#12183 closed enhancement (wontfix)
Category Thoughts And Enhancements
Reported by: |
Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Priority: | normal | |
Severity: | normal | Version: | 3.0 |
Component: | Rewrite Rules | Keywords: | |
Focuses: | Cc: |
I know this topic is brought up time and time again, which must mean something really needs to be looked at, but I feel what I'm thinking about could quite easily be built and/or expanded upon without much work required! :)
So I'll dive straight in...
- Parent Category
- Child Category
You might be asking what planet I'm on, but hopefully it'll all be explained in the following few paragraphs.
Parent Category: The idea behind the 'parent' category is a sort of placeholder, depending upon the settings you opt for. In otherwords, it's either going to be a category which posts can be attached to, ot it'll just 'house' posts from the 'child' category or whats known moreso as a sub-category!
Say we have 'parent' category with the name of Blog, it'll have the slug of /blog/ and show show at http://www.site.com/blog/ without the /category/ prefix many people just love to hate.
We could have many other 'parent' categories, although they don't always need to as as the 'parent' which you'll define in the setup. So in theory, you decide if it'll be postable or not.
(Are we all still following?)
Child Category: I'm sure most of you know how a 'child' or rather sub-category works, and really this is no different!
So unlike the 'parent' /blog/ option above, this time we actually have postable categories and we'll take WordPress News /wordpress-news/ as an example.
Adding that to the 'parent' blog category placeholder, we'll end up with /blog/wordpress-news/ or http://www.site.com/blog/wordpress-news/ being the full address still without that horrible /category/ prefix. And another example could well be http://www.site.com/blog/freebies/ which means the list can go on and on, but you get the picture.
I guess you could say it's not much different than what we currently have at the moment, and with Custom Taxonomies and Custom Post Types, you never know, but the main priority here is not having the /category/ prefix!
The additional features that could be added to the category options would only help, in my opinion, become much more of a CMS. Each category doesnt always need to be postable, so it'd be great having the option for doing this, and making the permalink structure of them look tidy! :)
In fact, for a little inspiration I'd take a look at WooThemes.com website who do this very well with the addition of a plugin (Top Level Categories), but then why should something as standard as this come down to a plugin, that not everyone knows about?
I can try and put together a couple of images, showing what options would be available to categories, but I'm not promising anything, so I hope you all understand what I have been on about?
What are your particular thoughts, how far should we go with regards to improving the category side of things, let the discussion begin.
Similar tickets... #10537 #11279 #11550 (I believe going down the option I'm proposing, it could just work out best, and hopefully wouldn't apply much to what dd32 said in #10537!)
Change History (8)
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15 years ago
- Milestone Future Release deleted
- Resolution set to wontfix
- Status changed from new to closed
in reply to:
↑ 1
15 years ago
Replying to scribu:
For this type of broad discussion, please post to the wp-hackers mailing list.
Well I'll just take that as being a no right now then, mailing lists really arent the best way IMHO to discuss something like this, maybe small things, but then I'm just a user who'd like to try and help improve WordPress, point taken!
Replying to scribu:
Closing this as wontifx, since the /category/ prefix is there for performance reasons.
OK, what performance reasons exactly are we talking about? Nobody has ever, to my knowledge, explained fully what seems to be the problem, although I far from know how to test/try anything out being just a helpful user!
At the moment we've got something like /category/{category_slug_here}/
which I guess is setup in the rewrite.php
file of the /wp-includes/
folder? What's wrong, going with my option above, change it to something like /{category_placeholder_andor_just_normal_category}/{category_slug_here}/
which I would have thought would be alright? ... Or have I missed something?
Replying to scribu:
You can use the Top Level Categories plugin to remove it.
I am aware of that plugin, as I mentioned in the main text above, which begs the question of why/how can it be done via a plugin and it'll not just get put into the core? #confused
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15 years ago
- Component changed from General to Rewrite Rules
The performance reasons are verbose rewrite rules which are triggered when WordPress is required (in the most simple form) to differentiate between pages and categories.
About a year ago there was an extensive discussion on wp-hackers about this. I suggest reading through http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-testers/2009-January/011097.html. This also came up on wp-hackers in the last few days. If you want the full explanation of the problem, that thread pretty much covers it.
There have been discussions on ways to make improvements to verbose rewrite rule handling but they need to be handled at the rewrite level. One option is to use verbose rules for categories, for example, if the number of pages outnumber the number of categories.
Tempted to close as wontfix, or maybe a duplicate if there is an existing rewrite ticket is open somewhere?
in reply to:
↑ 3
15 years ago
Replying to nacin:
Tempted to close as wontfix, or maybe a duplicate if there is an existing rewrite ticket is open somewhere?
You've already been beaten to that actually! ;)
Replying to nacin:
The performance reasons are verbose rewrite rules which are triggered when WordPress is required (in the most simple form) to differentiate between pages and categories.
I'll be honest and say I can *slightly* see how that might cause a problem, but then with my talk of the 'placeholder' I think that'd solve the problem, as you could state a page couldn't be created using the same slug that was used with? (I'm looking, or rather thinking, of a way to solve the issue!)
Replying to nacin:
About a year ago there was an extensive discussion on wp-hackers about this. I suggest reading through http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-testers/2009-January/011097.html. This also came up on wp-hackers in the last few days. If you want the full explanation of the problem, that thread pretty much covers it.
I shall have a read through that now, and see what was said! :)
Replying to nacin:
There have been discussions on ways to make improvements to verbose rewrite rule handling but they need to be handled at the rewrite level. One option is to use verbose rules for categories, for example, if the number of pages outnumber the number of categories.
Think I follow?
15 years ago
- Cc mikeschinkel@… added
I'm not 100% sure I understand the proposal. Can you give a number of hypothetical examples as opposed to abstract examples?
15 years ago
Thought I'd say, just in case anyone happens to be reading, that discussion has moved to the WP-Hackers Mailing List as suggested so I don't get in trouble from the Trac people! ;) http://lists.automattic.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2010-February/030333.html
And fingers crossed you'll understand what I'm on about?
What are your particular thoughts, how far should we go with regards to improving the category side of things, let the discussion begin.
For this type of broad discussion, please post to the wp-hackers mailing list.
Closing this as wontifx, since the /category/ prefix is there for performance reasons.
You can use the Top Level Categories plugin to remove it.