Opened 16 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
#10528 closed task (blessed) (fixed)
Media rotating, cropping, resizing etc in 2.9.
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | 2.9 | Priority: | normal |
Severity: | normal | Version: | |
Component: | Media | Keywords: | rotating, cropping, resizing |
Focuses: | Cc: |
Im not sure if its appropriate to post this ticket, but I didnt find any tickets for media rotation, cropping etc.
Adding some basic editing functions like 90-degree rotation, cropping and resizing was considered an obvious winner in the dev chat, and as several plugins handle this functionality, we’re hopeful it will be included soon.
I propose including of the Scissors plugin by Stephan Reiter:
Its matured and well tested and has nice usability features and uses jQuery.
Attachments (1)
Change History (21)
↓ 3
16 years ago
- Component changed from Canonical to Media
- Owner markjaquith deleted
16 years ago
Dont know why this happened
You changed the component, So the owner changed. Dont worry about it.
16 years ago
Related ticket: #7042
The challenge here is that imagerotate() is "...only available if PHP is compiled with the bundled version of the GD library". There are replacement functions but they are very slow especially for large images as they copy the source image pixel by pixel.
Perhaps we can do image rotation only when the function is available. Image flip can be done with imagecopyresampled() (the same function used for resizing) and cropping with Jcrop.
16 years ago
Image rotation is also available through another commonly-provided/easily-installed suite, ImageMagick. There is already a php class that is extremely simple to use and can be substituted in case the GD imagerotate is unavailable. See for details. I think it would be nice to fall back on the imagick version of rotation and whatever else imagick supports that can't be accomplished without a bundled GD library, rather than leaving such functions unavailable. ImageMagick can be easier to install in cases where the bundled GD library is not readily available as a package.
16 years ago
Yes, was looking at ImageMagick too. It seems less web hosts offer it and generally it's available in addition to GD. Still the proper way would probably be to check for imagerotate
and Imagick
, then disable rotation if neither is present. Will also need to compare them (less server resources, better quality, faster).
15 years ago
Plugin that implements an image editor - GUI needs work, code needs to be intergrated into WP code
15 years ago
First run in [11911].
This is far from ready, still need to separate the image meta in at least 3 different rows and implement some way to delete unneeded backup images. Also have to add support for ImageMagick when GD rotate is not available and auto-rotation of the uploaded image when EXIF orientation is set.
Replying to JohnMyr:
Dont know why this happened, certainly not an intention by me: owner markjaquith deleted