Make WordPress Core

{8} Future Releases, Workflow Oriented (8240 matches)

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  • Active tickets slated for future releases or with no assigned milestone, workflow oriented
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Results (3201 - 3300 of 8240)

Needs Docs or Unit Tests (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#61900 Unable to remove hook to display title tag in block theme Themes normal normal Awaiting Review feature request needs-docs 09/09/2024
#49588 Cannot remove <div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"> Widgets normal minor Awaiting Review feature request needs-unit-tests 03/07/2020
#26571 Increase flexibility of "At a Glance" Dashboard Widget to match "Right Now" Widget chriscct7 Administration normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-docs 06/01/2021
#57393 Unify checkbox handling and match wording with function on the User Profile screen Administration normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/07/2023
#53414 Add how to run php coverage reports to Build/Test Tools normal minor Future Release enhancement needs-docs 04/01/2024
#53520 Add regression test for the wp_option data corruption bug Build/Test Tools normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 11/10/2021
#42076 Allow the external HTTP tests to run internally Build/Test Tools normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/22/2020
#57556 Configure feature branches on GitHub to trigger workflows to support development on forks Build/Test Tools normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-docs 02/01/2023
#41451 Use pretty permalinks by default in the test suite Build/Test Tools normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/19/2018
#53651 unit test for wp_removable_query_args Build/Test Tools normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 01/20/2022
#44412 'pre_cache_alloptions' filter in wp_load_alloptions() in option.php cannot be hooked Cache API normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-docs 06/15/2021
#50506 PHP warning appearing in 404 page and 'post_type' query var is Array Canonical normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/29/2020
#32917 Tests_DB_Charset tests don't fully cover wpdb::strip_invalid_text_for_column() Charset normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#20597 Allow WP_Comment_Query::query to filter by category Comments normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#19739 Filters to allow comments on draft & trash post_status posts Comments normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/02/2023
#39084 Introduce singular capabilities for managing individual comments Comments normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 07/14/2017
#17020 Some comment queries are not filterable Comments normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#41339 WP_Comments_Query::__construct() should allow a 'status__not_in' parameter Comments normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 07/30/2017
#21627 Filter for custom-background CSS selector peterwilsoncc Customize low minor Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 05/22/2021
#40922 Use finer-grained capabilities with `customize_changeset` post type Customize normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 05/16/2020
#31624 $wpdb->prepare() named placeholders Database normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/22/2023
#35109 Add Online DDL support to dbDelta Database normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#28625 Enhancement: Add constants to support SSL connections for mysqli Database normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/24/2023
#31018 Persistent database connections with mysqli Database normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/01/2022
#54669 Remove ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY from incompatible wpdb modes Database normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/15/2022
#41424 Use a better error message than "Error establishing a database connection" when site isn't found Database normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 11/22/2017
#40357 dbDelta can't change primary keys, create AUTO_INCREMENT columns and doesn't make significant index changes Database normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/04/2017
#29938 mysqli_query and multiple resultsets Database normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#48935 Need to Remove strtotime() usage from core Date/Time normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/06/2023
#48936 Remove mysql2date() usage from core Date/Time normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/24/2023
#61127 Make `wp_filter_oembed_result` less strict Embeds normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 05/02/2024
#27048 Export: Allow multiple post types to be selected Export normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 05/18/2022
#46227 Add Rel-Feed Link to Header Feeds low trivial Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 05/13/2021
#43010 Attribute Name Escape Formatting normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 01/18/2022
#24225 Improve regular expressions when matching attributes miqrogroove Formatting normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#22330 Optimize regexes to remove protocol from URL Formatting normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#32787 make_clickable filter johnjamesjacoby Formatting normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/02/2022
#60355 Can't save object to metadata with `readonly` properties General normal minor Future Release enhancement needs-docs 02/12/2024
#42897 Hard deprecate functions deprecated before WP 3.7.0 General normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/20/2020
#24284 is_multi_author() should query by specific post type and status General normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#39695 Add preload headers in redirects HTTP API normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/27/2017
#40142 WP Remote Remaining Methods HTTP API normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/19/2023
#54797 Allow languages path in register_block_type gziolo I18N normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/17/2023
#25585 Arabic stopwords comparison I18N normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/28/2024
#34507 New action `before_login_form` Login and Registration normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-docs 01/10/2017
#30128 Allow to use associative arrays beside indexed arrays in wp_mail $headers Mail normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/16/2020
#28059 Inline image attachments with wp_mail() Mail normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#42487 Avoid redundant crops for all Customizer media controls. Media normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/07/2019
#57003 Compress original image upload to avoid uncompressed images Media normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/15/2023
