Make WordPress Core

{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4794 matches)

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Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.

Results (2601 - 2700 of 4794)

Unpatched Bugs (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Type Workflow Modified
#36124 Format: Aside next to an embedded video, removes player and only displays URL Formatting normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36159 Inserting Image on iOS Doesn't Respect Cursor Position Editor normal normal defect (bug) 06/05/2019
#36191 Support responsive images in WP_Customize_Media_Control joemcgill Customize normal normal defect (bug) 05/23/2021
#36273 update_attached_file() on Windows will result in invalid image path when using native Windows directory separators Media normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 04/30/2018
#36285 Inconsistency between the filters that can be used to override the default shortcode output for images/videos/audio Media normal normal defect (bug) 07/27/2017
#36288 Bug Found when you update plugins... Plugins normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36293 video/audio object passed to wp_video_shortcode/wp_audio_shortcode is always null Media normal normal defect (bug) 03/12/2020
#36303 edit_user() will give PHP Notices if user_login is unset on add. Users normal normal defect (bug) 06/05/2019
#36305 Permalink can't decide the parent category Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36339 Possible issue with export_wp() and undefined custom post types Export normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 07/06/2020
#36355 Article URL redirects no longer working Canonical normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36411 Missing admin menu for custom taxonomy Menus normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36428 Weird default value of option 'default_link_category' Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/05/2020
#36440 get_results break in wp-admin/options.php if thetable is huge Options, Meta APIs normal minor defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36442 Customizer: when setting header image and site logo, also create a 2x image if possible Customize normal normal defect (bug) 01/24/2017
#36448 When concatenating scripts in script-loader dependencies may not be honoured. Script Loader normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36449 When concatenating styles in script-loader dependencies may not be honoured. Script Loader normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36479 Improve autosave in the browser Autosave normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36556 has_cap was called with an argument Users normal normal defect (bug) 06/05/2019
#36557 WordPress Version 4.5 Upgrade Failure Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 07/05/2017
#36610 Loss of multibyte category and tag names Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36680 Audio player with preload="metadata" shows incorrect duration for audio files 1 hour or longer Media normal normal defect (bug) 09/20/2017
#36696 WP_Meta_Query can give wrong results when comparing large numbers Query normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36705 Read-only plugins are uninstalled before deletion fails Plugins normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36712 Paragraph tags removed from div elements if script tag is present Formatting normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36722 No way to access media "Attachment Display Settings" using Media normal normal defect (bug) 03/12/2020
#36746 WP v4.5.1 broke something in the Permalinks settings Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36760 Intermittent empty returns from get_post_meta function after 4.5 upgrade Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36775 Shortcode stripping on frontend Formatting normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36779 Move /wp-admin/load-scripts.php and /wp-admin/load-styles.php to /wp-includes Script Loader normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36803 ms-files.php: inconsistent behaviour for upload visibility on archived sites Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36812 WP_Rewrite removes regex groups, should replace with non-capturing Rewrite Rules normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36851 Widgets don't remove hooks after being unregistered Widgets normal normal defect (bug) 06/28/2017
#36873 Canonical redirect code does opposite of comment, breaks script when home_url starts with https Canonical normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36893 Columns filter from taxonomy edit screen (edit-tags.php) gets applied in term edit screen (term.php) Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36898 Have `grunt precommit` fail if the test DB is unreachable. Build/Test Tools normal normal defect (bug) 02/25/2019
#36915 Permalinks broken after 4.5 Rewrite rules Rewrite Rules normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36924 dbDelta(): Support more than one whitespace between field name and its type definition Database normal normal defect (bug) 08/10/2018
#36933 TinyMCE failing when using ModPagespeed Administration normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36936 Plugin update does not works via web with proper filesystem permissions. Filesystem API normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36946 Provide `id` properties on core objects General normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36966 Search is not working with soft hyphen symbols Query normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#36973 Update FTP credentials form design Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 03/12/2018
#36996 get_the_post_thumbnail and the usage of class attribute Post Thumbnails normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37009 When two different tags generate the same slug, the second tag is rejected boonebgorges Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) 01/18/2022
#37064 No checkbox in Posts list table for bulk action Posts, Post Types normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37148 Links in notification emails appearing as https Administration normal normal defect (bug) 03/01/2017
