{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4802 matches)
Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.
Results (401 - 500 of 4802)
Marked as Candidates for Closure (100 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Component | Priority | Severity | Type | Workflow | Modified |
#30644 | "wpautop" Enhancements | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/11/2020 | |
#49899 | <plugin_name> detected an advanced-cache.php file in the wp-content directory. It seems that this is not the <plugin_name> advanced-cache.php file. Please remove this file and disable any other caching plugins to use this <plugin_name>. | Cache API | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 04/14/2020 | |
#39907 | Add "Remove all widgets" button for themes with multiple widget areas | Customize | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 05/29/2021 | |
#46171 | Add "backing up this post in your browser" label to post-type | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/01/2019 | |
#46652 | Add "template_loaded" action after a template has been included as part of the template hierarchy | Bootstrap/Load | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 01/02/2020 | |
#43742 | Add $_wp_admin_css_colors variable to front-end | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2020 | |
#32940 | Add IDs to Admin Hyperlinks | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/15/2020 | |
#54322 | Add Logical Properties to safecss_filter_attr | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 11/19/2021 | |
#41893 | Add URL filter in posts list table get_edit_link() | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/15/2020 | |
#42970 | Add a 'rest_nonce_action' filter to the REST API | REST API | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 11/29/2019 | |
#49188 | Add a check for tables structures. | Site Health | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/29/2021 | |
#49639 | Add a filter on wp_insert_user function regarding $user_pass | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/02/2021 | |
#49779 | Add a filter that controls the size of the images on the Attachment pages | Media | normal | major | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 03/10/2022 | |
#48477 | Add a hook before creating image sub-sizes | Upload | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/10/2020 | |
#43910 | Add actions and filters so plugins can easily extend export/erasure functionality | Privacy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/13/2018 | |
#43963 | Add admin body class for multisite blog ID and network admin context | Administration | normal | minor | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/26/2018 | |
#30870 | Add an $actions array and a filter in inline_edit() function | Quick/Bulk Edit | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#50546 | Add better error notices when deleting things fail | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/07/2020 | |
#51301 | Add class field to wp_nonce_field | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 09/14/2020 | |
#44017 | Add filter to display edit post link without 'edit_post' capability | Posts, Post Types | normal | major | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/05/2018 | |
#53613 | Add filter to prevent term deletion | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/17/2021 | |
#52724 | Add filters to term label and info values | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 04/26/2021 | |
#38183 | Add hooks to be run before and after each callback | Plugins | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 08/25/2017 | |
#53868 | Add option to `paginate_links` to apply format on all pages | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 11/26/2021 | |
#27289 | Add populate_network action | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#46035 | Add set_display_name method to WP_Roles class | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/01/2019 | |
#23421 | Add sortable to taxonomy column | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/11/2021 | |
#52444 | Add support for Telegram Messenger Protocol | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 02/05/2021 | |
#44387 | Add support for site meta in `register_meta()` | Options, Meta APIs | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 09/20/2019 | |
#44969 | Add support to limit results in get_objects_in_term() | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 05/03/2020 | |
#32642 | Add supports argument to register_taxonomy | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 04/30/2018 | |
#40047 | Add term_meta to WP_Term class getter method | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 03/13/2017 | |
#43791 | Add the call to pingback_url to core instead of themes | Pings/Trackbacks | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/13/2021 | |
#32545 | Adding actions before and after "Add New" button | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 05/30/2019 | |
#28997 | Adding additional classes to image captions via UI | Media | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#37870 | Adding hints to login/registration form fields | Login and Registration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 04/19/2019 | |
#38549 | Additional CSS lost when changing themes | Customize | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 05/23/2021 | |
#35912 | Allow changing network URL scheme | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#46134 | Allow filtering of `$header` object in `get_header_image_tag()` function (for custom header image override) | Media | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/20/2022 | |
#42326 | Allow for user deletion in multisite | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 10/24/2017 | |
#42806 | Allow installing themes in the Customizer on multisite | Customize | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/08/2018 | |
#31136 | Allow plugin authors to register an additional 'Uninstall Notification' plugin header and to display back to the user during plugin uninstall flow | Plugins | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 02/05/2017 | |
#35428 | Allow the suppression of errors if user already exists | Login and Registration | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#53541 | Arguments passed to load_template() should be extracted | General | normal | minor | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/28/2021 | |
#54631 | Auto updates should be able to be switched off | Upgrade/Install | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 01/05/2022 | |
#44786 | Autosave: Conditionally allow revisions to be saved | Revisions | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 01/16/2019 | |
#31638 | Bulk Edit & Quick Edit User Interfaces should be consistent | Quick/Bulk Edit | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 06/04/2019 | |
#31085 | CPT selector to “Recent Posts” widget | Widgets | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/05/2019 | |
#43281 | Capitalize "Set featured image" media button on Media Modal | Media | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 04/27/2021 | |
#50292 | Change 'post updated' notification text to '[post type name] updated' | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 07/28/2020 | |
