Make WordPress Core

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #11302, comment 41

11/12/2017 08:34:38 PM (7 years ago)


  • Ticket #11302, comment 41

    initial v1  
    1 Thanks, @dmsnell for your thoughtful response and willingness to chip in to try to make this happen. :) My vote on Q1 is for the Tri state (dashed checkbox) UI at this point. It is the only solution to this issue i've ever seen used anywhere else. You cannot set the third state it is always preset to indicate a mixed selection. Unchecking it sets all selected item to the false state, checking it sets all to true, not clicking simply leaves everything the way it is.
     1Thanks, @dmsnell for your thoughtful response and willingness to chip in to try to make this happen. :) My vote on Q1 is for the Tri state (dashed checkbox) UI at this point. It is the only solution to this issue i've ever seen used anywhere else. You cannot set the third state it is always preset to indicate a mixed selection. Unchecking it sets all selected items to the false state, checking it sets all to true, not clicking simply leaves everything the way it is.
    3 Not saying its the best solution but it is the simplest, most intuitive one imo, at least that ive seen to date.
     3Not saying it's the best solution but it is the simplest, most intuitive one imo, at least that ive seen to date.
    55No opinion on Q 2 or 3 bc i cant code my way out of a paper bag, sorry.