Make WordPress Core

{7} Future Releases (8223 matches)

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Results (4301 - 4400 of 8223)

Stars Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
1 #33929 Wrong data type for several variables holding a wpdb query result boonebgorges General normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
1 #35466 `add_filter()` errors when `spl_object_hash()` not exists General normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #34392 calling update_option("siteurl", $newval) can overwrite it with an instance of WP_Error. General normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
2 #36499 featured image, image upload General normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#22530 garbage query strings on URLs are not sanitized or removed General normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
1 #33498 get_home_path does not stripslashes $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] before using it General normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
1 #31711 is_front_page flag affected by frontpage ID and page Title strange conflict General normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 09/06/2024
2 #31777 sanitize_text_field() stripping instances "%ca" General normal normal defect (bug) 08/24/2022
1 #30285 url_to_postid on FORCE_SSL_ADMIN takes https path instead of http General normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
1 #31577 wp.ajax.send JS function should send ajax request with dataType json General normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#32856 wpColorPicker close should check that iris hasn't been destroyed before toggling it. General normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
#31706 wp_list_categories for hierarchical taxonomy return wrong tree if orderby clause is used General normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
2 #31200 wp_redirect Missing Body - Causes Performance Issues General normal normal defect (bug) 04/08/2024
#34028 wp_safe_redirect can return admin_url() when get_admin_url() is used aaroncampbell General normal normal defect (bug) needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
1 #33834 wpautop treats html comments as content General normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
2 #34796 Facing an issue when using wp_remote_get with streams (non-blocking mode) rmccue* HTTP API normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
6 #34053 HTTP API (Curl backend) inappropriately sends Content-Length header on POST requests made through a proxy server CONNECT HTTP API normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
2 #37705 Remove unnecessary parts of WP_HTTP which remain HTTP API normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
2 #32932 WP_Http::request hangs on badly behaving servers HTTP API normal normal defect (bug) 06/02/2022
#37614 WP_PROXY_BYPASS_HOSTS has no effect inside curl transport, if http_proxy or https_proxy is set on the system HTTP API normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #23482 Fix improper use of comment_exists() in some importers maxpagels Import normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
5 #16445 Fix incompatibilities with IDs greater than 2^31 Import normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#31581 Images-Links broken after import from wordpress.xml in WordPress 4.1.1 Import normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
2 #21859 Import blog and media library is not working Import normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
3 #30887 Imported media relies on GUID for download Import normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#19764 Invalid JSON in custom fields meta value after export Import normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #34112 Library broken after import XML Import normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#12885 LiveJournal importer uses GMT date/time as local date/time Import normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
2 #18602 Media Library imported, but all items Unattached Import normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
1 #34845 Serialized custom fields are ignored on import Import normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #22082 WordPress Import Tool loses the complete category hierarchical structure Import normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #21597 WordPress Importer $base_url index failed Import normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
3 #16404 WordPress Importer fails to import images Import normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#32320 WordPress Importer: WXR_Parser_Regex adds newlines to import data, breaking serialized post meta. Import normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
2 #23275 WordPress Importer: line-ending mismatch corrupts serialized meta Import normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
3 #34236 Better passwords - differences between setting and resetting password? Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) 02/23/2021
1 #30227 Inaccurate wording when creating a user with a reserved email address Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 02/06/2020
#27165 Incorrect nonce supplied when authenticated session expires Login and Registration normal minor defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
2 #36098 Install: "Repeat Password" is not required when browser js is disabled Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) close 02/16/2020
1 #13655 Login/Install/User Edit should stripslashes() $_POST data Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
5 #27086 Make auth-check logins work with 1Password Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
3 #31076 Multisite signup functions don't support SSL Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#34697 Password (re)set form fails when addressed as /wp-login.php/ Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #36179 Password protected post with force_ssl_admin() and domain mapping not working Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/04/2019
6 #35736 Replace 'Lost Password' phrase with 'Reset Password' chriscct7* Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 02/06/2020
#35018 The authentication check modal dialog appears just once Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
2 #16482 Visibility: password-protected breaks with redirected domains Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/04/2019
1 #20116 Welcome User Email in Multisite Can't Be Changed Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
2 #27632 `wp_registration_url()` doesn't have a redirect argument chriscct7 Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 11/05/2024
