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{7} Future Releases (8250 matches)

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Results (2401 - 2500 of 8250)

Stars Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#52716 Twenty Seventeen: consider style updates for box-shadow on linked images Bundled Theme normal minor Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 07/08/2024
3 #40292 Twenty Seventeen: Use echo file_get_contents() instead of require_once() to pull in SVG file contents Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/25/2024
1 #58297 Twenty Seventeen: Table block does not have same design in editor and front. Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 01/09/2025
#42598 Twenty Seventeen: Sticky header offset issue Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 07/29/2024
1 #58413 Twenty Seventeen: Search block is having issue when you apply width and alignment. Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 04/05/2024
#62744 Twenty Seventeen: Quote block Appearance settings do not affect citation Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 12/31/2024
#56073 Twenty Seventeen: Pullquote Block: Color and Font size issue Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 07/01/2024
1 #40796 Twenty Seventeen: Overriding WordPress globals is prohibited Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 01/03/2025
#39056 Twenty Seventeen: No Default Menu option creates extra work Menus normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/05/2018
2 #43243 Twenty Seventeen: Menu Items are overlapped Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) close 01/09/2025
#53551 Twenty Seventeen: List based widgets need style adjustments in the widget editor Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 06/03/2024
4 #56747 Twenty Seventeen: Image Block captions are Italic on frontend but not in editor audrasjb Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 08/19/2024
#55994 Twenty Seventeen: Header image zooms in when scrolling down on Mobile Safari Bundled Theme normal trivial Future Release defect (bug) 08/25/2024
#46055 Twenty Seventeen: Blockquotes aligned right are not rechecked when widgets are added in the Customizer Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 04/22/2024
5 #39893 Twenty Seventeen Header Media: YouTube Embed Does Not Fill Screen Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 12/03/2024
3 #62610 Twenty Seventeen - Image block having unnecessary border if duotone and link is applied. Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) changes-requested 12/02/2024
#62787 Twenty Nineteen: sanitize output of twentynineteen_custom_colors_css() Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 01/10/2025
1 #46976 Twenty Nineteen: remove postcss-focus-within Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 04/29/2024
5 #60880 Twenty Nineteen: paragraph does not inherit font size from parent block within the editor Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 11/22/2024
#46262 Twenty Nineteen: odd content_width in theme Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 08/25/2024
4 #45795 Twenty Nineteen: missing license information for assets williampatton Bundled Theme high normal Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 12/02/2024
2 #47460 Twenty Nineteen: heading style breaks headings in content added by core or plugins in the front end Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 07/14/2024
#45955 Twenty Nineteen: get_the_archive_title filter issues Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement has-patch 04/21/2024
2 #59203 Twenty Nineteen: fix Separator block's full-width size and placement Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) reporter-feedback 12/23/2024
#45900 Twenty Nineteen: WordPress embed width does not match between front and back end Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/25/2024
1 #45906 Twenty Nineteen: Wide alignment does not match front-end when the sidebar is active Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 05/14/2024
1 #60408 Twenty Nineteen: Theme block styles are not applied to blocks in the widget area Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 07/19/2024
#58171 Twenty Nineteen: The pullquote block appears to have a problem when selecting the text color. Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 01/08/2025
#59924 Twenty Nineteen: The navigation block submenu button is unreadable Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 06/09/2024
#56456 Twenty Nineteen: Text Color issue when added background color in Pullquote Block Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 01/08/2025
2 #56455 Twenty Nineteen: Text Color issue in Pullquote Block Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 01/08/2025
2 #45903 Twenty Nineteen: Some menu clicks trigger console errors Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 06/21/2024
#46158 Twenty Nineteen: Slight flash of desktop menu when closing mobile menu Bundled Theme normal minor Future Release defect (bug) 06/03/2024
3 #47925 Twenty Nineteen: Size of style.css seems excessively large (225% as large as the next largest theme's CSS) Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 01/29/2025
3 #59204 Twenty Nineteen: Separator block does not center as expected Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 06/09/2024
#56143 Twenty Nineteen: Separator block alignment issue Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 01/08/2025
1 #45878 Twenty Nineteen: Search widget input field width is too narrow on wide screens Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release enhancement has-patch 06/08/2024
#60621 Twenty Nineteen: Search block lacks styling in the editor Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 01/09/2025
3 #45907 Twenty Nineteen: Right-aligned, uncaptioned images inserted via the Classic Editor do not extend beyond the text column Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 07/01/2024
6 #58169 Twenty Nineteen: Quote block having issue when font-size is selected Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) needs-refresh 12/31/2024
#58100 Twenty Nineteen: PullQuote block color is not reflected on citation text Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 07/16/2024
#61770 Twenty Nineteen: Preformatted block font size is not same in editor Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 09/17/2024
#45991 Twenty Nineteen: Post titles are overflowing the content area Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 05/13/2024
#45901 Twenty Nineteen: On single posts with featured images, tall menus appear clipped Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 05/11/2021
#45796 Twenty Nineteen: Mobile menu needs improvement for navigating on touchscreen via keyboard Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 02/24/2020
1 #45902 Twenty Nineteen: Mobile menu isn't scrollable Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 05/14/2024
#61138 Twenty Nineteen: Latest Posts block top/bottom spacing is not same on editor side and front-end side when we change its background. Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 08/27/2024
#45919 Twenty Nineteen: Improve comments in `twentynineteen_setup` Bundled Theme low normal Future Release enhancement 08/25/2024
1 #45993 Twenty Nineteen: Image aligncenter inside column is broken Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 01/15/2025
