Make WordPress Core

{43} Tickets not modified in the last 2.5 years (4895 matches)

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Tickets not modified in the past 2.5 years. Once this report is emptied, we'll adjust the threshold to 2 years, and so on.

Results (4601 - 4700 of 4895)

Unpatched Enhancements (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Type Workflow Modified
#51726 proposal: make specialized header name available inside header.php Themes normal normal enhancement 11/08/2020
#49321 provide standard pagination links in RSS/Atom feeds Feeds normal normal enhancement 06/03/2022
#43324 query_vars is not necessarely representative of the final query_vars used to build the SQL query Query normal normal enhancement 01/16/2019
#54978 recreate response plugins_api Plugins normal minor enhancement 01/28/2022
#31154 register_post_type function does not check reserved post_types Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 02/21/2022
#48499 request: bundle unminified jQuery External Libraries normal normal enhancement 11/05/2019
#39791 sanitize_file_name() optimizations Media normal normal enhancement 01/20/2018
#52518 sanitize_post_field filter for 'raw' context Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 02/13/2021
#46329 sanitize_text_field after 5.1 update should account for __toString() methods Formatting normal normal enhancement 02/24/2019
#46576 short-circuit filter for dbDelta Database normal normal enhancement 03/20/2019
#50560 show "recently deleted" plugins - a safer option than "inactive plugins" Plugins normal normal enhancement 07/07/2020
#54039 site health can probably do better job at detecting if imagick supports PDF Site Health normal normal enhancement 09/09/2021
#19572 switch_to_post() stack implementation (similar to switch_to_blog()) Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#52048 the functions activate_plugin and deactivate_plugin need validation Plugins normal normal enhancement 12/30/2020
#51546 the_widget template tag does not support all widgets Widgets normal normal enhancement 05/02/2021
#51895 theme_root filter for WP_Theme::get_files Themes normal normal enhancement 11/29/2020
#35650 title_reply_to should work when javascript is enabled Comments normal normal enhancement 06/21/2019
#46835 unnecessary image size created Media normal normal enhancement 04/09/2019
#51730 update_metadata function: differentiate failure from no update Options, Meta APIs normal normal enhancement 11/10/2020
#41099 update_option return value ambiguous Options, Meta APIs normal normal enhancement 04/15/2019
#40915 wordpress should issue a warning if no graphic library is installed Media normal normal enhancement 06/10/2017
#49582 wp-admin CSS audit Administration normal normal enhancement 12/16/2021
#14561 wp-admin/edit.php tags of post are hard to compare Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#30274 wp-login.php Logo Image Use "img" tag rather than CSS background Login and Registration normal normal enhancement 02/19/2017
#31573 wp_admin_bar_my_sites_menu should check for super admin capabilities Networks and Sites normal normal enhancement 02/02/2017
#43263 wp_audio_shortcode() preload default: should it be metadata or none? Media normal normal enhancement 02/08/2018
#41895 wp_calculate_image_srcset filter: Improve the documentation for, or rename, this filter so it's clear it should work on an array. Media normal normal enhancement 09/16/2017
#30377 wp_check_filetype is broken when checking urls with parameters audrasjb Media normal normal enhancement 04/08/2022
#43256 wp_delete_post() should use get_post() not wpdb->prepare Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement 02/13/2018
#22310 wp_insert_user bit ilogical with rich_editing Users normal normal enhancement 05/12/2018
#51482 wp_kses_post should filter javascript content as well as the <script> tags Formatting normal minor enhancement 10/08/2020
#41776 wp_list_category array element 'exclude' better be called 'exclude_id' Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 09/01/2017
#21352 wp_lostpassword_url() on multisite Login and Registration normal normal enhancement 10/20/2021
#31775 wp_mail attachments support only ascii symbols Mail normal normal enhancement 04/06/2021
#44370 wp_privacy_delete_old_export_files runs too much on some setups Privacy normal normal enhancement 06/19/2019
#31005 wp_send_json(): Filtering of $response prior to passing it to wp_json_encode(). General normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#37162 wp_style_add_data and wp_script_add_data should accept SRI information Script Loader normal normal enhancement 11/14/2018
#29852 wp_update_term() should use wp_insert_term() internally Taxonomy normal normal enhancement 06/04/2019
#37976 wp_users deleted but warning does not appear. Users normal normal enhancement 04/05/2019
#21910 wpmu_create_user() standardization Users normal normal enhancement 06/05/2019
#52715 404 Page for WordPress Admin Administration normal normal feature request 03/04/2021
#52824 A separate sub-menu to organize the extensions belonging to parent plugins. General normal normal feature request 03/23/2021
#14877 Ability to create exclusive custom taxonomies helen* Taxonomy normal minor feature request 11/20/2021
#50154 About date and time request of version 5.4.1 Query normal normal feature request 05/13/2020
#38308 Accept 'meta_query' parameter in `WP_Tax_Query` Taxonomy normal normal feature request 07/30/2017
#47314 Add "parent" parameter to get_term_by Taxonomy normal normal feature request 12/13/2019
#39159 Add APC to automated test matrix Build/Test Tools normal normal feature request 11/09/2020
#20194 Add Description meta to General Settings General normal minor feature request 08/10/2021
#5942 Add Owner role Role/Capability normal normal feature request 11/06/2017
#39681 Add RGBA to Customizer color picker Customize normal normal feature request 02/08/2019