#31166 wpmu_signup_user_notification filter is incorrect Login and Registration normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#34412 Problem with äö characters in Roundcube emails Mail normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
3 #33972 static use of PHPMailer class results in stale state between calls to wp_mail() Mail normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#52504 wp_mail() not able to send/deliver emails to domain with hyphens in it? Mail normal normal defect (bug) 02/12/2021
2 #23243 wp_mail() not working with "Name <email>" format in buggy PHP versions on Windows Mail normal minor defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #48974 -1 being added to image uploads since version 5.3.1 Media normal normal defect (bug) 10/01/2020
#28989 AJAX in the media library sometimes fails to load data Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
3 #30052 Add New Media Drag and Drop Hangs on Crunching Media low normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
2 #25899 Adding mediaelement CSS links outside of head tags breaks HTML5 validation Media normal minor defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
2 #22940 Adding term checklist to Media modal has undesired results Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
8 #31029 Allow 0 columns in gallery settings rhurling Media normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 10/26/2022
2 #29931 Broken attachment page links for files attached to "Auto Draft" posts Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
4 #25076 CSS issue with native video player and flash fallback on full screen wonderboymusic Media normal minor defect (bug) 06/04/2019
3 #23779 Can't insert large image if it's smaller than media setting but larger than theme setting Media normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/04/2019
#32012 Crunching doesn't work on some grayscale images Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#32654 Denying upload_files cap makes Customizer and Media modal act oddly wonderboymusic Media normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
2 #27427 Edit Gallery view does not display images in original aspect ratio Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
2 #26992 Failing to make new yyyy/mm for uploads affects existing URLs (WP_CONTENT_URL, wp_get_attachment_url and GUID) Media normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
3 #32302 Filename policy of IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE==true seems to create CDN and browser cache issues Media normal normal defect (bug) 04/04/2024
#33896 Gallery linking to Attachment page Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
2 #30759 If Featured Image is selected, but not saved, editing the image will drop the selection after a save Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#32750 If changing the checkbox state "organize my uploads..." in the media preferences the thumbnails aren't shown anymore Media normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
1 #35489 Im having an issue with WP_Image_Editor_Imagick Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
2 #27139 Image caption disappears if images are rearranged immediately after adding the caption. Media normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 02/09/2021
#35085 Image editor not cropping correctly when image size is the same as "Large Size" in media settings Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#32215 Image hard crop no longer working as expected Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
2 #26848 Image thumbnail on large images with ratio of 4:1 markoheijnen Media normal minor defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#24888 In image editor, cropping scale gets applied off by 0.4% Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
2 #31570 Infinite loop when filtering Media Library images by size in a modal (using wp_prepare_attachment_for_js) fuhton Media normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/04/2019
4 #22869 Large Image Uploads Don't Error Well Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#29904 Make images viewable while editing a gallery Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
3 #23398 Media Gallery - Clicking "Restore Original Image" in "Scale Image" pane loses 'Thumbnail Settings' pane. Media normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/04/2019
2 #34467 Media Library after removing bulk removing all images on page Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
3 #30243 Media Library cached, does not update when other users add images Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #47529 Media manager doesn't display cropped images Media normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/14/2019
1 #20057 Media upload for multi-webserver setups introduces a nasty race condition that could corrupt uploaded files Media normal normal defect (bug) 02/26/2020
1 #29458 No longer able to catch click event of dashicons edit/delete Media normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
1 #36722 No way to access media "Attachment Display Settings" using Media normal normal defect (bug) 03/12/2020
2 #35077 Post featured image: image attributes not updated on the fly Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#35092 Remove crop check in wp_prepare_attachment_for_js() for sizes joemcgill Media normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
12 #31258 SVG replaced by default image in media library Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#35837 The auto-update in media editor rewrites user inputs Media normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
2 #34571 Thumbnails and featured images broken if the filename contains utf8 characters (e.g. üäö) Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #36789 Upload Folder Bug Media normal normal defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
#32443 Upload iframe renders pictures in reverse order Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
#33337 WordPress crashes in Chrome when trying to upload images too quickly into Media Library Media normal major defect (bug) reporter-feedback 06/04/2019
1 #29634 gallery bulk upload Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #24815 get_the_post_thumbnail() fetches full sized image if 'post-thumbnail' custom size not defined in theme Media normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
2 #31252 grid view in media library malfunctioning in Simplified Chinese install Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
1 #35870 image_default_link_type does not work for galleries Media normal normal defect (bug) 06/04/2019
4 #24430 inconsistent icon_dir/icon_dirs use in wp_mime_type_icon and wp_get_attachment_image_src Media normal normal defect (bug) has-patch 06/04/2019
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