Make WordPress Core

{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4894 matches)

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Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.

Results (4101 - 4200 of 4894)

Unpatched Enhancements (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Type Workflow Modified
#44268 GDPR concerns on the core commenting flow Privacy normal normal enhancement 05/30/2018
#29023 Galleries: add pagination option Gallery normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#34396 Gallery shortcode : make image captions relative to the current gallery Gallery normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#28160 Get authors user query in-efficient when dealing with large numbers of users. Users normal major enhancement 04/08/2022
#41771 Global configuration table Networks and Sites normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/19/2017
#49274 Grunt copy:files should ignore node_modules Build/Test Tools normal normal enhancement 03/08/2021
#43120 HTML Tag Auto-Formatting in Custom HTML Widget Widgets normal normal enhancement 01/18/2018
#43320 Harden API requests against man-in-the-middle attacks Security low minor enhancement 02/18/2018
#46242 Heartbeat Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 02/12/2019
#40554 Hide /wp-admin/network/site-settings.php Networks and Sites normal normal enhancement 04/25/2017
#39040 Hide references to nav menu locations that are not visible in the customizer preview Customize normal normal enhancement 03/19/2019
#40441 High server resource usage and timeouts during image uploads Media normal normal enhancement 04/14/2017
#40469 How to remove full size image path from srcset and more intelligent choices in srcset candidate list Post Thumbnails normal normal enhancement 06/28/2017
#34184 IIS with Helicon Ape is not detected for suggesting pretty permalinks Permalinks normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#44806 If commenter doesn't check (cookie) consent checkbox, don't use Gravatar. Privacy normal normal enhancement 10/16/2020
#36314 If orderby undefined, alter get_posts to defer to WP_Query's default Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#54452 Image Aspect Ratio on resize Media normal trivial enhancement 11/16/2021
#32313 Image upscale as Media's settings option Media normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#35823 Implement "FS_CHMOD_FORCE" constant; if set - media uploads and image resizing do NOT ignore FS_CHMOD_FILE Upload normal normal enhancement 01/25/2018
#38845 Implement HTML5 input validity constraints in customizer settings Customize normal normal enhancement 09/18/2017
#51816 Implement auto recovery mode during auto update cron Site Health normal normal enhancement 11/18/2020
#39021 Import Export Attachments Export normal normal enhancement 03/19/2019
#40281 Improve Documentation for HTTP Unit Testing Build/Test Tools normal normal enhancement 11/16/2021
#32326 Improve Support for Structured Data Themes normal normal enhancement 10/13/2019
#31483 Improve UI to change Default Category Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#51152 Improve WP/PHP requirement error messages when uploading a plugin/theme by ZIP Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 08/26/2020
#39929 Improve ability to customize "nav" links below login form. Login and Registration normal normal enhancement 02/21/2017
#33975 Improve capabilities management when registering custom taxonomy Taxonomy normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#28376 Improve error message seen by user in update.php Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 11/02/2017
#40123 Improve media uploading flow Media normal normal enhancement 01/14/2019
#43741 Improve media_sideload_image() image extensions detection Media normal normal enhancement 04/15/2018
#49958 Improve paginator in general-template.php Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 04/20/2020
#42331 Improve setting up header images in Customizer Customize normal normal enhancement 01/15/2018
#41249 Improve the "collapse menu" interface General normal normal enhancement 04/21/2019
#39617 Improve the Dashboard Screen and Welcome dashboard widget Administration normal normal enhancement 03/23/2017
#28643 Improve the wp_die experience General normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#46003 Improve toolbar CSS Toolbar normal normal enhancement 03/04/2020
#43403 Improve wp_add_inline_script() Script Loader normal normal enhancement 02/24/2018
#33585 Improve wp_list_categories to support multiple taxonomies Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 06/04/2020
#48953 Improved revision control related to posts and the numerous auxiliary benefits Revisions normal major enhancement 12/18/2019
#33374 Improvements for the messages visible in the plugin manager Plugins normal normal enhancement 07/21/2017
#30720 In editor, add a button to refresh/invalidate (oEmbed) embeds cache Embeds normal normal enhancement 10/20/2017
#55024 In wp-admin, show thumbnail of featured image Post Thumbnails normal normal enhancement 02/01/2022
#33627 In-Context Comment Moderation Comments normal normal enhancement 01/27/2021
#40024 Include CPT archives in the menu cutomizer Menus normal normal enhancement 11/07/2019
#51695 Include Upgrade Notice in post-auto-update emails Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 06/05/2021
#44058 Include security sniffs in PHPCS ruleset Security normal normal enhancement 05/16/2018
#46129 Inconsistent logic in allowed_block_types Editor normal normal enhancement 02/11/2021
#37579 Inconsistent names for `update_(network_)option` actions Options, Meta APIs normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#35879 Increase width of menu item classes field Menus normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#47890 Indentation within Post Publish (Classic Editor) and Comment Save Metaboxes: Administration normal normal enhancement 12/14/2021