#37157 Photo galleries are displaying EVERY photo in library (and related issues). Gallery normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37160 Pingbacks fail on multi-page posts Pings/Trackbacks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37207 Multiple unit tests for add_rewrite_endpoint lose custom endpoints Build/Test Tools normal normal defect (bug) 02/25/2019
#37238 Right-aligned captions with embedded iframes get removed in Visual mode Shortcodes normal normal defect (bug) 04/19/2019
#37311 Site icon thumbnails are lost if wp_generate_attachment_metadata called again later Media normal normal defect (bug) 04/14/2021
#37362 @font-face errors with dashicons in Microsoft Edge Script Loader normal normal defect (bug) 12/11/2017
#37372 missing "edit permalink button" below the title Posts, Post Types normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37395 Transients should be replaced with options, e.g. plugin delete notification Plugins normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37409 Broken & illogic conditional check in wp_get_document_title() General normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37435 Conflicting permalinks with attachment and category of same name Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37441 get_default_post_to_edit() function is broken Posts, Post Types normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37505 Filtering pagination when the pagenumber doesn't exist. Canonical normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37518 New term.php is showing warning for rearranged columns using manage_{$screen->id}_columns filter Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37559 Password protected pages require the password only once Security normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37597 served oEmbed from cache even when expired Embeds normal normal defect (bug) 03/05/2018
#37611 Ordering of the Site Language entries I18N normal normal defect (bug) 04/05/2019
#37614 WP_PROXY_BYPASS_HOSTS has no effect inside curl transport, if http_proxy or https_proxy is set on the system HTTP API normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#37632 Incorrect Image Previews for SVG Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/03/2021
#37635 BUG in get_option Options, Meta APIs normal normal defect (bug) 12/17/2020
#37756 Allow inline scripts on script aliases Script Loader normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 12/13/2019
#37775 Capabilities inconsistence when registering CPT Posts, Post Types normal normal defect (bug) 04/25/2019
#37822 Text area misaligned on network setting.php Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 03/05/2018
#37829 Problem when adding a link and searching published articles Editor low normal defect (bug) 04/19/2019
#37832 Using ?p=xxx on a posts page with an invalid post ID does not return a 404 status Posts, Post Types normal normal defect (bug) 04/19/2019
#37850 Auto-scroll to error notice on failed inline updates (plugins/themes) Upgrade/Install normal normal defect (bug) 04/19/2019
#37971 Menus screen: improve the responsive view Menus normal normal defect (bug) 04/05/2019
#37975 Duplicate tag names aren't supported Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) 04/05/2019
#38037 Maximum User ID Issue Users lowest normal defect (bug) 04/10/2019
#38044 Make seems_utf8() RFC 3629 compliant. Formatting normal normal defect (bug) 04/09/2019
#38084 Fix Inconsistency Theme and Plugin Update Process When No Package Found Upgrade/Install normal minor defect (bug) 06/01/2021
#38102 Email header Content-Type: multipart boundary ignored by wp_mail Mail normal normal defect (bug) 04/01/2019
#38186 Database Collations Bypassed by determine_charset() in wp-db.php Charset normal major defect (bug) 02/10/2017
#38288 Connection Timeout when importing heavy .xml (LiteSpeed) Import normal normal defect (bug) 04/01/2019
#38300 Got a PHP warning: class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php L596: array_unshift() ... XML-RPC normal normal defect (bug) 02/06/2017
#38303 register_meta and capabilities aren't working as expected rmccue Role/Capability normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/25/2017
#38312 Network setup step 2 throws warning in certain server setups Networks and Sites normal normal defect (bug) 04/01/2019
#38518 Rewrite Rules rebuilding on parse_request Rewrite Rules normal normal defect (bug) 03/26/2019
#38573 Ajax requests in customizer controls don't inject customized state as done in preview Customize normal normal defect (bug) 01/21/2017
#38595 Unable to access wp-admin/options-permalink.php when .htaccess file is on NFS Permalinks normal normal defect (bug) 05/03/2017
#38637 Fix autocomplete search suggestions support for Safari + VoiceOver Administration normal normal defect (bug) 02/25/2021
#38713 Shortcodes and utf-8 no-break whitespace (\xc2\xa0) Shortcodes normal normal defect (bug) 03/25/2019
#38714 Taxonomy meta boxes do not work right with Custom Post Types that use custom capabilities Role/Capability normal normal defect (bug) 03/25/2019
#38769 Possible password reset loop Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) 03/25/2019
#38782 Insert/Edit link scrolling triggers AJAX requests for both (recent and search) rivers SergeyBiryukov Editor normal normal defect (bug) 02/21/2020
#38801 Terms with the same name indistinguishable in Menu section Menus normal normal defect (bug) 08/18/2017
#38851 WP_User_Query cannot retrieve multisite users who have not been assigned a role on a site Users normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 12/01/2017
#38897 user_email with & (ampersand) being encoded within the database making notifications fail Users normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#38898 Lost password form not working with plugins that rename login URL Users normal normal defect (bug) 07/19/2017
#38922 Use REST API for ajax tag search Taxonomy normal normal defect (bug) 10/25/2020
#38954 Customizer: Increase preview refreshBuffer (perhaps with decay) when making rapid changes such as via text inputs Customize normal normal defect (bug) 05/31/2021
#38967 Customizer display Menus, although the theme not support menus Customize normal normal defect (bug) 05/24/2021
#38982 Twenty Eleven: Navigation dropdown menus broken on android devices Bundled Theme lowest normal defect (bug) 04/09/2019
#38997 delete_private_posts capability doesn't prevent user from deleting private posts Role/Capability normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 05/25/2019
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.