8 #49787 Twenty Nineteen: Highlight text color isn't reflected in the editor poena Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 07/16/2024
3 #49931 Twenty Nineteen: Group color styles prevent custom colors sabernhardt Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 12/04/2024
#59263 Twenty Nineteen: File block does not respect center alignment setting Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 09/01/2023
#56220 Twenty Nineteen: Centered H2 headings on full-width Cover blocks are not correctly centered Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 08/10/2022
#59457 Twenty Nineteen: Calendar block does not have theme preset text colors in the editor Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 05/14/2024
#58099 Twenty Nineteen: Button block does not respect custom width in the editor Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 05/17/2024
#45750 Twenty Nineteen: Bug in the menu on mobile devices; only partially visible desktop version of the menu sometimes shown instead of fullscreen mobile menu Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 02/24/2020
#46215 Twenty Nineteen: Aligning table to center not working on front end Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 08/11/2024
1 #47044 Twenty Nineteen: Add padding for full-aligned text blocks inside of a full-width column block. Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 07/29/2024
#45904 Twenty Nineteen: .button doesn't override link color Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 02/01/2024
4 #47051 Twenty Nineteen theme sub-menu returns error in WAVE accessibility tool Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 02/16/2025
2 #61904 Twenty Nineteen : Social Icons Block's text decoration not matching in both side Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/14/2025
3 #59164 Twenty Nineteen : Site Title Block Color Section is not reflecting properly in Editor & Frontend Side Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 08/14/2024
#60872 Twenty Nineteen : Read More Block Text Decoration is not working properly Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 09/10/2024
1 #55545 Twenty Fourteen: featured posts slider not working with an odd number of slides on mobile Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 08/25/2024
5 #30575 Twenty Fourteen: Submenu items on dropdown menus nearly impossible to select on some Android mobile tablets Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 07/08/2024
#42043 Twenty Fourteen: Menu problems on iPad Air 2 Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 12/02/2024
7 #26723 Twenty Fourteen: Hatom Errors Bundled Theme low normal Future Release defect (bug) 07/08/2022
1 #61881 Twenty Fourteen: Button block background color is mismatch Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 02/14/2025
1 #30686 Twenty Fourteen/Thirteen/Twelve Navbar submenu behaviour Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 04/12/2024
1 #62819 Twenty Fourteen :- Latest Comment block font-size not working in user side and admin side. Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 01/17/2025
1 #60033 Twenty Fourteen : Quote block Typography option is not working properly General normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/14/2023
4 #59602 Twenty Fifteen: typography issues in the editor with Table and Calendar blocks and captions Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) has-patch 02/14/2025
1 #61885 Twenty Fifteen: Search Block button does not have theme's styling in the editor Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 08/19/2024
7 #60985 Twenty Fifteen: Replace frontend jQuery usage with Interactivity API Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release enhancement 10/08/2024
1 #50446 Twenty Fifteen: Regression in updated sticky sidebar code Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 04/07/2024
8 #59693 Twenty Fifteen: Apostrophe overlaps with other characters desrosj Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/21/2024
#59692 Twenty Fifteen theme having multiple issue with pullquote block. Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 07/01/2024
#59612 Twenty Fifteen PullQuote block having issue with border in editor side. Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) changes-requested 04/18/2024
#62079 Twenty Fifteen : PHPCS Fixes Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/28/2024
#62356 Twenty Fifteen : On Adding background color to Navigation Block padding added in editor but not in frontend Bundled Theme normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 12/04/2024
#55063 Twenty Eleven: Quote block italic styling works in reverse Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 02/03/2022
2 #38982 Twenty Eleven: Navigation dropdown menus broken on android devices Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 12/02/2024
#46802 Twenty Eleven: Dark Mode Featured Post gradient overlay is overlapping Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 06/22/2024
1 #61290 Twenty Eleven: Add theme support for HTML5 Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 09/14/2024
#61022 Twenty Eleven: "Follow Blog" pattern has black text on black background Bundled Theme normal normal Future Release defect (bug) 05/06/2024
4 #14331 Tweaks to menu setup page Menus normal normal Future Release enhancement 05/29/2020
#22812 Tweak the media modal styles for longer strings in ru_RU I18N normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) close 09/14/2020
2 #58375 Turn comments off by default for attachment pages (or make is easier to do so without code) Comments normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 05/25/2023
#49171 Trying to get property 'post_type' of non-object in wp-includes/link-template.php on line 682 Feeds normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 06/04/2020
#57152 Trying to access array offset on value of type bool (class-wp-recovery-mode-email-service.php) General normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 11/19/2022
#62286 Trying to access array offset on null General normal trivial Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 11/05/2024
#62816 Trying to access array offset on false in /{PATH}/wp-includes/class-wp-recovery-mode-email-service.php on line 367 General normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 01/20/2025
5 #16832 Trouble if the slug of a custom taxonomy is the same as the url of page/post Rewrite Rules normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #40334 Trim siteurl and homeurl General normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 04/01/2017
1 #49633 Trim cookie paths Login and Registration normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) 03/12/2020
1 #43045 Trigger events equivalent to editor:image-edit and editor:image-update in media-image-widget.js Widgets normal normal Future Release enhancement 06/17/2020
4 #36956 Trigger event when taxonomy term is added with ajax Taxonomy normal normal enhancement dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#53066 Trigger errors when non-existent methods are called on objects. General normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 04/23/2021
2 #62519 Trigger _doing_it_wrong in _load_textdomain_just_in_time() even when there are no translations I18N normal normal Future Release enhancement dev-feedback 11/25/2024
12 #22100 Treat built-in image sizes the same as custom image sizes Media normal normal enhancement has-patch 06/04/2019
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