update_term()' needs the Form POST Parameters Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 01/12/2020
#49189 Term description cannot be filtered in admin area Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 01/13/2020
#49164 Page List Order Posts, Post Types normal major enhancement 01/13/2020
#49194 Page Template dropdown ordering should be by title, not value Posts, Post Types normal minor enhancement 01/14/2020
#21714 Enable Intermediate choice in UI if Full Size Image is exact match to Intermediate Image Media normal normal enhancement 01/15/2020
#49260 Add filter to change wp_dropdown_categories default arguments Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 01/22/2020
#42839 wp_remote_post should support multipart uploads HTTP API normal normal feature request 01/22/2020
#49296 Split up WP_Query into more manageable classes Query normal normal enhancement 01/26/2020
#49328 Add filter/action to append link to the login form footer inside the #login container Login and Registration normal trivial enhancement 01/30/2020
#35248 WordPress should remove domain trailing dot (as/like it removes "www.") Canonical normal normal enhancement 01/31/2020
#49352 Allow get_proxy_item to be filtered/altered before a response is sent to the editor. Embeds normal normal enhancement 02/03/2020
#29005 Small Improvements of text in setup-config.php Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 02/06/2020
#49378 Add warning banner about no-js in wp-admin Administration normal normal enhancement 02/07/2020
#33833 Quick/Bulk Edit are not visually consistent Quick/Bulk Edit normal normal enhancement 02/10/2020
#49418 Ability to order users by number of posts in custom post type Users normal trivial enhancement 02/12/2020
#31210 Problem with WP core function to get user dropdown Role/Capability normal normal enhancement 02/14/2020
#39635 Make insertion of generic dismissible notices in frontend code possible Administration normal normal feature request 02/15/2020
#49149 Write tests for WP_Query Query normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/20/2020
#49488 WP-ADMIN > Add New Post Tags section - Issue Taxonomy normal normal feature request 02/21/2020
#10975 comment form nonce Comments normal normal enhancement 02/27/2020
#18672 Implement rel="prev" and rel="next" for archives joostdevalk Permalinks normal normal enhancement 02/29/2020
#49555 Reorder WP_Query methods for a more logical placement Query normal trivial enhancement 03/01/2020
#49559 Post Category Restoration Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 03/02/2020
#46003 Improve toolbar CSS Toolbar normal normal enhancement 03/04/2020
#43395 Add Automated E2E Tests for Core Updates Upgrade/Install normal normal task (blessed) 03/04/2020
#49620 Allow plugin/theme developers to utilize Beta, Alpha, Canary release channels for automatic updates Plugins normal normal feature request 03/10/2020
#38223 Add indicators to off-site links in wp-admin General normal normal enhancement 03/16/2020
#42076 Allow the external HTTP tests to run internally Build/Test Tools normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/22/2020
#34173 Edit locking for term management Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 03/26/2020
#41138 Add classes to Widgets in widgets.php and customize.php pages audrasjb Widgets normal normal enhancement 04/13/2020
#49910 Embed: resizable iframes Embeds normal normal enhancement 04/15/2020
#49936 Add "deactivate" & "archive" bulk options to network site management Networks and Sites normal minor enhancement 04/17/2020
#49958 Improve paginator in general-template.php Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 04/20/2020
#50013 [Feature Request] Tools: Export: Post, Categories: All - but exclude these Export normal normal feature request 04/26/2020
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.