7 | | However, custom tables can often be a much better fit for some purposes. Back to WooCommerce again, each order has a dozens of custom fields - order options, each part of each postal address etc. The rate at which the wp_postmeta grows as a result is frightening. I don't think WP was ever designed to be scaled in the direction that some of these plugins are taking it, and I hate to say it, but they really should be putting their data into more optimised tables of their own. |
| 7 | However, custom tables can often be a much better fit for some purposes. Back to WooCommerce again, each order has a dozens of custom fields - order options, each part of each postal address etc. The rate at which the wp_postmeta grows as a result is frightening. I don't think WP was ever designed to be scaled in the direction that some of these plugins are taking it, and I hate to say it, but they really should be putting their data into more optimised (i.e. flatter and wider) tables of their own. |