{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4891 matches)
Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.
Results (601 - 700 of 4891)
Marked as Candidates for Closure (100 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Component | Priority | Severity | Type | Workflow | Modified |
#34699 | New function: `get_query_arg()` | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/20/2021 | |
#41663 | Hooks for the back to login link in the footer of wp-login.php | Login and Registration | normal | normal | feature request | dev-feedback | 07/20/2021 | |
#17924 | Make Integrating Multiple Roles Per User Easier for Plugin Authors | Role/Capability | normal | major | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/20/2021 | |
#24925 | Improve no disk space error handling when updating plugins | Filesystem API | normal | minor | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/20/2021 | |
#53743 | Double <title> Tag with SEO Plugins in WordPress 5.8 | General | normal | major | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 07/22/2021 | |
#53744 | Cannot set editor font-family via theme.json | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 07/23/2021 | |
#53732 | Widgets option shows blank | Widgets | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 07/23/2021 | |
#41387 | Avoid 403's from AJAX requests from postbox.js | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 07/24/2021 | |
#52331 | Consider using more precise browser versions for `browserslist` | Build/Test Tools | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 07/27/2021 | |
#45782 | Images in blocks auto left align when centre align selected | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 07/27/2021 | |
#53766 | Legacy Widget block triggers update() method multiple times for one update | Widgets | normal | critical | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 07/28/2021 | |
#53842 | Review the type of select return values | Build/Test Tools | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 07/30/2021 | |
#53854 | When opening Appearance/Customize, a different theme is activated, destroying all settings | Customize | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/02/2021 | |
#53807 | Add function or filter to send all customizer setting default values to the database upon theme installation | Customize | normal | normal | feature request | dev-feedback | 08/02/2021 | |
#42012 | Do not switch roles and capabilities when accessing options through `*_blog_option()` | Options, Meta APIs | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/03/2021 | |
#53783 | Visiting Widgets Is Blocking Access To My Server | Widgets | normal | blocker | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/04/2021 | |
#45854 | Avoid printf/sprintf strings to be "double-quoted" | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 08/04/2021 | |
#40348 | Option to enable User Dashboard on single-site installations | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/04/2021 | |
#39439 | Should wp_insert_attachment() update GUID | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/06/2021 | |
#53894 | =?us-ascii? in the subject line | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/09/2021 | ||
#23421 | Add sortable to taxonomy column | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/11/2021 | |
#31387 | New core API for adding Meta tags to the header | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/11/2021 | |
#53938 | replace core uses of wp_parse_url() with PHP's native parse_url() | HTTP API | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 08/17/2021 | |
#53935 | Vimeo oembed force player with large height on blog post | Embeds | normal | minor | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/18/2021 | |
#53905 | Plugin activation from overview not working | Plugins | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/19/2021 | |
#52458 | WordPress version check is passing "false" value to "esc_url" causing errors (in the logs) | SergeyBiryukov | Upgrade/Install | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/19/2021 |
#53963 | Block editor tools slots are empty | Editor | normal | critical | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/20/2021 | |
#52779 | Error with saved blocks | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 08/30/2021 | |
#53136 | Error with "Add to Reusable blocks" in WordPress 5.7.1 | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/31/2021 | |
#34913 | Unscheduling cron jobs fails when original arguments were not an array. | Cron API | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/02/2021 | |
#47653 | Site Health plugin security check | Site Health | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 09/07/2021 | |
#54080 | Dashboard > My Sites could use a list table for displaying the list of sites | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | feature request | dev-feedback | 09/08/2021 | |
#53968 | In 5.8 Metaboxes hide post editor completely | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 09/10/2021 | |
#53805 | Widget HTML Personalized no have Title | Widgets | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 09/14/2021 | |
#52893 | Not possible to filter by category (and/or date) and by author in wp-admin/edit.php | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 09/17/2021 | |
#54119 | Customize: Always Show Homepage Settings | Customize | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 09/18/2021 | |
#54086 | bloginfo language issue | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 09/23/2021 | |
#54150 | Gallery not showing with upgrade to wordpress 5.8.1 | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 09/24/2021 | |
#54179 | Raw JS is prematurely ended with a </script> tag when HTML tags are present within JS strings. | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 09/26/2021 | |
#54145 | new widget feature broke database | Widgets | normal | critical | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 09/28/2021 | |
#41816 | attachment_url_to_postid() should find post_id for URLs of intermediate size images | Media | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/28/2021 | |
#54182 | Use wp_unslash() for $_REQUEST Parameter in wp-admin/admin-post.php file | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 09/30/2021 | |
#53983 | Bugs with Widgets with Blocks | Widgets | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 10/02/2021 | |
#53789 | all kinds of error messages using WordPress 5.8 Widgets block editor | Widgets | normal | major | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 10/13/2021 | |
#54240 | WP REST API Users Endpoint Search | REST API | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 10/14/2021 | |
#54288 | Argument for allowed blocks when registering a post type | Editor | normal | normal | feature request | dev-feedback | 10/19/2021 | |
#54313 | Layout boxes angle sizes issue | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 10/23/2021 | |
#54282 | Search terms wrapped in double quotes never return results directly from iOS Safari keyboard | General | normal | minor | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 10/25/2021 | |
#54345 | Publish Date Transparent Css Issue | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 10/30/2021 | |