#44803 Add a page to a menu by its ID or slug Menus normal normal feature request 01/30/2019
#56168 Add a way easily perform advanced post fields queries Query normal trivial feature request 07/07/2022
#15971 Add ability to rate and report compatibility of plugins from wp-admin Plugins normal normal feature request 04/08/2019
#51072 Add action hook after theme skip links sarahricker Themes normal normal feature request 10/16/2020
#35205 Add additional hooks to the 'attachment-info' template to customise output Administration normal normal feature request 06/04/2019
#54017 Add an Update Log (to site health?) Site Health normal normal feature request 09/01/2021
#48486 Add compliance tab to plugin repository pages on Plugins normal normal feature request 01/14/2022
#52284 Add filter for notoptions after retrieval Options, Meta APIs normal normal feature request 01/12/2021
#44073 Add functionality to search plugin with double quoted keyword Plugins normal normal feature request 05/23/2018
#42737 Add method wp.api.getModelByType for retrieving api models adamsilverstein REST API normal normal feature request 10/19/2018
#42309 Add page-numbers CSS class to wp_link_pages generated links Themes normal normal feature request 04/17/2018
#43328 Add support for Web App Manifests westonruter* General normal normal feature request 03/01/2019
#49057 Add tag for any WP_Query for simple access in pre_get_post action Query normal normal feature request 12/21/2019
#55879 Add the Ability to Allow/Disallow Auto-Update for Multiple Themes on the Theme Page Themes normal normal feature request 06/02/2022
#51731 Add the reason for deactivation to the 'deactivate_plugin' hook. Plugins normal normal feature request 11/09/2020
#28006 Add visual cues when viewing drafts on the frontend Posts, Post Types normal normal feature request 04/22/2019
#40460 Add-On Grouping for Plugin List Screen Plugins normal normal feature request 04/15/2017
#39632 Adding Query identifier attribute Query normal normal feature request 06/07/2017
#41627 Additional parameter for multisite activation Plugins normal normal feature request 08/13/2017
#34821 Allow creating users without an email address Users normal normal feature request 06/05/2019
#48587 Allow customization of Admin Color Schemes for dashboard General normal normal feature request 03/10/2021
#43205 Allow filtering the list of characters to be replaced by wptexturize Formatting normal normal feature request 01/16/2019
#55287 Allow for DISTINCT in WP_Query method Posts, Post Types normal normal feature request 03/01/2022
#49626 Allow plugin developers to opt-out their plugin from auto updates Plugins normal normal feature request 07/06/2020
#49620 Allow plugin/theme developers to utilize Beta, Alpha, Canary release channels for automatic updates Plugins normal normal feature request 03/10/2020
#46629 Allow replacing placeholders in starter content posts/pages content Customize normal normal feature request 06/12/2019
#55889 Allow specifying multiple keys as an array in meta and option retrieval functions. Options, Meta APIs normal normal feature request 06/01/2022
#41170 Allow the newbloguser screen to be themed Login and Registration normal normal feature request 06/26/2017
#45060 Allow users to leave sites on a multisite network Users normal normal feature request 06/02/2020
#53572 An "acknowledged" category for site health check for things managed outside of WordPress Site Health normal trivial feature request 10/16/2021
#41778 Archive page for user roles Role/Capability normal normal feature request 09/02/2017
#52012 Bundle jQuery plugin temporarily to encourage adoption of auto-updates External Libraries normal normal feature request 12/19/2020
#51181 Capabilities arg for register_taxonomy() inneffective on non-hierarchical taxonomies Taxonomy normal minor feature request 12/19/2020
#53387 Carry "dates" and times over to Plugins/Themes so you can see when it was installed/updated/removed. Administration normal normal feature request 06/12/2021
#16460 Category/tag converter should support all public taxonomies Import normal normal feature request 07/15/2022
#54226 Cleanup Unused Image Sizes Media normal normal feature request 10/06/2021
#55429 Coding Standard: Use spaces for JSON instead of tabs Build/Test Tools normal normal feature request 03/21/2022
#53096 Color Settings include alpha channel for transparency Formatting normal normal feature request 04/27/2021
#53038 Comment Moderation by Specific Post or Page Comments normal normal feature request 04/15/2021
#55326 Conditional classes directives in formatting Formatting normal normal feature request 03/07/2022
#41086 Conditional loading of CSS files from (for example) shortcodes Shortcodes normal normal feature request 06/16/2017
#40031 Consider Adding Web Annotations to WordPress Comments normal normal feature request 02/19/2018
#53412 Consider allowing themes to include block directory block references Themes normal normal feature request 06/15/2021
#50214 Consider introducing the concept of "Editors" Editor normal normal feature request 11/23/2020
#32824 Consistent search fields between posts and terms Posts, Post Types normal normal feature request 07/23/2017
#36423 Constant in wp-config.php to disable uploads Upload normal normal feature request 02/02/2017
#40232 Could is_tax check through queried_terms instead of queried_object? Taxonomy normal normal feature request 03/22/2017
#44862 Create REST API endpoints to lock, release and takeover post edition timothyblynjacobs REST API normal normal feature request 01/07/2022
#46394 Create a Function to Allow the WordPress Search to Only Return Results from a Specified Post Type General normal normal feature request 03/01/2019
#51144 Create a UI for the Disclosures Tab (site-level privacy) Privacy normal normal feature request 11/26/2020
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.