{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4795 matches)
Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.
Results (401 - 500 of 4795)
Marked as Candidates for Closure (100 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Component | Priority | Severity | Type | Workflow | Modified |
#54655 | gutenberg can run script when use preview | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 12/18/2021 | |
#43453 | heartbeat_received filter requires data in order to execute | Plugins | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/26/2022 | |
#32994 | invite email from secondary blog does not use network site URL for wp-activate link | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#33602 | is_active_sidebar returns true when widget has been deactivated | Widgets | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/05/2019 | |
#17078 | is_active_sidebar() doesn't work with Numeric sidebar ID's | Widgets | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 05/20/2020 | |
#23308 | make_clickable problem with multiple "Punctuation URL character" | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#33521 | manage_${post_type}_posts_columns parameters shifted | Taxonomy | normal | minor | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#37391 | memory issue action | Menus | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 04/18/2019 | |
#28226 | menu_page_url does not return correct URL on network admin | Plugins | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#49805 | missing get_the_title / confusing the_title filter | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 04/04/2020 | |
#15955 | move_uploaded_file mangles non-ascii characters on Windows platforms | SergeyBiryukov* | Upload | normal | major | defect (bug) | close | 07/09/2018 |
#54145 | new widget feature broke database | Widgets | normal | critical | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 09/28/2021 | |
#41746 | oEmbed does not respect canonical provider url parameter | Embeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 09/20/2017 | |
#45977 | on the dashboard, cannot expand/collapse dashboard boxes. | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/01/2019 | |
#47813 | permalinks broken when article name is numeric(if the post id above 1000) | Permalinks | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/01/2019 | |
#45960 | plugin_basename() fails on windows path | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 01/16/2019 | |
#51097 | post cannot be saved due to certain variant of Japanese Kanji | Database | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 08/31/2020 | |
#48201 | post_updated_messages event stop working version 5.2.3 | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 10/09/2019 | |
#53026 | register_block_type_from_metadata fails if path points to a JSON file that is not named "block.json" | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 04/26/2021 | |
#44793 | remove_accents() doesnt escape all versions of "i" | SergeyBiryukov | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/22/2019 |
#35504 | response to adding data to taxonomy shows in a wrong place | Taxonomy | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2020 | |
#55174 | revert to the default "checked" behavior of blog_public switch in install.php | Upgrade/Install | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/16/2022 | |
#47788 | send_headers hook does not work in wp-login or wp-admin | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 10/20/2019 | |
#50339 | setup-config.php serves mixed content when behind a TLS termination proxy | Upgrade/Install | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/11/2020 | |
#34555 | superscript in url | Permalinks | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#44157 | the comments/[id] endpoints should have the same permissions checks as the comments endpoint | REST API | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 06/20/2019 | |
#35648 | the_post_thumbnail sets srcset with http protocol | Media | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#26546 | themes.php Buttons Randomly Appear/Disappear on iPad | Themes | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#45062 | tinyMCE editor breaks captions with HTML | Editor | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 12/19/2019 | |
#46555 | update fails when I have a print statement in my code. | Posts, Post Types | normal | minor | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 03/18/2019 | |
#30285 | url_to_postid on FORCE_SSL_ADMIN takes https path instead of http | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#48085 | use wp_safe_redirect() function | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | close | 09/20/2019 | |
#53741 | wp-admin/css/common.min.css is loading on the front-end | Script Loader | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-docs | 11/02/2021 | |
#32306 | wp-cron throws 500 errors for SSL enabled sites | Cron API | normal | critical | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 11/14/2017 | |
#36239 | wp-embed image size is using the smallest image or it sometimes uses the one for featured images | Embeds | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/25/2020 | |
#44991 | wp-login.php postpass no redirect | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 09/26/2018 | |
#31236 | wp_ajax_upload_attachment does not properly handle situation when post_id is set | Media | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/08/2020 | |
#31686 | wp_authenticate_username_password() should check for a WP_Error object | Security | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 08/06/2019 | |
#52945 | wp_cache settings not recognized in site health / plugins | Site Health | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 03/31/2021 | |
#52582 | wp_cache_* duplicate/redundant storage and insufficient clearing of cache | Comments | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 02/21/2021 | |
#50944 | wp_calculate_image_srcset can unintentionally include unscaled original image | Media | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 08/24/2020 | |
#54921 | wp_dropdown_users_args Filter not working in WordPress 5.9 | audrasjb | Users | normal | major | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/25/2022 |
#49841 | wp_get_attachment_url does not return a url | Media | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/02/2020 | |
#44595 | wp_insert_post() inserts wrong GUID (adds http:// prefix) | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 07/17/2018 | |
#39370 | wp_insert_user() appends suffix to nicename when updating already existing user | Users | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 03/12/2020 | |
#31706 | wp_list_categories for hierarchical taxonomy return wrong tree if orderby clause is used | General | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#41867 | wp_list_categories throws SQL error if list is empty | Taxonomy | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 02/21/2019 | |
#46333 | wp_mail successfully working but not sending mails - WordPress 5.1 | normal | major | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 06/04/2020 | ||
#52448 | wp_scheduled_delete WP-Cron Job Cannot Be Unscheduled | Administration | normal | normal | defect (bug) | dev-feedback | 02/05/2021 | |
