Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #10201, comment 61

02/18/2011 11:10:31 PM (14 years ago)


  • Ticket #10201, comment 61

    initial v1  
    1818Which was a fair point, my response to that was there are really two options, option one is you could determain the current role by caps, ie if they can manage_options you know they are an admin, if not check a cap first avalible at the next level, or introduce a role specific cap (bring back levels for instance).
    20 The other option, perhaps what may work best, is to still store the role in user meta, this way you can still display in the admin panel the specific role for a given user like today, it keeps things very familiar to the user.  Also for those using the full capability editor which would be accessed either by plugin or setting an option somewhere, you could still let then choose roles, then customize them further, then if they are not using the exact role setup but a customized set of capabilities you could give them two options:
    22 1. A textbox to name the "role" which would just describe the capability set, this would be stored in therole meta value.
    24 2. Optionally they could save it as a role that can be assigned to other users, letting them easily mirror those exact permissions to other users, maybe give them the option to check a box and the role name, and capabilities would be stored is a setting as a serialized array, soley for prepopulating capabilities for other users in the future.
     20The other option, perhaps what may work best, is to still store the role in user meta, this way you can still display in the admin panel the specific role for a given user like today, it keeps things very familiar to the user.  Also for those using the full capability editor which would be accessed either by plugin or setting an option somewhere, you could still let then choose roles, then customize them further, then if they are not using the exact role setup but a customized set of capabilities you could give them a textbox to name the "role" which would just describe the capability set, such as "Author + Edit Widgets", this would be stored in the role meta value.
    2622So what do you think of this method, i'm always interested in feedback.