Make WordPress Core

{47} Closed Tickets Needing Second Review (6 matches)

A ticket can be closed by anyone, but milestones can only be removed by bug gardeners. This allows for secondary review of ticket closures by another contributor, who then needs to remove the milestone.

If there are any tickets on this report, they need this secondary review from a bug gardener.

This applies to tickets closed as invalid, wontfix, maybelater, worksforme, or duplicate. Only bug gardeners can close a ticket as fixed, as this is typically done via a commit. For more on ticket resolutions and properties, see the handbook.

duplicate (1 match)

Id Summary Component Modified Status Resolution
#58062 Positioning of custom post type submenu Posts, Post Types 01/10/2025 closed duplicate

fixed (1 match)

Id Summary Component Modified Status Resolution
#40161 Wrong documented or coded 'schedule_event' filter Cron API 02/14/2025 closed fixed

invalid (4 matches)

Id Summary Component Modified Status Resolution
#49428 Extend get_the_post_pagination() to consider total argument Posts, Post Types 07/31/2024 closed invalid
#62505 Page editor adding <p> around <a> and </a> when using <figure> General 11/30/2024 closed invalid
#58631 decoding="async" is added wildly, even if loading="eager" is there Media 02/14/2025 closed invalid
#62827 get_the_content() is not generating group blocks wp-block-group__inner container General 01/20/2025 closed invalid
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.