#55443 Create WebP sub-sizes and use for output adamsilverstein Media normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-docs 06/25/2024
#54648 Improve filter to enable setting quality for each subsize image adamsilverstein* Media normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/11/2024
#33959 Improve wp_get_attachment_thumb_file Media normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/07/2024
#33768 Include image_meta in wp_prepare_attachment_for_js response for images Media normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#58416 Media Title field should soft wrap in Media Modal: For better readability/editing of long titles. Media normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/13/2024
#56349 Update WordPress core functions to support multiple MIME types joegrainger Media normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/07/2022
#36012 Add .current-ancestor class to any relative menu item ancestor SergeyBiryukov Menus normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/28/2023
#35384 Archive for post in Menu Editor Menus normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#31391 Make the list of registered nav menus filterable Menus normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#41771 Global configuration table Networks and Sites normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/19/2017
#40646 Move code from `ms-settings.php` into functions Networks and Sites normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/29/2017
#45640 get_blogs_of_user improvements alexstine Networks and Sites normal minor Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 11/16/2021
#40513 switch_to_blog should accept a WP_site as param Networks and Sites normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/01/2022
#37702 Accept array of IDs in `delete_metadata_by_mid` Options, Meta APIs normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 12/13/2019
#31094 Attempt to cache notoptions in database to save queries for non-existent options Options, Meta APIs normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#43818 Invalidate query caches less aggressively by using a `last_changed` key specific to metadata Options, Meta APIs normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/20/2018
#30995 Pass meta_id when retrieving multiple metas Options, Meta APIs normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#33551 Settings API: Filter sections and fields before displaying them obenland Options, Meta APIs normal normal enhancement needs-docs 11/27/2019
#15058 Validate option and transient name lengths Options, Meta APIs normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/24/2021
#42148 url_to_postid plain permalinks for CPTs Permalinks normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/08/2017
#37938 Make existing HTML parsing functionality from REST API and Press This reusable kraftbj* Pings/Trackbacks low minor Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 05/30/2023
#34419 Update Pingback Processing Code Pings/Trackbacks normal minor enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#20241 make it possible for plugins to activate other plugins Plugins normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/05/2022
#19388 plugin_basename returns full directory in URL Plugins normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#33714 Add custom post types to the 'At a Glance' widget Posts, Post Types low normal enhancement needs-docs 06/24/2024
#37671 Emptying Bin with large amount of posts results in whitescreen Posts, Post Types normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/18/2024
#36314 If orderby undefined, alter get_posts to defer to WP_Query's default Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#16784 Introduce post_type_archive_description() Posts, Post Types normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/24/2021
#44651 Make the excerpt explanation filterable Posts, Post Types normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-docs 01/16/2019
#41674 More granular capabilities for restoring and permanently deleting trashed posts Posts, Post Types normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 08/19/2017
#59901 PHPunit tests for wp_find_hierarchy_loop Posts, Post Types normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/09/2024
#28172 edit_post() should call {un}stick_post() before calling wp_update_post() Posts, Post Types normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 01/26/2023
#49381 Add Javascript Documentation to privacy-tools.js Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-docs 06/13/2024
#44378 Add privacy prompt(s) to the embeds whitelist documentation in the core handbook allendav Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-docs 01/17/2019
#43588 Anonymize commenter IP address once a comment is no longer pending Privacy normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 01/09/2019
#44034 Privacy: Introduce a function to count user requests by type garrett-eclipse Privacy normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/12/2020
#56105 Call update_post_parent_caches in the_post function in WP_Query class Query normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/20/2023
#25190 Improve name/pagename query variable mapping Query normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#36881 Improved hot-wiring of set_found_posts pbearne Query normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 05/08/2024
#39447 Improvement to the get_the_posts_navigation SergeyBiryukov Query normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 01/27/2021
#19653 Order by meta field forces ignore of null records Query normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/29/2019
#35907 Permit sticky posts to affect the query in REST_REQUEST rmccue Query normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 04/23/2017
#20352 Use str_getcsv() to parse search terms in WP_Query Query normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#45084 WP_Term_Query multiple 'orderby' support Query normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 03/03/2021
#49149 Write tests for WP_Query Query normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 02/20/2020
#23044 adjacent_image_link() needs optimization Query normal normal enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/04/2019
#49538 Can't get a subset of `_embedded` using `_fields` REST API normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 07/25/2024
#42785 Change default of `show_in_rest` in register_post_type and register_taxonomy REST API normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 01/07/2020
#54293 Expand functionality of themes REST API REST API normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement needs-unit-tests 06/07/2022
#41463 Improve REST API tests that don't perform any assertions johnbillion* REST API normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 09/01/2022
#49179 Manage Post trackbacks within the REST API REST API normal normal Future Release enhancement needs-unit-tests 10/24/2020
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.