#50080 | wp_set_post_tags() adds terms to post types that don't support the term's taxonomy | Taxonomy | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 05/04/2020 | |
#37670 | wp_validate_redirect fails when running WordPress on a port | Security | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#40676 | wpautop adds opening & closing p tags around the opening a tag and around the closing a tag when the link contains certain flow content elements like div, h1, h2... | Formatting | normal | normal | defect (bug) | needs-unit-tests | 07/21/2017 | |
#46947 | ‘❤’ in Comment Generates DB Error | Database | normal | normal | defect (bug) | reporter-feedback | 04/17/2019 | |
#35796 | "Permalink Settings" admin page is largely blog/post specific | Permalinks | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/06/2020 | |
#30644 | "wpautop" Enhancements | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/11/2020 | |
#49899 | <plugin_name> detected an advanced-cache.php file in the wp-content directory. It seems that this is not the <plugin_name> advanced-cache.php file. Please remove this file and disable any other caching plugins to use this <plugin_name>. | Cache API | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 04/14/2020 | |
#22325 | Abstract GPCS away from the superglobals | Bootstrap/Load | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#39907 | Add "Remove all widgets" button for themes with multiple widget areas | Customize | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 05/29/2021 | |
#46171 | Add "backing up this post in your browser" label to post-type | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/01/2019 | |
#46652 | Add "template_loaded" action after a template has been included as part of the template hierarchy | Bootstrap/Load | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 01/02/2020 | |
#43742 | Add $_wp_admin_css_colors variable to front-end | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2020 | |
#32940 | Add IDs to Admin Hyperlinks | Administration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/15/2020 | |
#54322 | Add Logical Properties to safecss_filter_attr | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 11/19/2021 | |
#41893 | Add URL filter in posts list table get_edit_link() | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/15/2020 | |
#42970 | Add a 'rest_nonce_action' filter to the REST API | REST API | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 11/29/2019 | |
#49188 | Add a check for tables structures. | Site Health | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/29/2021 | |
#49639 | Add a filter on wp_insert_user function regarding $user_pass | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/02/2021 | |
#48477 | Add a hook before creating image sub-sizes | Upload | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/10/2020 | |
#43910 | Add actions and filters so plugins can easily extend export/erasure functionality | Privacy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/13/2018 | |
#43963 | Add admin body class for multisite blog ID and network admin context | Administration | normal | minor | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/26/2018 | |
#30870 | Add an $actions array and a filter in inline_edit() function | Quick/Bulk Edit | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#50546 | Add better error notices when deleting things fail | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/07/2020 | |
#51301 | Add class field to wp_nonce_field | General | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 09/14/2020 | |
#44017 | Add filter to display edit post link without 'edit_post' capability | Posts, Post Types | normal | major | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/05/2018 | |
#43298 | Add filter to hide comment types from showing up in the default query | schlessera | Comments | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/16/2019 |
#53613 | Add filter to prevent term deletion | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 07/17/2021 | |
#52724 | Add filters to term label and info values | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 04/26/2021 | |
#43880 | Add functionality to add an anonymous user an get its ID for anonymization of data related to a WordPress user. | tz-media | Privacy | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 07/09/2018 |
#38183 | Add hooks to be run before and after each callback | Plugins | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 08/25/2017 | |
#33468 | Add image caption hook | SergeyBiryukov | Media | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 03/04/2020 |
#53868 | Add option to `paginate_links` to apply format on all pages | General | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 11/26/2021 | |
#27289 | Add populate_network action | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | enhancement | reporter-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#46035 | Add set_display_name method to WP_Roles class | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/01/2019 | |
#23421 | Add sortable to taxonomy column | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 08/11/2021 | |
#52444 | Add support for Telegram Messenger Protocol | Formatting | normal | normal | enhancement | close | 02/05/2021 | |
#44387 | Add support for site meta in `register_meta()` | Options, Meta APIs | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 09/20/2019 | |
#44969 | Add support to limit results in get_objects_in_term() | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 05/03/2020 | |
#32642 | Add supports argument to register_taxonomy | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 04/30/2018 | |
#40047 | Add term_meta to WP_Term class getter method | Taxonomy | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 03/13/2017 | |
#43791 | Add the call to pingback_url to core instead of themes | Pings/Trackbacks | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/13/2021 | |
#43879 | Add tools for anonymizing of post authors | tz-media | Privacy | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 09/07/2020 |
#32545 | Adding actions before and after "Add New" button | Posts, Post Types | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 05/30/2019 | |
#28997 | Adding additional classes to image captions via UI | Media | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#37870 | Adding hints to login/registration form fields | Login and Registration | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 04/19/2019 | |
#38549 | Additional CSS lost when changing themes | Customize | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 05/23/2021 | |
#22277 | Admin (not just superadmin) should be able to add user without confirmation email in multisite | morganestes | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/05/2019 |
#35912 | Allow changing network URL scheme | Networks and Sites | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 06/04/2019 | |
#48536 | Allow cmd/ctrl-enter to submit comment forms in wp-admin | davidbaumwald* | Comments | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 02/10/2020 |
#46134 | Allow filtering of `$header` object in `get_header_image_tag()` function (for custom header image override) | Media | normal | normal | enhancement | dev-feedback | 01/20/2022 | |
#42326 | Allow for user deletion in multisite | Users | normal | normal | enhancement | needs-unit-tests | 10/24/2017 |
See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.