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{5} Next Major Release (3 matches)

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Stars Comments Ticket Summary Owner Component Version Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
18 #62150 Update `$old_files` for 6.7 ensuring that deleted dirs from the SimplePie library are included. Upgrade/Install trunk normal normal 6.7 task (blessed) has-patch 11/08/2024
6 #62359 Converted images have the dimension suffix added to the full size image. Media trunk normal normal 6.7 defect (bug) commit 11/09/2024
1 5 #62354 fetch_feed should use `get_bloginfo( 'charset' )` over `get_option( 'blog_charset' )` when setting the output encoding Feeds trunk normal normal 6.7 defect (bug) has-patch 11/09/2024
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