#37307 Indicate non-GPL plugins and themes for users General normal normal enhancement 05/03/2017
#48822 Indicate partial success/error of a REST API request REST API normal normal enhancement 10/24/2020
#44320 Inform users when their site's privacy policy is not publicly visible Privacy normal normal enhancement 05/23/2019
#36312 Inline link toolbar: add advanced panel Editor normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#52659 Insert Link tool should not apply anchor tag before anchor has been applied Editor normal normal enhancement 02/25/2021
#39618 Insert PDF Thumbnail into Editor Media normal normal enhancement 12/09/2019
#42986 Insert default filters to wp_delete_file to don't delete core files. Media normal normal enhancement 03/22/2019
#51261 Integrate the -scaled.jpg images setting into _wp_make_subsizes Media normal normal enhancement 11/09/2020
#44678 Introduce Bulk Copy or Copy All to Privacy Policy Guide Privacy normal normal enhancement 10/16/2020
#40200 Introduce WP_Customize_Embed_Control Customize normal normal enhancement 07/08/2018
#40834 Introduce a JS module pattern to WordPress General normal normal enhancement 09/04/2018
#54534 Introduce a get_term_by_args filter Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 11/30/2021
#48375 Introduce a separate capability for trashing a post Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 01/06/2020
#44655 Introduce alternative srcset option for custom logo Media normal normal enhancement 07/30/2018
#37461 Introduce get_the_title_attribute() to wrap the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) Themes normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#42721 Introduce native language name as a WP_Locale property I18N normal normal enhancement 01/08/2019
#47940 Introduce privacy tools (Export/Erasure) to the Network Admin for network-wide handling Privacy normal normal enhancement 10/16/2020
#42405 Introduce singular capabilities for enabling individual themes on Multisite Role/Capability normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 11/01/2017
#41701 Introduce singular capabilities for further management of individual plugins Role/Capability normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/22/2017
#39084 Introduce singular capabilities for managing individual comments Comments normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 07/14/2017
#39083 Introduce singular capabilities for managing individual themes Themes normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 07/14/2017
#41703 Introduce singular capabilities for network activation and deactivation of individual plugins Role/Capability normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/20/2020
#43882 Introduce slug-specific hooks to manage plugin loading order Plugins normal normal enhancement 01/24/2019
#46580 Is there a reason we add noopener noreferrer on all anchor tags with target=? General normal minor enhancement 03/21/2019
#46314 JSON strings in postmeta issue Options, Meta APIs normal normal enhancement 02/22/2019
#48051 Keeping default theme but removing inactive themes? Site Health normal trivial enhancement 09/16/2019
#36216 Keyboard shortcut for displaying contextual help Editor normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#56373 La EDICION de Contenidos y los ROLES de Usuario Role/Capability normal normal enhancement 08/14/2022
#33307 Lack of any hooks for user registration in case of multisite installation AND BuddyPress Login and Registration normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#41597 Language pack download requires too broad file system permissions Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 08/11/2017
#55107 List and Delete button to delete broken plugins Plugins normal normal enhancement 02/08/2022
#34907 List for translation updates Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 06/26/2021
#53024 List https functionality health check failures as critical Site Health normal normal enhancement 11/10/2021
#32626 List tables CSS: inconsistent alignments Administration normal normal enhancement 08/26/2020
#54884 Load scripts conditionally to reduce page loading and processing time Script Loader normal normal enhancement 02/20/2022
#38336 Login: Add new action hooks to the top of login type forms Login and Registration normal normal enhancement 07/20/2021
#53132 MU/Network > Plugins: plugins (only) activated in subsite could be marked as such Plugins normal minor enhancement 02/26/2022
#53628 Maintenance Free Updates - Zero downtime Plugins normal normal enhancement 03/18/2022
#50797 Maintenance file path should be configurable Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 09/16/2020
#43023 Make Core Image Handling More Extensible Media normal normal enhancement 08/21/2020
#28188 Make Natively-Outputted .widget_rss CSS Selector HTML5-Appropriate Widgets normal normal enhancement 06/05/2019
#37899 Make Profile Picture Section of Edit User Admin Page Filterable Users normal normal enhancement 02/02/2017
#53287 Make SEO Meta Data Easy Editor normal normal enhancement 08/01/2022
#45804 Make WP_Hook gather callback performance information Plugins normal normal enhancement 09/23/2019
#44498 Make `_wp_personal_data_cleanup_requests()` run on cron Privacy normal normal enhancement 07/30/2018
#37887 Make attachments atomic until a Customizer session is published Customize normal normal enhancement 10/16/2017
#46179 Make fetch_array accessible in $wpdb Database normal normal enhancement 02/04/2019
#37484 Make form in request_filesystem_credentials() in line with WP admin form styling / HTML structure / security Upgrade/Install normal normal enhancement 06/29/2020
#53285 Make it easier to determine which features have been merged to core General normal normal enhancement 06/17/2021
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.