Make WordPress Core

Opened 20 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#1247 closed enhancement (worksforme)

Can't upload images to blog via XML-RPC (i.e. using gnome-blog)

Reported by: glabelle's profile glabelle Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Severity: normal Version: 1.5
Component: XML-RPC Keywords:
Focuses: Cc:


When I try to upload an image to wordpress using an utily like gnome-blog I get the following error message:

The bloggerAPI server ( reported an error I don't understand: '405, No uploads allowed for this site.'.

The text is uploaded to blog but not the image. When I try to edit the post I can see the following:

<p><img src="None"/></p><p>
My text here</p>

Change History (5)

#1 @glabelle
20 years ago

  • Patch set to No

#2 in reply to: ↑ description @RuddO
18 years ago

Why is it that this bug has been lingering for TWO YEARS; and hasn't been attended to? I gather a fairly sizable population of bloggers use offline editors such as Flock (I do myself) and the image support on WP, while fairly new, should NOT just be for the Web admin interface.

#3 @foolswisdom
18 years ago

RuddO, I take it you are confirming this bug is still present in a more recent version of WordPress? Using which tool? version? Different repro steps?

#4 @RuddO
18 years ago

It's a non-confirm here, since I'm using Flock and apparently flock does not support image uploading to WordPress, BUT the RFE is still marked open. Is it working for you? I'd love to know so I can coax the Flock devs into building this functionality into their blog posting tool.

On another, more technical side of things, if WP indeed has this capability, how does it work? Where does it upload the files? Does it create a new "attachment post" and generate a thumbnail I can use on my program? I'd love if blog post editors did this on the fly, just like WP does right now, but there's the need for support this kind of paradigm in the server side as well.

For now, I'm copywriting my articles in flock, then adding images via the WP post editor (I HATE IT) just as soon as the post is published.

#5 @westi
18 years ago

  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from new to closed

This functionality is provided by:

  1. metaWeblog.newMediaObject

Marking as Works for me.

I have tested file/image uploads over xmlrpc mulitple times recently in relation to other tickets/changesets


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