#53741 | wp-admin/css/common.min.css is loading on the front-end | Script Loader | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-docs | 11/02/2021 | |
#49277 | Implement email sanitize in REST API | spacedmonkey | REST API | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 11/04/2021 |
#54218 | Introduce a way to communicate incoming UI updates to users | General | normal | normal | feature request | dev-feedback | 11/04/2021 | |
#44133 | Should the Data Export indicate when we have no information on the user | xkon | Privacy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 11/08/2021 |
#54390 | Privacy Policy should be generated on the site language (locale) and not on users language | Privacy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 11/08/2021 | |
#54400 | Show "Add New" title buttons on single-site Plugins/Themes pages for capable users in multisite | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 11/08/2021 | |
#47616 | Enhancement: doing_shortcode() function similar to doing_filter() | audrasjb* | Shortcodes | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 11/09/2021 |
#47670 | RSS widget creates an accessibility problem when used more than once | audrasjb | Widgets | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 11/12/2021 |
#42936 | get_adjacent_post won't find any posts that are published in the same minute | johnbillion | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 11/14/2021 |
#54122 | Action hook transition_post_status not properly working in Block Editor | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 11/14/2021 | |
#43654 | Silence "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed with logging active, version x.y.z" | General | low | trivial | defect (bug) | close | 11/17/2021 | |
#54322 | Add Logical Properties to safecss_filter_attr | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 11/19/2021 | |
#54479 | Set_blog_id performance | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 11/20/2021 | |
#38630 | Discourage usage of legacy properties in WP_Site | Networks and Sites | low | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 11/22/2021 | |
#53868 | Add option to `paginate_links` to apply format on all pages | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 11/26/2021 | |
#54556 | It's impossible to get 'location' header on 302 redirect of wp_remote_post | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 12/03/2021 | |
#54577 | Creating a table inside the text element in a webpage | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 12/06/2021 | |
#19885 | Feed wfw Namespace no longer valid | Feeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 12/06/2021 | |
#49923 | Change "Critical Issue" to "Recommendation" | Site Health | normal | critical | defect (bug) | close | 12/08/2021 | |
#46082 | Why returning $menu_array[x] instead of $title | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 12/08/2021 | |
#52611 | Error searching post | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 12/11/2021 | |
#54603 | Widgets are not showing | Widgets | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 12/13/2021 | |
#49432 | Need of maximum character limit for Site Title | Options, Meta APIs | low | minor | defect (bug) | close | 12/14/2021 | |
#54136 | Slideshow gallery shown as a tiled gallery when using shortcode with Classic Editor | Gallery | normal | minor | defect (bug) | close | 12/15/2021 | |
#46352 | Using a single quote locks up UI | Customize | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 12/15/2021 | |
#54655 | gutenberg can run script when use preview | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 12/18/2021 | |
#40440 | Save permalink without send form | Rewrite Rules | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 12/19/2021 | |
#29161 | $pagenow variable not set in admin pages on Windows systems | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 12/27/2021 | |
#54720 | WP_List_Table Inside Metabox With Bulk Actions Not Working on Submit | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 01/03/2022 | |
#54723 | _wp_customize_loader_settings 'host' | Customize | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 01/05/2022 | |
#54631 | Auto updates should be able to be switched off | Upgrade/Install | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 01/05/2022 | |
#54861 | cache_javascript_headers() is not call by core | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/20/2022 | |
#46134 | Allow filtering of `$header` object in `get_header_image_tag()` function (for custom header image override) | Media | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/20/2022 | |
#53351 | Delete Theme Files in Database When Using Delete Option | Themes | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/28/2022 | |
#54986 | Css file duplication generated with repeter names | Build/Test Tools | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 01/29/2022 | |
#54948 | Export template and template parts return empty zip file | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 01/30/2022 | |
#40921 | Detect and Handle MP4 and OGG audio files properly | Media | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 01/30/2022 | |
#44641 | Customizing Button Text in Custom Media Manager Frame Doesn't Work Anymore | antpb | Media | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 01/30/2022 |
#54994 | Action Hook admin_enqueue_scripts and wp_enqueue_scripts | Plugins | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 01/31/2022 | |
#53867 | Multiple reusable blocks issues since 5.8 | Editor | normal | major | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 01/31/2022 | |
#54580 | Latest Posts Gutenberg Block not supporting args filter. | Editor | normal | normal | feature request | reporter-feedback | 01/31/2022 | |
#48272 | "Undefined offset" warning in add_query_arg() | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/01/2022 | |
#55039 | Page template automatically changed when page is reload | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/02/2022 | |
#55037 | get_posts why returning draft post list? | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/02/2022 | |
#55040 | In WordPress 5.9 color palette overlap with circular color picker issue | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/03/2022 | |
#53347 | After installing php 7.4 I 've got an error-message on my blog | Plugins | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/03/2022 | |
#55043 | FSE Classic Block Issue | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/05/2022 | |
#55089 | ajax `wp_ajax_update_plugin` show download failed when contain another update (eg: translations) with same process fail. | Plugins | normal | minor | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 02/05/2022 | |
#55102 | Bug in Custom Styling search block | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/08/2022 | |
#44349 | Posts show up multiple times in backend when they have the exact same date | Query | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 02/09/2022 | |
#42637 | Wrong button text for plugin installation failed! | Plugins | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 02/10/2022 |
See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.