#55115 | Change deprecated wpdb::escape() method | Database | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 02/12/2022 | |
#46618 | Change login behaviour to only set the test cookie when a user attempts to login instead of just on visiting the login page | Login and Registration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 04/05/2019 | |
#48563 | Changing site admin email address is backwards | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 04/27/2021 | |
#39362 | Checkbox control for 'Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu' not wrapped in checkbox customize control | Customize | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 05/24/2021 | |
#45998 | Comments trashed after reply | Comments | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 01/16/2019 | |
#40373 | Conditionally initialize Playlist Media Element | Media | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/24/2019 | |
#47336 | Consider adding a JS/Client based Site Health Check for the REST API | Site Health | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 10/25/2020 | |
#44689 | Convert user sites (my-sites.php) to table | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/12/2021 | |
#43492 | Core Telemetry and Updates | Upgrade/Install | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 10/10/2018 | |
#43760 | Create a revision when autosaving if the content has changed significantly | Autosave | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 09/19/2019 | |
#51156 | Create developer documentation for disclosures.json | Privacy | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 10/16/2020 | |
#43748 | Create new action edit_user_updated_user similar to edit_user_created_user | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 05/23/2018 | |
#54577 | Creating a table inside the text element in a webpage | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 12/06/2021 | |
#54119 | Customize: Always Show Homepage Settings | Customize | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 09/18/2021 | |
#33469 | Customizer Menus: Restore active menu to a location after selecting and unsetting another menu | Customize | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 05/23/2021 | |
#32768 | Customizer Widgets and Themes search improvements | Customize | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 05/22/2021 | |
#51527 | Debugging in Multisite context: list of plugins | Site Health | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 10/19/2020 | |
#40355 | Default to "https://" in comment author URL field | Comments | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/07/2021 | |
#53351 | Delete Theme Files in Database When Using Delete Option | Themes | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/28/2022 | |
#38630 | Discourage usage of legacy properties in WP_Site | Networks and Sites | low | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 11/22/2021 | |
#42012 | Do not switch roles and capabilities when accessing options through `*_blog_option()` | Options, Meta APIs | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/03/2021 | |
#42915 | Don't load admin dashboard widgets if they're not shown | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/15/2020 | |
#50460 | Don't minimize the `script-loader-packages.php` file | Build/Test Tools | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 11/10/2021 | |
#45000 | Eliminating "Add New" Button Beside Titles in Admin | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/06/2020 | |
#44548 | Email should be encoded with UTF8 and base64 | I18N | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 09/14/2018 | |
#30530 | Enhance privacy by hiding posts of other users | Query | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#44161 | Expired session tokens need to be removed from database because GDPR | Privacy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/17/2019 | |
#44261 | Export User Data includes media URLs, not the actual media files in zip file | Privacy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 10/16/2020 | |
#36030 | Expose site icon on wp.getUsersBlogs | XML-RPC | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 06/20/2019 | |
#38715 | Facilitate posts storing raw JSON in post_content by short-circuiting KSES and other filters | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 03/26/2019 | |
#46571 | Fix contributors list in plugin information + duplicate CSS | Plugins | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 03/20/2019 | |
#49632 | Force lowercase for taxonomy id in register_taxonomy() | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 03/12/2020 | |
#44043 | Framework for logging/retrieving a users consent state | Privacy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 11/26/2020 | |
#42218 | General Settings: Description of Email address should be Email Address instead of just Address. | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 10/16/2017 | |
#50361 | Highlight if link targets in comments don't refer to the link text | Comments | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/10/2020 | |
#39641 | Idea: Move "Updates" from "Dashboard" to "Tools" | Upgrade/Install | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/20/2017 | |
#30798 | Ideas for improvements to to wp_die() usages | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#45143 | If the "recover password" form submit button is double-clicked two emails will be sent | Login and Registration | normal | minor | enhancement | dev-feedback | 03/18/2019 | |
#39418 | Improve "Empty Spam" and "Empty Trash" user experience | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/20/2018 | |
#34567 | Improve HTML5 support in frontend | General | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 09/04/2020 | |
#32653 | Improve Linkback Presentation | Pings/Trackbacks | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/14/2017 | |
#45023 | Improve parent and child category description example | Taxonomy | normal | minor | enhancement | dev-feedback | 10/03/2018 | |
#37656 | Improve plugin bootstrapping processes | Plugins | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 12/13/2019 | |
#50389 | Improve support for site health issues in WordPress | Site Health | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/15/2020 | |
#47316 | Improve the admin User Profile page, the user interface is not user friendly. | Users | normal | minor | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 05/18/2019 | |
#35955 | Improvements for Menus | Menus | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#38109 | Improvements to user deletion | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 04/01/2019 | |
#33768 | Include image_meta in wp_prepare_attachment_for_js response for images | Media | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 06/04/2019 | |
#49129 | Incorrect German Umlaut substitutions | Formatting | normal | minor | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/04/2020 | |
#48167 | Increase discoverability of, and describe, "Anyone can register" and other settings | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 10/02/2019 |
See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.